N O W * P L A Y I N G
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American Gangster


The Diving Bell and Butterfly


Gone Baby Gone

I'm Not There
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lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll llllllllllll

No Country For Old Men

and coming soon...
Charlie Wilson's War
Relax, I'm kidding. It's not that bad.
American Gangster


The Diving Bell and Butterfly


Gone Baby Gone

I'm Not There
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lll
lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll llllllllllll

No Country For Old Men

and coming soon...
Charlie Wilson's War

As for new releases, The Golden Compass is the only wide release this week. It's impossible to give it one animal, since it's veritably teeming with them. But as for quality, is it a rare exotic breed or a mutt? Depends on if you've read the book I think. My review is up @ Zoom-In
Now you play Which animal spirit would you assign to 2007 releases like Eastern Promises, Stardust, Zodiac or others?
Hilarious. The Juno bunnies made me laugh out loud. Here's my nominee for "Assassination of Jesse James: http://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/living/graphics/elk1.jpg
And Hairspray: http://monod.nyu.edu/~jingh/album/sandiego/panda16w.jpg
(it's black AND white, and fat and fuzzy and adorable!)
I had no idea Ian McKellen was the voice of Iorek, lol. I thought that was a typo when I first saw it.
Agree with you about Kidman, though. And I'm not sure sure that I was "lost" by not reading the book, it just... didn't work for me.
Really? Cause Charlie Wilson's War LOOKS that bad.
ok. maybe it is. i'm still trying to decide...
i like at least 24 hours to process
OMG Nat, My Little Pony!!!?????
You rule.
I'm guessing it is. Just from the trailer, I wanted to smack Julia Roberts and her "look, now I'm Julia Roberts from TEXAS" accent. Tom Hanks, too.
I saw Control last night. Have you caught that yet, Nat? Sam and Sam (Riley and Morton) are great, and the cinematography is stunning, but I found the whole thing a bit too muted and slow-going. Just kind of unnecessarily depressing in general. Still trying to figure out how I feel about it.
Morton, though, is 100% supportive, put-upon wife, and her people should make a play for supporting actress if voters are hungry for a stock role. She's actually really good in it, too, but the role is totally just a more edgy indie bleak version of JConn in Beautiful Mind.
And I'm guessing they cut out the cliffhanger ending in Compass cause maybe they were not committed to a sequel? If you're not sure you're going any further, you don't really wanna leave the audience wanting more. Kind of a pessimistic way to approach it, but maybe that's what they were thinking.
And there may not be a sequel at this rate, since the reviews are not too flattering... hope it makes money...
OH and can we please see Kidman honored at the FB awards for supporting along with Pfeiffer for Stardust, Staunton for Potter and Swinton for Clayton? You KNOW those first 3 won't be given respect at the academy. But this is the year of witches and bitches, no doubt. At least they have the "Best Villain" category cornered...
I went to see The Golden Compass today. I haven't read the source material and I really loved the film - seem to be in the minority on that one. I had a few quibbles (mainly, I would have liked it to be longer) but I was very impressed and moved by the film.
How subtle is the anti-religious sentiment in the books? I certainly picked up on it during the film, but it could have been more overt. I'm sure it went waaay over the head of most of the younger members of the audience.
I don't get why they didn't just make it longer, since that's everyone's main complaint. Apparently the original script was super-long. Why not just let it be longer? I guess they didn't wanna spend the money.
Catherine, the first book The Golden Compass is pretty subtle but it's the next two that's the kicker.
susan thx. i was pretty proud of the pretty pony myself. a stroke of inspiration
katey... I love the Hairspray daemon. very clever
Zodiac: An akido dog. They're silent and they sneak up on you.
Have u seen There Will Be Blood?
i have not. life is unfair
LOL ... this is brilliant, Nathaniel!!!
Yeah, do see Control - I thought it was brilliant - it'll end up in my year-end top 10 I'm sure. Why Samantha Morton isn't being talked of as one of the frontrunners in supporting actress is beyond me. It's probably her best performance to date (Guardian think so too) and as Adam points out, it's such an OSCAR! role.
Question - is Miss Coulter named after anyone in particular? Might be just a coincidence, but I can think of another Coulter who embodies evil incarnate.
"Charlie Wilson's War" is getting positive reviews, it has a great cast and a brilliant director. So please, please just don't judge a movie from the trailer. Just don't do that.
(and by the way, the international trailer looks much better:
filmfan --i have actually seen Charlie Wilson's War so i can call it a turkey if i want ;)
but yes. you should never judge a picture solely on its trailer
Thank you for the full review of TGC, Nat (yes, some of us do actually wander over to Zoom In to read your reviews.)
One day, Nicole Kidman's movies will catch up with her performances.
Wonderful daemons, Nat!
Catherine, Pullman's Mrs. Coulter already was before Anne Coulter. I don't think AC holds a candle to Marisa Coulter. MC would eat her for breakfast.
no. it's bad form to touch another person's animal!
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