I'm not allowed to talk about it yet. Sorry! Give it a week. I will say I enjoyed (whew) and that I thought Marion Cotillard was best-in-show fantastic ...and with that -- the only note I will share on account of embargo -- I imagine thousands of Cotillard Groupies just went a little slack-jawed given the heated exchanges during Oscar Race '07.

Update: I have also been asked to wait to write about the Q&A as well which featured the entire cast (sans Sophia Loren) -- so that's next week, too. Gazing upon Judi Dench and Daniel Day-Lewis in the same space but especially seeing Nicole Kidman and Penélope Cruz simultaneously (you know how I do) made my head explode.
I am actually typing this with no head. I am headless. The adrenaline in my muscle tissues is moving my fingers and at any moment I cou
*drool* @ Cotillard.
I am glad you enjoyed it, I understand you can't talk about it, but can you please elaborate on Kidman's small part?
so, is she really the female lead?
I will sit hear envying your eyeballs and hoping that I should also be envying your ears.
Glad you enjoyed it! Way to whet the appetite though, haha. I hope Cruz was good too?
I'm pretty much committed to seeing any movie starring Daniel Day-Lewis and/or Nicole Kidman no matter what the reception is, but I'll keep an eye out for your more fleshed-out review.
I didn't know you were seeing Nine! I hope it was fantastic, I really do. What noms would you give it. And do you think Day Lewis is in for a nom. How was Hudson? How was Kidman? How was Dench? How was Cruz?
I want to be you, damn it!
Oh Nicole! :dyingwithsadness:
Any chance Marion can break into the crowded Best Actress top 5? Given the praise that you and some others have given her, I guess she's a safer bet that Abbie Cornish at this point? Saoirse Ronan would be the major unknown factor...
Oh you tease
Do you think it will get Original Song nomination/s Nathaniel?
It's time to go back to La vie en rose and surrender to Marion's brilliance!!!
May she win a 2nd Oscar! Ha. Ha. :)
Imagine if 'Nine' got these nominations!
Best Picture
Best Director - Rob Marshall
Best Actor - Daniel Day Lewis
Best Actress - Marion Cottilard
Best Supporting Actress - Penelope Cruz
Best Supporting Actress - Judi Dench
Best Supporting Actress - Nicole Kidman
Best Adapted Screenplay
Best Make Up
Best Cinematography
Best Art Direction
Best Film Editing
Best Costume Design
Best Original Score
Best Original Song - Cinema Italiano
Best Original Song - Take It All
Best Sound
Best Sound Editing
I'm glad you liked it. I could imagine you only being able to cry, much like when I saw kill bill 2. It never stops hurting...
Please at least tell us what nominations you expect!
ps Marion Cotillard best in show? Are you sure that YOU saw the movie because rumor has it your not a big fan of hers.
Anonymous 3:57, please justify the nominations for:
Original Score :)))
Make Up
Sound Editing.
:) didn't you also forget Visual Effects?
I myself am calculating 13 on my predictions list, but definitely not 18 :) and Nicole's noT happening, isn't that quite sure?
So glad you liked it! I'm even more excited now!
Glad that you enjoyed what there was to enjoy in the film. Could have knocked me over with a feather when I read you call Cotillard Best in Show. Is she leading enough for you yet?
Well, they're pushing Cotillard in the lead category, so she better be great in order to make it to the top 5.
Honestly, I think the 5th spot is between Cotillard and... Sandra Bullock. Think it's stupid ? Her reviews are good, and it's a crowd-pleaser in the vein of Erin Brockovich, with an inspiring story.
As for Kidman, she will be busy if Rabbit Hole is screened at Sundance in January after all this Nine promotion. And she confirmed The Danish Girl will be released in 2011, so she will be in the running for the next two years at least.
jess- the brilliance of Steven Soderbergh's direction and Julia Roberts movie star exuberance should never be compared to what looks like a trashy film already - The Blind Side. I like Sandra Bullock, but her range is even more limited than Julia Roberts. She might be good in it, but I hardly doubt the too glossy Hollywood screenplay would allow her to really shine . Erin Brockovich was a great Hollywood movie, because it was made by a great Non Hollywood director (at the time) Steven Soderbergh.
if she is nominated in lead it will be one of the shortest performances ever to be deemed so, i'd wager.
The structure of Nine (and 8 1/2 for that matter) is such that it's really a one lead property -- the Luisa/Carla/Claudia parts are fairly equal in other versions (Guido's trinity of loves as it were) -- but, that said, Luisa is closer to a lead here than she's been in any other version.
i think it's a stretch kinda (i need more time to think about it) and i still think she's risky a sure thing nomination for a longshot nomination but i might be wrong.
and what i meant there was "she's risking a sure thing nomination for a longshot"
but we'll see.
I am gonna be kinda pissed if ABBIE CORNISH is passed over though.
For some reason I found myself holding my breath afraid that you wouldn't like it...silly me. I'm actually not THAT surprised to see Marion as your fave...always thought Luisa was the most rounded character [cinematically speaking]. Umm, is BE ON YOUR OWN in the movie...or does she only sing MY HUSBAND MAKES MOVIES?
Yeah Marion! Now I´m even more excited about the whole thing! :)
Andrew: Encore Entertainment @ She has two songs. My Husband Makes Movies and Take It All. Apparently Take It All is a kind of new Be On Your Own. You can listen it on YouTube.
maybe they see things differently and you could help us clear that out:
- if she gets nominated in Supporting, it's a sure thing she is losing to Mo'Nique.
- if she gets nominated in Leading... I still think this category doesn't have a front-runner... Is Marion good enough (ignoring the screentime) to have a shot at a win, in case she gets nominated???
That is the question. And the studio guys seem to think she has.
Marion Cotillard winning a SECOND Oscar in as many years! I. Don't. Think/Hope. So.
I'm glad she's being pushed in Lead. Means better chances for Julianne/Anna Kendrick to get much deserved noms...
Nathaniel, you are one luccky bastard. Answer me this (from what you've dished out about Cotillard, I'm guessing it won't invalidate your embargo): Is Dench on her way to a seventh nomination?
Is Penelope heading to her third nomination? Do you think he has a shot at being nominated or even winning? The clip showed in Leno is absolutely spectacular.
i don't really see how anyone in Nine could win acting prizes. They've all just recently won or their parts aren't big enough. The exciting part will be seeing who gets nominated and such.
You sir, are a lucky man. Glad to hear that you enjoyed it! Such a shame to think that it could have come out only NEXT WEEK in theaters. *Sigh* Oh well, at least it gives me something awesome to look forward to on X-mas day.
I think my head would have exploded too if I had all of those brilliant people in front of me. :) Can't wait to hear more about it!
Well only wonder. Do Think the chances are good for nomination in Best Picture or is a victory possible too?
God I cannot wait to hear about the execrable Kate Hudson. Am I terrible person if I hope that she goes beyond jaw-droppingly awful and pioneers the scary and unknown territory of "shiteous beyond all precedent"? Because I hate her. I do. I'm sorry, I've tried, but I can't even just "not like" her. I kinda hope she dies soon. Squee! I did not say that! Kate Hudson is a...stunning creature, with such...striking talents, um...yeees, yes she isss...
MARION was just amazing! 'my husband makes movies' was by far my favorite number in the whole thing. someone needs to talk some sense into harvey weinstein and get her in the supporting category!
Glad you enjoyed it. Happy to hear that Marion was best in show. She seems to be getting the most rave reviews.
I'm can't wait to see this.
wow. i'm fascinated by the marion cotillard response. Did she really manage to perform (sing, dance, act) better than the rest of the cast, nathaniel?
huh. waking up with jealousy is a new feeling for me.
i can't wait to get the full NINE disclosure...
Cotillard reminds me that Valerie Perrine nomination for Lenny. Absolutely supporting, the same wife role, but so great that went lead.
Ok, you don't have to break the embargo. Just update your predictions again.
Wasn't there a new song that Sophia Loren sings?
Because a while back I heard that she didn't even get her own song. But yesterday I read where she had a song written for her...
I'm just a little confused on that
Congrats on getting to see Nine early
Kent yes.
(well... i mean she didn't do much "dancing" but yes, otherwise)
everyone knows I have very hardcore purists notions about movie musicals and who should be cast in them ...i.e. only people with great singing voices... it saddens me that even broadway is forgetting this. I mean ALLISON JANNEY (who is certainly worth loving in some things) was the lead in Nine to Five on broadway and she couldn't sing OR dance. (sigh)
But Marion can definitely make another musical anytime she likes, thank you very much.
Ok, here's a list of performances with little screentime for the leading category I can remember:
Luise Rainer, Ziegfeld
Eleanor Parker, Detective Story
Shirley Maclaine, Some Came Running
Deborah Kerr, Separate Tables
Simone Signoret, Room at the Top
Piper Laurie, The Hustler
Patricia Neal, Hud
Julie Christie, McCabe & Mrs. Miller
Louise Fletcher, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Geraldine Page, Interiors
Susan Sarandon, Atlantic City
Emma Thompson, The Remains of The Day
Samantha Morton, In America
In comparision, do you still think Cotillard's move is a risky one?
Like I said elsewhere, she's getting best of the show reviews EVERYWHERE, and I think she has a chance at actually winning this thing. She already has such a large fanbase..... *squee* I can't wait to see her!
The question is, however, do you *still* think DDL will miss out on a nomination?
Nathaniel pleas, I always like your thouht on Nicole, so can you pleas comment her performance?
Thanks, at leas a word!!
Sorry to interrupt the Nine discussions, but can we F I N A L L Y hear something about Julianne Moore's performance in A Single Man on the filmexpierience?
Yay Marion Cotillard! Told you bitches she was the real deal, which should have been clear with "La Vie En Rose." But now with "Nine" and "Public Enemies", can at least one of those roles get her a nod?? What great news for her!
cal -- i think it's still a risky move yes. Because, for example, it's less of a lead role than Heath ledger's in THE DARK KNIGHT and everyone was totally adamant that that was a supporting role. ;)
though both are somewhere in that line of thematic leads that don't have lead screen time.
i dunno. opinions will very but i will say this: if the studio didn't say she was lead, nobody would be claiming she was on their own.
i think the big difference in the list you mention is that most of those movies weren't "ensemble" movies. For instance PATRICIA NEAL in Hud. She's limited screentime but there's really nobody pulling your focus away from her because it's a small cast.
i think the most comparable in that list is probably Shirley Maclaine 'some came running' or Deborah Kerr 'separate tables' in that there are other women that are crucial to the narrative dividing the focus.
and -- just a pet peeve -- i hate that people still bring SARANDON up as a supporting/lead issue with ATLANTIC CITY. I know she originally campaigned supporting but that is unquestionably a lead role. It's your classic man/woman relationship drama two-header.
Add Valerie Perrine to that list, of course.
I'd like to see Cotillard double nominated. She was fantastic and subtle in Public Enemies, and it seems she is also superb in Nine. Love the girl.
Forget Abbie Cornish: buzz is over, and the young British/Australian period piece nomination is going to Carey Mulligan, the new Audrey Hepburn, our frontrunner.
cinephile... i only have so much time. i get to things when i can. sorry. tonight a CORALINE event. tomorrow something else. plus i still got DESCHANEL/GORDON-LEVITT interviews to share from Monday.
eeeeeeeeee. no time for anything. why does Hollywood think i only enjoy Hollywood during November through February? how about one function a week all year!????
pretty please?
and cal have you seen BRIGHT STAR? it kills me that people like to dismiss performances because of buzz. How about the actual quality of the performances???
Cornish is T-E-R-R-I-F-I-C in Bright Star.
Please, please, Nathaniel. Say something of Nicole/Claudia!!
I love all her images in thsi film. I know her screen time is little, but can you say somenthing?
I'm glad Marion Cotillard is good in Nine because she needs something to make up for that undeserved Oscar . However, the fact that she ( or Weinstein ) tries to steal a spot from , maybe, Cornish, in the best actress category will not make her more likeable to me.
On Sarandon: yes, that was a leading role, but I was so amazed with Lancaster's wonderful performance that her subtle turn gets a little tiny in comparision. Lancaster is so great that he makes the other actors look supporting, even the beautiful Sarandon (think Albert Finney and Tom Courtenay in The Dresser, or Marlon Brando and Al Pacino in The Godfather).
Hey, I'm not dismissing the performance, but its Oscar chances.
I love love love Matt Damon in The Informant!, but he'll not getting in for the same reason Abbie won't: buzz is over.
*he's not getting in.
Marion Cotillard fully earned her Oscar. One of the best wins in lead actress this decade, and sure as hell better than what won after her. Can't wait to see her in action in "Nine"!
I'm with adelutza on Cotillard. At least it looks like she'll make up some ground for that UNDESERVED OSCAR - the worst win in the category since Jessica Lange "Blue Sky"...
...Anyway, Nathaniel, you won't get away with that brush-off, young sir! Academy, will they Dench or not Dench, what do you feel at this point?...
Glad you like Cotillard, I had major reservations about her as an actress.
You're pretty lucky!
Dennis lets say...
sure things
DIR, ACTOR, SUPPORTING ACTRESS, ORIGINAL SONG (i don't think any song is ever a sure thing in this weirdass category...), SOUND MIXING
ACTRESS, SUPPORTING ACTRESS, SCREENPLAY, MAKEUP (they don't usually like non-prosthetic work so i highly doubt that one)
so anywhere from 5 to 12 nods.
see how non-committal I can be! but yeah, best picture nomination easy-peasy
the rest: let's see what happens with the precursors. coming soon.
Since Cotillard's winning again chances are so slim, I hope she finish in the supporting field (where I imagine her role belongs)...leaving the two remaining spots in the leading category to two of these ladies: Mirren/Ronan/Cornish/Bullock
I know Weinsteins are pushing for the nomination in Lead Category and the Academy is quite tollerant regarding fraud categories (they were rude with Scarlett and Naomi, but they weren't established celebrity at the moment, while Cotillard is an Academy Award Winner...they surely will be kinder with her...) but since Cotillard has been deemed THE BEST IN SHOW I think she could replace Dench or Cruz in the supporting field, trying to upstage also Mo'nique and Moore
I could see Cottilard being switched to supporting and thene the nominees would probably be
Nat, you met JGL and Zooey?
That's bigger news than some crappy "Nine" preview ;)
A friend of mine is the moderator at a screening tonight with them as well--unless this is the one he did. I was GREEEEEEN with envy. And that you saw it.
Just had to respond to this, though:
"everyone knows I have very hardcore purists notions about movie musicals and who should be cast in them ...i.e. only people with great singing voices... it saddens me that even broadway is forgetting this."
A lot of people in old shows couldn't really sing that well. Most of it was personality. Some of them had good singing voices, but power trumped that without mics for a long time. Any listen to anything before the eighties would reveal a lot of "character" voices. Broadway voices. They could sing, but....that Company doc is a perfect example--interesting voices and looks who would never be cast in anything today--too quirky. That's the B'way I miss hearing. Lots of pretty voices, but no characters....
And love all the Cotillard talk. Fab.
I'm going to have to check my expectations on this one.
Jack... i did indeed meet JOOEY (that's the two of them combined)
mirko ... no one is winnning that Oscar but Mo'Nique. done deal.
criticlasm... that's true to an extent but what's missing today is more than just "character" voices. the fact is, no matter how many people want to make excuses for it, musicals work better if the people performing them have training.
they just do. I wish people valued experience.
i love johnny depp and helena bonham-carter but listening to sweeney todd is kinda painful when you see how much nuance they miss in their musical numbers. you have to be able to act while singing and sing while acting and not everyone can do it.
That trailer nearly wipes the horror of Raising Helen from my mind.
Marion Cotillard's win is one of the best of the decade. She doesn't have a damn thing to prove to anyone. Her Oscar was fully deserved. Can't wait to see what she does next!!! "Nine" can't come to my area soon enough!
Having seen "Precious," I really have to agree that no one is winning but Mo'Nique. Her performance is event-moviemaking of the highest order. It's the kind of performance that wins, regardless of whether it's worthy (for the record, I think it is).
I can't see any of the ladies from "Nine" toppling her. Cotillard, best in show as he may be, won very recently. Cruz, even more recently. Dench and Kidman both have statues already, which is always a considerable hurdle to overcome. The ONLY potential threat I see to Mo'Nique is if the Academy suddenly decides out of the blue that they love Julianne Moore, which (based on how they've treated her in the past) is not likely to happen.
Nathaniel: (apart your predictions) what do you think about Cruz and Dech real chances? Do you think they both could probably make it alla Davis/Adams or ZJ/Latifah? And if Cotillard is pushed for supporting... who do you think could make it beside her? (I wonder Nine could have 2 supporting actress noms...)
I don't get the Cotillard hate.
She's obviously the best Best Actress winner this decade.
Is Cruz still a sure thing, Nathaniel, or has she fallen victim to the "Cornish backlash"? If Cotillard gets pushed for supporting, it's gonna be a pretty tight fit.
After all, Judi Dench IS getting a nod. It's practically Newton's fourth law at this point, isn't it?
I really hope and pray that this film gets 2 nods in the supporting actress category instead of Up in the Air. I only want Vera to get the nod!!!
How is Fergie in the movie? Could she be like Beyonce in Dream Girls a some how get a nod?
I enjoyed Cotillard's performance in La Vie en Rose. Awful, awful movie, but watchable thanks to her.
That said, I really want Abbie Cornish to be nominated. I haven't seen Bright Star yet (doesn't get a wide release in Aus until Dec 26) but I'm being patriotic here.
sorry gang - im confused.....who is that singing on stage. it's not kate hudson, is it????
I was supposed to be at this screening but they told me it was canceled!
jimmy yes. it is kate hudson doing "cinema italiano"
badmotherfucker i don't know what the "cornish backlash" is of which you speak
Michael - that really does sound shitty. I would cry if I were you.
And yes, I may sound like a broken recorder, but Abbie Cornish MUST be nominated.
I adore Marion Cotillard though, as an actress and as a person (how can anyone NOT after watching her Oscar speech?). I think she ought to get a shot at Best Supporting for Public Enemies. She made the only truly gripping scene in that entire movie, and stood out in a thankless role.
i love johnny depp and helena bonham-carter but listening to sweeney todd is kinda painful when you see how much nuance they miss in their musical numbers. you have to be able to act while singing and sing while acting and not everyone can do it.
I agree with this so much. Helena Bonham-Carter's weaknesses were especially exposed because of the nature of the role. Don't get me wrong - I adore HBC. I've loved her since I first watched her in A Room with a View and when she played the crazy bulemic in Getting It Right. And I did enjoy her interpretation of the role of Mrs. Lovett from an acting standpoint. But of all the roles in the show that role especially requires someone who, as a friend of mine put it, is a true singing actor.
On a side note I also hated the attitude that both Depp and Burton demonstrated towards the music and musicals in general when they were interviewed. That even though I enjoyed the movie and thought Burton in many ways did a fine job of adapting the show to film.
As far as Nine, I know that Marion Cotillard actually does have training as a singer. How did you feel about the others? DDL has never done a musical as far as I know - did you find that there was something lacking in the sung performance because of that? Just curious. I'm looking forward to reading your write-up.
I guess my question is: how does the movie compare to the original? I just found out recently that the movie only retains 6 of the original songs, which means it severely reduces the original score, which is why I love Nine in the first place.
I don't guess Cotillard has much of a shot at winning one this year, but the number of women who've won two leads (12) is more than twice as large as those who've won a lead and a supporting (5).
Nat I saw it too--not at your screening--but everyone unanimously agreed Marion Cotillard was freakin' superb. I was shocked by how gorgeous her voice was.
And, I love Nicole but there is no way in HELL...i repeat....no way in HELL she is receiving a nomination for this.
what's this?! Helena Bonham-Carter's performance in Sweeney Todd was GREAT and by far the best in the movie! Still can't believe she was overlooked for an Oscar nom. I haven't seen the show on stage, but I don't understand how a better singing voice would have made the performance better? i thought her approach to singing (or attempt at singing!) suited the character very well.
joseph... i liked HBC's acting in Sweeney Todd too. But the score is so complex that Mrs. Lovett just doesn't work song-wise to have an actress who can't sing doing it.
it's one of the most beautiful scores ever written and you'd never know that from Burton's film.
my boyfriend's laughing at me tonight about being such an ideological purist... a sarah palin terrorizing all nonbelievers of musicals (haha) and I guess i kind of am.
i mean i just can't live without them and i need musicals to be performed by people with musical talent. i just need it like oxygen ;)
All this and no hints about Nicole?
Mélanie Laurent goes lead (just read @Incontention)! It's a French-with-little-screetime fight for the last slot!
Please say something about Nicole.....
I can say no more about the movie. Have been asked to shut up for the time being.
was it kris t?
They cut out "Nine" in "Nine"? What the hell?
anon 2:52 who knows. but i didn't sign any agreement like many folks apparently did. i'm just playing nice with the studio cuz it's the proper thing to do.
It's classy you're respecting the studio's wishes -- just thought I'd clear up that comment I made earlier.
The "Cornish backlash" I was referring to is simply the way (some) critics' circles praised Abbie Cornish's performance weeks before her film was screened to wider audiences -- then proceeded to forget she ever existed when mentioning Best Actress hopefuls.
I'm practically in love with Penelope Cruz, so I thought I'd ask what her chances are now that the same has happened with "Nine". As for anyone winning two years in a row, well, if Tom Hanks can do it... But that's only if Mo'Nique falls out of favor before awards season begins.
Feel free to respond if it's not too much trouble.
yes, I would totally agree--people should value training and experience. I do have an MFA myself--so I wouldhave to agree. And it's just obviouis when people don't have a clue what do on stage or how. IT's glaring. And it's annoying for the high prices of tickets that you would have to pay for substandard work--I totally agree. These are skills, folks, though when they're done well they look easy. So on that we're in a agreement.
I'm just really sick of seeing a bunch of milquetoast uninteresting
"pretty" people work who have nothing to offer but that some casting director wants to get in their pants. Not that I'm judgy or anything. ;)
As for Abbie Cornish - Amen. Great performance. One of my favorites of the year.
Aside from Meryl Streep in Fantastic Mr. Fox, but she won't be nominated for that. I'm still pulling for her for Julie & Julia.
Oh, and second Melanie Laurent--loved her in Basterds and Paris, even though that particular role was "ridicule". Vive La France!
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