When needed I can have an erection that's six feet long.I'll never understand how she and David Lynch broke up. They seem like soul mates... at least from the perspective of an outside observer. They both push envelopes and effortlessly combine risque adult subjects with such strangely sincere innocence.
Bright Lights explains the difference between Paul Thomas, Paul Thomas Anderson and Paul W.S. Anderson. Important stuff... commit it to memory.
House of Mirth and Movies "The Unofficial Female Film Canon"
Victim of the Time asks 'Whatever Became of Christina Ricci?'
Notes from the Culture Bunker reexperiences Pinnochio (following Some Came Running's lead) and is terrified. I've got to watch that again.
I saw Isabella on Craig Ferguson last week promoting the show.If you think Blue Velvet was racy...
I love Isabella.
You should watch her on Ferguson promoting Green Porno.
I think she's just as well suited to Guy Maddin though.
I love Isabella, but I don't think i needed to see that picture. Now when I meet her, i will have a hard time not thinking about her 6 foot dick!
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