Monday, November 16, 2009

Complete the Sentence

Before I die I should probably see _______________ or maybe ____________


Ryan T. said...

Before I die I should probably see The Godfather or maybe Gone With the Wind.

cal roth said...

Before I die I should probably see The Awful Truth or maybe His Girl Friday.

I want to die happy. My last movie MUST be a Cary Grant comedy.

Michael Parsons said...

Oh Ryan stole my exact answer.

ShoNuff Lives said...

before i die, i should probably see the graduate or maybe to kill a mockingbird.

if we're talking last wishes (& not things i really should have seen already), the before i die i should probably see to catch a thief or maybe the last dragon. go figure.


oh, ShoNuff... where were you when I did my Vanity/Last Dragon post?

Ryan and Michael ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cal... smart move.

Dusty Hixenbaugh said...

Before I die I should probably see A Streetcar Named Desire, or maybe I should just look at Marlon Brando on Google Images for two hours instead.

Jim T said...

Before I die I should probably see Sunset Blvd. or maybe Streep winning a fifth Oscar.

Paul Outlaw said...

Time for shameful admissions, I see.

Before I die I should probably see at least one Claire Denis film or maybe another Wong Kar Wai.

John T said...

Before I die I should probably see Meryl Streep win a third Oscar or maybe a fourth one.

Murtada said...

Before I die I should probably see Citizen Kane or maybe Sunset Boulevard. The first because everyone kinda says I should and the second because I feel left out when my friends quote from this highly quotable movie.....

cal roth said...

The whole thing was about last wishes, wasn't?

Lorenzo said...

Ok if this thing is about movies we're ashamed not having seen yet I say:
Before I die I should probably see Brazil or maybe Sunrise.

But if it's about movies we'd love to see just before dying, to pass away happily I say:
Before I die I should probably see The reluctant debutante or maybe Written on the wind.

Jim T said...

cal, are you going to leave these movies for the end? Don't you want to live a life carrying the experience of having seen them?

Ryan T. said...

Nathaniel, I know! And I will. I have Netflix, so it's a simple matter of just being ready for the movies. Hell, I *just* saw Princess Bride two weeks ago and two months ago I saw Shindler's List and Casablanca for the first time. So slowly, but surely...

cal roth said...

*wasn't it?

Ok, if it wasn't about the last wishes (I've already seen The Awful Truth and His Girl Friday):

Before I die I should probably see Arsenic and Old Lace or maybe Indiscreet (CG movies I haven't seen).

I'm now totally obsessed on Cary Grant. How can anyone be so great?


@Cal... it is a mystery. but great he is.

Deborah said...

Schindler's List or maybe Saving Private Ryan.

But depressing WWII self-importance never comes to the top of my hit parade. So I'll settle for seeing Antonio Banderas naked.

In person.

Anonymous said...

Before I die I should probably see a woman naked or maybe I don't actually care about that.

ShoNuff Lives said...

@nathaniel...i've been lost in the ether of these new tv & theater seasons, almost swallowing me alive...

is there anyone who won't watch a cary grant movie before he/she dies? its a requirement, right? you have to love ONE of his catalog.

Kurtis O said...

Before I die I should probably see A Streetcar Named Desire, or maybe Bicycle Thieves, or maybe Breathless, or maybe Fanny and Alexander, or maybe Hitchcock's Notorious, or maybe The Maltese Falcon -- all of which are sitting in my DVD library, untouched and unwatched. God, I can't BELIEVE I just admitted that publicly. So shameful. All of them, however, are, at the very least, unwrapped. I know that in no way makes up for things, but I HATE when people keep plastic-wrapped films on their shelves.

Flosh said...

Before I die I should probably see all the unwatched movies in my DVD collection or maybe I'll just watch The Third Man another couple hundred times.

Of course, I'll probably do the latter anyway. It's just a matter of finding the right balance...

Paul Outlaw said...


Before I did I should probably see Nine...

I just received the e-mail I have been looking forward to for months: "You are invited to a Special Advance Screening of Nine. Q&A with Marion Cotillard, Penelope Cruz, Daniel Day-Lewis, Dame Judi Dench, John DeLuca, Kate Hudson, Nicole Kidman and director Rob Marshall follows the screening."

But the screening is on Wednesday (the day after tomorrow) and I will be in a dress rehearsal that I can't get out of...since I will be on stage. And to rub salt in the wound, at the end of the e-mail two further screenings are announced (without Q&A) on my birthday (12/7) and the day before——when I will be out of town celebrating...


Jacob Passy said...

Before I die I should probably see Citizen Kane or maybe just watch the Oscar ceremony in person. I prefer the latter, actually

Chele Belle said...

Before I die I should probably see DEEP THROAT or maybe TERMINATOR.

You hear so much about both, both good and bad...and yet I have lived a well watched cinema life and have seen neither.

rosengje said...

!!! to whoever mentioned Indiscreet. I randomly watched that movie after Netflix recommended it. I was shocked that I had never heard of a movie starring Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman-- it was delightful!

Before I die I should probably see The Sound of Music or maybe It's a Wonderful Life.

MovieNut14 said...

Before I die I should probably see Raging Bull or maybe Saving Private Ryan.

Yeah, I'll admit it. I haven't seen these two yet.

jimmy said...

lawrence of arabia / slumdog millionaire.

badmotherfucker said...

This isn't a movie per se, but if I die before LOST ends Jesus is getting a kick to the groin. Mark my words!

Glendon said...
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Glendon said...

Before I die I should probably see The Rocky Horror Picture Show or maybe stage a flash-performance of it in an intersection.

(Whoops, typos galore on first post)

adri said...

Before I die, I should probably see Les Regles du Jeu or maybe La Grande Illusion.

(Lorenzo - I did see the remake of The Reluctant Debutante - It was called What A Girl Wants, with Amanda Bynes and Colin Firth).

Lorenzo said...

@adri: Was the remake any good? I didn't even know about its existence and will undoubtedly try to find and watch it. But i also fear that without the talents of Vincente Minnelli, Kay Kendall, Rex Harrison and Angela Lansbury it may turn out to be just a silly, superficial story...

onelisa said...

Before I die I should probably see The Godfather Part 2 or maybe Gone With the Wind.

Melanie said...

Monty Python & the Holy Grail

Annie Hall

And others......