Sunday, September 24, 2006

Say What? Gangster

I asked you to supply the funny to this pic of Russell and Denzel on the set of American Gangster. The winner is Burbanked.

[img src]
Cuz they do look like they just blew off their audition for Miami Vice.

And just for perverse amusement, I almost went w/ Ralch's imagined grrrltalk between Tina and Mary Russell and Denzel. But, I don't want Russell to come looking for me so I held back. You read me right?

Thanks for playing!


Kris said...

Russell: Were you as drunk as I was duing "Virtuosity?"

Denzel: Yeah, what were we thinking!

Russell: We both have Oscars now, so fuck it!

Kris said...

during, not "duing" :)

Anonymous said...

"doing Virtuousity" has a certain ring to it.

douglas said...

Russell: Thank Gos the cops did not see the telephone in my pocket

Denzel: I told you to bring your cellphone instead...

it's corny i know ehehehhe but it's worth a shot

douglas said...

*thank God


Anonymous said...

Russell: If I give my oscar to Ed Harris, will you give me one of yours?

Denzel: Only if I get mine back from Al.

Anonymous said...

Denzel: "Girl, how come you went back to Ridley instead of Ronnie this year...?"

Russell: "Oh, honey, don't make me feel bad... I love Ronnie, God knows I do. He's all heart, but sometimes you gotta be with a man who has some style, you know?"

Denzel: "Oh, sure, girl... I read you all right".

Anonymous said...

What did the Jew say to the black man -- wait, tell me if you've heard this one already.

Anonymous said...

Russell: And then I knocked his fuckin' block off.

Denzel: Ooh man, that's cold. You ain't even right for that.

Anonymous said...

Russel: Yeah, I've been workin' out, can you tell?

Pedro said...

Russell: This is my most dashing smile.

Denzel: Nahhh, you need to show horsey teeth.

Pedro said...

Russell: This is my most dashing smile.

Denzel: Nahhh, you need to show horsey teeth.

RC said...

Denzel: Why do you always got be a jerk.

Russel: Why do you gotta be black?

Anonymous said...

Russell: "Pretend we're talking and be casual... but you got some nasty spinach on your teeth"

Denzel: "Please do that, my

Anonymous said...

Crap... that's not how it went:

Russell: "Pretend we're talking and be casual... but you got some nasty spinach on your teeth"

denzel: "What? You kidding, right? Where? Oh, man... Must have been there for two hours"

Anonymous said...

Russell: Can you believe that Gladiator won Best Picture?

Denzel: *snort* I know...


Cinesnatch said...
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Cinesnatch said...

RC: I'm producing a film about beavers. Interested in a role?

Weirdland said...

Denzel: "Masturbator and Commander"
Russell: "Oh, man!"

Anonymous said...

Denzel: Can you believe - can you - hahahahaHAHAHAHAHA

Russell: Yeah, I know, it's bloody hilar - bwahahahahHAHAHAHEEHEHEEEE

Denzel: hehhehherehhereheehahahaa yeah, but man! Can you believe they wanted to put US into MIAMI VICE?

adam k. said...

OMG, I love RC's, and I don't even know why.

All I can think of are stupid oscar-related jokes. I need to think on this.

adam k. said...


Denzel: "Oh man, look how OLD we're getting! And we're still playin' these sexy leading men! It ain't even fair."

Russel: "Yeah, I feel bad for Nicole. She has another surgery scheduled for next month."

Aaron said...

Russell: I swear, that hotel clerk nearly almost wet himself - you should try it sometime

Denzel: Man, it's only funny until someone calls the Enquirer

Anonymous said...

Russel - This paparazzi is lucky i don't have a phone here...
Denzel - Afraid to use your cellular?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Nathaniel!

You have a great site and terrific readers - keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...
