YMFY Japanese poster for Maggie Gyllenhaal in Secretary. love. [thx]
/Film Helena Bonham-Carter's role in Terminator Salvation (beware spoilers. Will there be ANY secrets left about this movie by the time it comes out? I know so much about it)
Guardian on Joe Wright and Keira Knightley's jolting anti-abuse ad and its debt to Peter Greenaway

NY Post some Cannes lineup rumors
NewNowNext Sex & the City 2: Now With Actual Release Date. Once a movie has one of those you know it's actually going to happen. Weirdness.
Just Jared has the Moet & Chandon Scarlett Johansson ads. Maybe she was always meant to be seen in still photos, ever luscious. There's no chance she's ever wrong for that part.
Getty Images Stritch Style!

Why did you put the Bale picture in such small size? Who are you and what have you done to Nate?
Jim, you and I are done professionally! I'm not acting in my underwear anymore. F*** YOU
Links are bung. *reads them*
Dang. Now you're making me want to do this 10 character meme thing. When will I find the time? I *will* find the time.
Hey Nate, can you do a series of you Top 10 Fav Movies, performances and stuff. if you ahev, can you post a link. Thanks
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