Eddie Copeland joins me in the war against mimicry as the pinnacle of acting
Hollywood Elsewhere "best" pictures as world views
I Watch Stuff has a 40 second Coraline preview. I loved that book. Pfeiffer pfans will remember that it was originally to star Michelle Pfeiffer as Mother / Other Mother but the project was switched to animation while in development
Out in Hollywood celebrates James Marsden's miracle year

Man About Town loves Atonement
Paramount Vantage lets you read their Oscar hopefuls -screenplays for all five
LA Times 7 reasons to hate year end lists
Zoom-In I'm offering up rental suggestions for those longing to wipe the memories of modern day Nicolas Cage from their brain, replacing them with sojourns back to his good old days
Reports from the Edge witness the horrifying world of 'if the Oscars were determined by box office receipts' ...don't say I didn't warn you about the horrifying part
I hate Nicolas Cage's agent but I think he has much more than 3 remarkable performances. We agree on LLV (except I think his won was perfect over Sean Penn's great work), but Moonstruck and Peggy Sue? No matter how good he's in these two movies, his other great performances are: the violent, passionate and extravagant Sailor in Wild at Heart; the vulnerable and sad Frank Pierce in Bringing Out The Dead (he's so touching in the final scene with Arquette); and hysterically funny and histrionic in Adaptation - I'd love to see him as a Woody Allen clone, like Branagh and Cusack (I mean it).
- cal roth
The title should have been 'There Will Be Blog'
re: Reports from the edge
While the point is clear and obvious, the writer did himself a great disservice by omitting The Bourne Ultimatum, Nikki Blonsky, Amy Adams, Leslie Mann, Ruby Dee, etc. You shouldn't change the rule just because it doesn't fit your point.
oops. i didn't look at the corresponding box office charts but you have a point.
Spiderman 3 up for a possible award?...NOOOOO !
Umm, James Marsden crotch-grab shot was freakin' HOT. Whew. Calm down.
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