Friday, November 13, 2009

Get Something Off Your Chest...

...anything (cinematic) goes. Or even small screen if you want. For example, I heard the weirdest conversation about Glee this morning on 42nd Street. Two guys are walking hand in hand. One turns to the other, sounding way angrier than seemed necessary given the topic
Boyfriend #1: NO! I WILL NOT WATCH GLEE. If I watch one, you'll make me watch every single episode.
Boyfriend #2: Bu...
Boyfriend #1: I refuse. We are not watching Glee!
I started. Now it your turn. It's an open thread. Discuss!


Robert said...

This is pre-emptive in anticipation of "best of the decade" lists...

The Lord of the Rings is not 1 long movie. It's 3 movies. So The Lord of the Rings Trilogy should never fill 1 spot on a list. For that matter Kill Bill is 2 movies, and The Godfather and The Godfather part 2 are separate.


Guy Lodge said...

I am dreading "Invictus" more with every day that passes.

Anonymous said...

I hate living in Iowa, Precious isn't out here yet :(

billybil said...

Why aren't there more sexy films?!?! Why isn't there ALWAYS a new, sexy film to see???!!! I mean, people like sex, they're interested in sex, they like to read about sex and hear about other people - especially beautiful, famous people - having sex so why aren't there more sexy movies?!!!!!

adam k. said...

Whoa, big "ouch" on A Single Man. I was expecting a sure top ten list entry and possible best pic nominee in this one. Awaiting more details on your thoughts.

I'm hoping this is just an example of you having a quirky opinion that most of the critical community does not share, rather than this meaning the movie is straight-up bad.

But this seemed MADE for you... I'm sad : (

Was Julianne good at least?

CT said...

Yesterday someone asked me what was up with that Avatar movie.

I told them it was supposed to be the best movie ever made in the history of the whole entire universe.

Then we got distracted and I forgot to clarify that statement, so I'm feeling pretty guilty.

WOW! This is better than confession!

Ryan T. said...

I had nothing to say, but then I saw Adam commented on your grade for A Single Man. And yeah, I'm disappointed.

My friends and I wanted a token gay film to see this year. We had "Were the World Mine" and "Milk" last year and we were/are excited to see "A Single Man."

Also, does anyone know if there are other gay-ish films coming out soon? "Make the Yuletide Gay" is out on DVD and popular gay short "Dare" is now a full-length movie with Emmy Rossum and Zach Gilford (and it's showing in one theater in NYC this weekend). But other than those, anything?

Derreck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Derreck said...

'm pissed that i still haven't seen PRECIOUS. It was shown at my college FOR ONE NIGHT and the theatre was full. Nowhere else in Florida is even showing it. Limited release pisses me off. I'm thisclose to buying a bootleg out of spite.

and am i the only one who gets confused between A SINGLE MAN and A SERIOUS MAN? seriously, i have to think for a few seconds whenever i hear about one of them.

i used to be pissed about the lack of NINE stuff, but it's slowly trickiling out. I've seen clips of "A Call from the Vatican" and "Cinema Italiano" (which looks pretty, but sounds like 90's pop)

adelutza said...

Can't wait to see Nine. I mean, really, even if it's bad, how bad can it be???

Seeking Amy said...

After catching a look at A Call From the Vatican last night, all I can say is even the rest of the movie turns out to be not so hot, at least Nine has Penelope being the sexiest i've ever seen. And she certainly has the vocal chops.

Yesterday my friend asked me if the reason I refuse to see 2012 was because Michael Bay was directing it...I told her it wasn't a Michael Bay movie but it might as well be.


nobody has any comment on that GLEE conversation. haha.

ROBERT -- i was thinking about that myself. I know that people are going to combine the movies and put them at #1

Guy Lodge said...

It's interesting that all the gay critics/writers I follow have been so down on "A Single Man," while straight ones have been much more forgiving. Not sure if it means anything, but it's interesting nonetheless.

Guy Lodge said...

Sorry, that should read "most of," not "all"!

Harmonica said...

Since we are pretty much on the topic of "A Single Man", I just have to say that the movie's soundtrack is breathtaking. Really great stuff.

If anyone wants to give it a listen, just head over to the movie's website:

Seeking Amy said...

Interesting that you mention that Guy. After Nick Davis gave it a D+ and Nathaniel has given it a C, am I less likely to like it because I'm gay too? We shall see.

Andrew K. said...

The GLEE thing is oddly humorous. It sounds very Woody Allen discordant dialogue if that make any sense.

In terms of anything goes, I know it's nothing new, but I'm really worried about the possibility of December films crashing and burning. There are just so many, and they can't all get recognised.

For some reason I really want Agora, Brothers and The Lovely Bones to succeed [I know Nine, will because I'm clairvoyant]. But I really am worried. I know that a film doesn't need validation from the Oscars to know that its good. But some do more than others. Take Kill Bill...lack of Oscar love did not destroy it's popularity, it probably enhanced. But something like Before the Devil Knows You're Dead: no award love. And forgotten. I really hope that doesn't happen to Agora, Brothers and especially The Lovely Bones.

Anonymous said...

I think that I am the only film enthusiast on the planet that doesn't get, like or understand Mulholland Drive!

Anonymous said...

A Serious Man is probably the Coens best movie, and I don't even think it will get recognized.

Christine said...

Ha! I can relate. My husband and I have massive fights about watching Glee. He doesn't see the appeal, at all.

In terms of open thread, I'm going to be in Manhattan in a week for three days. Since I live in the boondocks, I'd appreciate any movie suggestions for what I can see when I'm there. If you had to pick 3-4 movies currently playing in New York, what would you see?

Deborah said...

Why aren't movie screens beautiful anymore, DAMMIT?

I go to the theater, do I want to see a big ass scratch down the center of the screen, or a black spot visible every time that portion of the screen is a light color?


Jim T said...

I am trying (once again) to quit smoking and Nathaniel decided it's time to worship it. :p

adam k. said...

I'm still sooo disappointed about A Single Man. I want to love it.

But on the bright side, I saw Isabella Rosselini last night at the MIami Book Fair, and she signed my Green Porno book. If anyone has not seen her Green Porno short films, YOU MUST.

And she's a hoot in person.

Chris Na Taraja said...

I know someone who wouldn't go on a second date, his excuse, "the guy was cute, but he didn't like GLEE!"

Sean said...

The Lord of the Rings is one book that was forcibly split into three by the publisher. The films were all shot at one time and were split into three because it would be box office suicide to release a 9 (or if you go by the extended editions 12) hour film. Also its just not reasonable. They would have been cutting the damn thing far longer than it took them to release three. Lord of the Rings is one story, its one film. And Kill Bill was shot and written as one film and split into two in the editing room, so that is pretty much one film as well. And I will definitely be one of those people combining them so shoot me now.

Sean said...

You are right about the Godfather and The Godfather part II though. They were conceived of separately, although The Godfather Part II does use the Vito Corleone backstory used in the novel, but the rest of the story is brand new and has nothing to do with the novel. The Godfather Part II is a true sequel, just as Aliens is and so on.

Anonymous said...

Here I am beginning to smile that knowing "OMG, Nicole Kidman is back on form" smile, ya know, because for some time now, she is on the redcarpet and you just want to click "next" because she just doesn't seem like my gloriously redheaded Nicole Kidman who wore clothes that made me blush but found a way to make them elegant?

And then I saw her yesterday and the day before yesterday and I started saying Hallelujah and Hosannah over and over because the woman looked FABULOUS but what did I see/read later today, the media dissing her? Oh, hell no, people pull in your claws and close your lips over your bared teeth. She does not deserve all the venom, people!

Nicole Kidman is back and I am glad and now, to Rabbit Hole and the years of rebellion!

Liv. said...

re: Glee.
i found some Glee magnets yesterday and put them in my locker. they go beautifully with my Don Draper magazine ad and the Vogue lyrics i doodled in AP Statistics =)

Glendon said...

I think of the Lord Of The Rings as one film. Conceptually and stylistically it is one production telling one story. Two Towers has no beginning and barely has an ending--it's just a chapter.

Do people describe Che as one movie (Part 1 and Part 2, as it's listed in the credits) or as two (The Argentine and Guerrilla, as it's listed in the marketing). Everything about those two pieces are stylistically opposed, even the aspect ratios.

Sid said...

Yeah, I'm going to combine all LOTR films and put them at #1 -- cause it is one movie! I think it's better than filling almost one third of my top ten with three LOTR movies!

Ditto Kill Bill -- it's one movie. Although the combined ranking suffers because of Vol 2.

Robert said...

See this is what I'm talking about... just can't abide.

1 story... 3 movies.

Michael said...

I just fell out of love...with Amy Adams!

Even if you're not Irish, or even Oirish, you should be able to understand why...

For the first time I feel that the 'bitch' comment by Mary Lynn Rajskub in Julie & Julia was deserved.

Beau said...

I refuse to see '2012' based on moral principles.
It's a dangerous film.

Kurtis O said...

@Robert: I'm currently compiling my best of the decade list, and the LOTR trilogy does indeed appear as one entry. I shall not have one without the others. It IS one long masterpiece, born form one long, continuous production. It would be too difficult to choose. "Fellowship" is the most magical, but "Return" is the most astonishing visual feat to ever grace the screen. I have gladly and unapologetically clumped them together, thank you very much. ...Did I mention I placed the trilogy at #1?

AD said...

This is the worst awards season i've witnessed since the 90s. Movies I thought would do well didn't (i.e Whip It, Adam,Duplicity,the list goes on...) , and the same movies and actors are constantly being mentioned and praised over and over again (i.e Precious,An Education,Up in the Air). There seems to be an influx of filmmakers,directors,and actors who are only concerned about winning oscars (Certainly not all of them!!) .

Kurtis O said...

"Glee" is worthwhile if only for the wonderful musical numbers. The storyline is pretty ridic. Looking forward to the holiday episode...

Anonymous said...

I'm excited for Antichrist this weekend :)

I'm sad about the cancellation of Dollhouse :(

Dean said...

I also combine the LOTRs and Kill Bills. If I or others didn't then that would take up literally half of a top ten list since they all would make it.

Kurtis O said...

I find myself uncharacteristically shaken and disgusted by how gleefully and shamelessly Roland Emmerich murders a bajillion people in "2012." Yeah, it's formulaic; yeah, he's a one-note -- we knew that already. But never before has he blown up the world with such rampant insensitivity, slipping non-stop, idiotic comic relief into scenes in which he basically recreates 9/11. I thought I would at least enjoy the f/x, but they're not even fun amidst all the hack-in-candy-shop carnage.

Rebecca said...

My confessions...

-I got choked up while watching a preview of 'The Blind Side' the other day. I'm hoping this is some sort of season depression or hormonal imbalance, and not me actually being moved by that movie.

-I've given up hope on the 'Arrested Development' movie ever happening. Don't tell my friends, they'll think I'm jinxing it.

-I think 'Return of the King' is definitely the weakest of 'The Lord of the Rings,' not only because of the way too long ending, but because some of the effects just look terrible and fake.

Robert said...

Here's the last thing I'm gonna say about the LOTR deal (just cause I don't want it to hijak these comments).

I like the LOTR movies a lot but they'd probably fall somewhere in the 20-30 range of my best films of the decade.

If they were in my top 10 I could understand how it's desirable to group them together and thus free up 2 extra spots.

That being said, if I did group them together, they'd come a lot closer to being in my top 10 because they gain an advantage (unfair?) as one amazing 9 hour epic.

It's just a pet peeve of mine.

Beau said...

Ditto Everything Curtis Just Said.

It's frustrating to me that they're utilizing scare tactics and endorsing paranoia about the end of the world to sell a fucking ticket.

Jeff said...

I've been waiting for the next installment in the "Best Pictures from the Outside In" series. Any update on when it will be posted?


Jeff i can't say. I shouldn't have promised it last week. I thought we'd be done but I was wrong. It's hard to coordinate three schedules.

that said, as ever, will make a valiant effort to stop waiting months in between (else we shall never finish)

others yeah, no way am I seeing 2012. don't want to support America's death wish. It's SO obvious to me now that America is (generally speaking) a country of sadomasochists. We don't want people to have healthcare. We like to watch people dying in grisly ways on film and television. We don't want anyone else to have anything that would make them comfortable or happy IF we in anyway assume that that will somehow mean we ourselves have less and we DEFINITELY don't want people to be in good health when we can all suffer together to continue to feed the greed of a few dozen billionaires and all their sycophants and misled disciples of any income level.

[rant] (sorry. i'm sick to death of all this idiotic health care business. The only system that is good for the people is universal health care. ANY SYSTEM which is after profit does not mesh well with people's health and physical wellbeing.) [/political rant]

Andrea said...

Oscar race is giving me the blues. I really, really want Abbie Cornish, Matt Damon, Julianne Moore, and Jeremy Renner to be nominated. And so far they're all on everyone's "possible" or "long shot" lists, which makes me mad as hell. Also, Jane Campion probably won't be nominated which also makes me cranky.

Also, Meryl Streep is a goddess, but CMON. ANOTHER oscar nod? Let someone who needs it more have it. please?

Oh, I know they're great actors, but Joseph Gordon Levitt and S. Ronan really bother me for some reason. I wish I liked them, because there is a shortage of great young actors nowadays.

Whew. That sounded bitchy, didn't it?

AD said...

Amen Stella!!! I couldn't agree with you more :)

Carl Joseph Papa said...

I think that I am in the minority when I say this, but I think that this is a good year for movies and a rather exciting one at that. Generally the movies that we are hoping to be "good" turn out to be disappointments. What I did was I scoured and scavenged and pushed myself to see movies from across countries, believe me guys it is worth it.

Take "Samson and Delilah", methinks that it is the best movie so far, it is Australia's Oscar hopeful and I sure do hope it gets in. "Mary and Max" also an Australian import was also great compared to other Animated Features that came out this year.

Here are others... Thirst, Kinatay, Adela, Lola, Kisses, Fish Tank, Hunger, Summer Hours, Ponyo... just to name a few...

Sarah said...

I am going through Mad Men withdrawals after that exhilirating season finale.

Robert said...

Oh I'm with you Stella!

I should point out that normally I don't go for period pics. They just do nothing for me.

and I loved, loved, LOVED Bright Star. Cornish, Campion, Whishaw, and Schnieder are all deserving.

Colin Low said...

I'm weirdly discordant with most of the LOTR commenters here. If the films were split up into three, one of them would make it in my list of top films of the decade. If they were combined into one, it would drop out altogether. The series just gets more formulaic and misogynistic/racist in narrative and filmmaking as it continues.

Marshall1 said...

Yeah, Glee's storyline is not the most inventive, but the characters themselves are not cardboard cut-out like in HIgh School Musical.

Yes, the musical numbers are the best thing on the show, but you guys forgot about the triad of sexy men on that show: Finn, Puck, Mr. Schue. I want Cory Montieth to be my husband:)

The Pretentious Know it All said...

"With ten spots available this year there's no telling what will be nominated. It could be UP, D9, The Hangover, Paranormal Activity, Inglorious Bastards and Transformers 2. There's your nominees. But it doesn't matter because Avatar is going to blow the hell out of them anyway. First time back in over 10 yrs, I hope Cameron takes home another 11 awards for that film. Assuming it lives up to the hype."

I heard this the other day from a film student. A student who is studying film. This goes to the root of two things I'm sick of hearing about this year's Oscar race.

1. The insistence that "anything can get nominated for best picture," even though there are voting bodies and precursors that cite ten films each year and attest to the contrary.

2. Avatar. No one would even be thinking Oscar if it was any other director. But it's Cameron. That's also probably blinding people to how (forgive me) absolutely silly this movie looks.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen "Mad Men" season 3 except for episode 1. It's exciting, but I have to tread very lightly on the internet for fear of spoilers, even tho I'd love to hear that discussion. So important to watch these things as they unfold.

And right on, Nat, on the health care thing. Whom do these people who listen to Glenn Beck think they're serving by denying others health care? Do people really think there are beneficiaries to corporate health care, other than the billionaires at the top, who then use their billions to control the debate and ensure things stay shitty?

Flosh said...

I saw An Education tonight. Enjoyed much of it, but thought the third act was a huge let down. Enough to retroactively spoil what I'd liked earlier. Talk about your trite, formulaic bullshit.

That said, it's true what they say - Mulligan is wonderful. Of the films numerous, apparently inevitable oscar nominations, that will be the one I have no problem with.

Marshall1 said...

I think an Education is great, and I agree with the 3rd act. But i think it is a great cautionary tale for high school kids. And it really grows on you as a movie. The most problematic is the ending


By going to Oxford, wouldn't it undermine her education in life and confirm that unless you go to Oxford, you will not belong to the elite. I would rather she goes to Cambridge, just like her teacher.

adri said...

I'm getting exasperated with the "Oscar frontrunners" for Best Actress and Supporting Actress. There are great actresses everywhere and yet they keep foisting off these same mostly not-very interesting performances on us. If they're at all interesting they're a "long shot". Long shot Julianne Moore, longest shot Melanie Laurent, etc.

I'm almost ready to start wanting to see Zooey Deschanel as Best Actress to break up the monotony (even though I've liked her better in other things). I'd like to see an "alternate list" for both actress categories where you're not allowed to list the "frontrunners". I liked the list you did on this site where people mentioned their BSA based on what they had actually seen. THAT was interesting.

Glenn said...

In regards to Douglas Rasco's comment - obviously agree on Samson & Delilah and Mary and Max, meanwhile Kisses features one of the most impressive performances by a child actor I've ever seen.

In regards to Glee - I'm still going back and forth. The musical numbers are great and some of the characters are fun, but it needs more. And I wish they'd throw a curveball and make a gay character that isn't the flamboyant fashionista. I don't have a problem with those characters (unlike some people) but for a show that is so OUT it's disappointing that the only gay character basically does a Liza routine each and every week.

Other things on my chest:

An Education is my favourite of the Oscar heavies so far (haven't seen A LOT, damn international release dates). The projection, however, was horrible.

Brokeback Mountain isn't the best queer film of the decade.

Sam Rockwell is gonna win a major critics prize - maybe LA? - but will, unfortunately, not get an Oscar nom for Moon.

Paul Outlaw said...

Avatar. Ugh.

Colin Low said...

@Glenn: I agree with your sentiment that Brokeback isn't the best queer film of the decade. But what are your candidates for that honour?

Guy Lodge said...

I wouldn't even call "Brokeback Mountain" a queer film. It's a more complex definition than simply "films about gay people."

Poppy said...

Wall-e is an okay movie.

Ratatouille sucked.


Brokeback isn't queer in form, no. But it's definitely gay. And it's awesome.

so there.

Catherine said...


I don't agree with your reading of the ending. There isn't any real difference, prestige wise, between Cambridge and Oxford. In Barber's memoir, she says that she was always presumed to go to Oxford, and if she had shown an aptitude for maths or science instead of English and languages, it would have been Cambridge.

Anonymous said...

I... have nothing positive to say about The Terminator.. Or T2.

amir_uk said...

I'm a "gay critic" and I adored A Single Man. Even more so with the passing of time. Once you get over how beautiful it
is, those layers of gorgeousness peel away over time to reveal real depth. Firth and Moore are perfection. I wish them both Oscars... though I know this won't happen.

Colin Low said...

@Guy: Is the difference between "gay cinema" and "queer cinema" similar to the difference between "gays are just like everyone else" and "gays are different, and what's wrong with that"?

... and thus Brokeback is not queer because it can fit the whole "it's the kind of movie we've loved all along... except now they're gay" argument?

(I hope I'm not coming off with the wrong tone here; I genuinely want to know if this is what you mean.)

badmotherfucker said...

Am I really the only film buff who doesn't cream his pants whenever someone mentions Alfred Hitchcock?

There, I said it!


@Dan, Poppy & badmotherfucker ...Blasphemers all!!! ;)

julianstark said...

Poppy - for saying Ratatouille sucked... THANK YOU!!!!

Amir said...

man, i can't believe i'm so late in answering to the thread i requested :(
i didn't have access to internet the whole day.

yeah, my cinematic thought is, how great would it be if peter jackson directed a live action adaptation of spirited away?
it would be REALLY great.


whoa Amir. My mind was just kinda blown. though maybe not in the good way.

Spirited Away not needing reinterpretation and all... it's so good as is.

Oh great. now look what you've done. I'm suddenly thinking about live action versions of PRINCESS MONONOKE

Glenn said...

I don't find there's much point making a difference between "queer" cinema and "gay" cinema. Do we really need for sub-sub-sub-genres?

Guy, I go with another movie from that same year - Mysterious Skin.

Although 2005 is the one year in which I'm constantly re-assessing the top three. Was Mysterious Skin the best, or was it The New World or was it Brokeback Mountain. I think I'm finally settled on the order now.

Lucas S. said...

Am I the only one who thinks that Michael Caine is the best Scrooge? Everytime I read about it or ask,he's rarely mentioned. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough and asking the wrong people.

Anonymous said...

I think Funny people is grossly underrated.

I think "A Clockwork Orange" isn't nearly as disturbing/violent as suggested and the second half is so boring.

I have never enjoyed one of Tom Hanks performances, EVER!

Colin Low said...

@Glenn: I don't find there's much point making a difference between "queer" cinema and "gay" cinema. Do we really need for sub-sub-sub-genres?

Yes. Yes, we do.

Consider the difference between "feminist cinema" and "women's pictures": would you say a movie like The Piano holds the same sociopolitical implications for the representation of women as a movie like Julie & Julia, even though the explicit narrative arc of both movies involves the self-actualisation of headstrong women?

Jason Adams said...

Bill Murray is the best Scrooge.


how about we retire Scrooge for awhile. I cannot believe there's another one out. It's worse than Hamlet!!!

Robert said...

I personally think that Glee is only worth watching for Jane Lynch. Otherwise, I think the musical numbers are tacky (the kids can SING, why make the lipysncing so horrible? And digitize their voices?) and the story is AWFUL.

Haha sorry just needed to rant.

Henry said...

I really wish Shutter Island would come out for the Oscar season. More Scorsese is better for the world.

Poppy said...

Dear God, I 100% agree with Robert!

Melanie said...

I thought Men Who Stare at Goats would be funny, but instead, it was just WEIRD.

Also, I can't imagine why Kevin Spacey ever agreed to play that part. He's much too great an actor for such an idiodic and boring role.

Anonymous said...

Dennis Quaid is a terrible actor!

aclp said...

Anne Hathaway is the most over-rated person in Hollywood now.

I sick and tired of Nine already. And I want it to suck.

I want Freeman to win for Invictus.Even if I obviously havent seen it yet.

Both Match Point AND Vicky Cristina Barcelona sucked.

Jennifer Aniston is pathetic.

Rom-coms are usually ridiculous.

Twilight is evil, and everything related to it should be banned from the face of the earth.

Lost ending will suck, no matter what they do. The first seson was pure brilliancy, though.

友達 said...


モバゲータウン said...
