Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Horror

James from Out 1 here to wish you all a happy holiday season. I was sitting here tonight watching It's A Wonderful Life and thinking about all the Christmas movies that we all see year after year after on TV. There are a lot of Christmas movies out there, and some of the ones we don't hear about so much are Christmas related horror movies. I'm a big fan of Christmas horror, although most of it, admittedly, isn't very good. Still, I'm always up for shaking up Christmas spirit with some good ole Christmas fear. There may be slim pickins, but I wonder if anyone else out there has some oddball Christmas movies that they watch every year. Among my horror picks are the Silent Night, Deadly Night series (mainly the first two, see the picture above) and Santa's Slay starring former professional wrestler Bill Goldberg. I'm also big on The Nightmare Before Christmas (as is everyone else, it seems) which isn't technically horror, but it certainly rattles the Christmas season. Anybody else have any odd Christmas favorites, horror or otherwise, that more people should know about? In true holiday fashion, give us the titles so we can receive them in our homes! And happy holidays!


Chris Na Taraja said...

NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS is awesome! Should be the musical of the month sometime.

Keelay! said...

I was actually thinking about watching the original Black Christmas. But Silent Night, Deadly Night seems fun too...ah, choices.

James Hansen said...

Chris- We'll make sure Nathaniel gets the recommendation cause I totally agree with you. I'm also excited for Selick's new movie CORALINE which should be solid, at least from the looks of the trailer. I'll trust Focus Features to not be awful...

Keelay- I've actually never seen the original BLACK CHRISTMAS (or the remake, for that matter.) Is it really worth checking out? The SNDN series is pretty bad, but in a fun way. SNDN 1 is almost a decent campy 80s horror movie. SNDN 2, on the other hand, is just hysterical, which, of course, means that I watch it the most. SNDN 3-5 have their own "charm" but I don't watch them nearly as often.

Keelay! said...

The original Black Christmas is actually pretty good, with a few shocker moments. I also enjoyed the remake, but it's TOTALLY campy and cheesy. It knows it's bad. Very different.

I'm always down for a campy 80's horror movie, so Silent Night, Deadly Night it is. ;)

Anonymous said...

Cold Blooded Christmas:

Anonymous said...

Here's another vote for the original Black Christmas. It's creepy!