Guess Who? I Draw For You -How fast can you figure this sketched puzzle?
- Kissing a series. Lay one on Watts, Gyllenhaal, Monroe...
- Montgomery Clift the blog-a-thon
- A Guide To Recognize You're Channing Tatum
- H.S. I Love You wherein Nathaniel finally apologizes to the greatest actress who ever existed
- Pink Ladies Dolores Umbridge meets her match
Say "hi" in the comments, tell us what your favorite movie is. Don't be shy.
I hadn't seen this HS post.
I have two comments after reading it.
Hilary Swank isn't regular. She is great sometimes, but can be terrible. I give you this. And she shouldn't be a 2-time Oscar winner.
Even with her high and lows, she is way a better actress than your beloved Annette Bening, always hiting the same note with her irritating diva histrionics. She's unwatchable.
-cal roth
Eh, this post looked lonely.
Hi! My favourite film is a toss-up between All About My Mother and All About Eve.
so catherine, you're all about the all abouts...
Hi, some of my favorite films are Anne of Green Gables (The Kevin Sullivan Production) , The Little Mermaid , Seven , Pan's Labyrinth , Malcolm X , Some Like it Hot & Children of Men.
I can't just choose one.
Pretty much. All About Lily Chou-Chou is another good 'un, but I've never seen All About The Benjamins, All About You, All About The Andersons or All About Anna.
Whatever they may be...
i've always wondered what you thought about your fair-weather readers. i admit i only frequent this site during "good movie and awards" season, like oct thru feb. another reason they should release real movies all year long! anyway, i've gotten a lot of good movie recommendations off this site, esp. foreign, but my favourite movie is still "blade runner" i'm afraid. so typical. and "star trek: wrath of khan" too, which i've seen mentioned only once.
my life would be sweeter if everyone stuck around all year long, yes
i'm a starving writer (not literally) and higher traffic equals more potential earnings or attention for my writing career THEORETICALLY ;)
it's all theoretical until someone pays me to write with great regularity
Serial Lurker here, at least since Oscar coverage 2000. You've been bookmarked since 2001, and moved to the top of my list shortly thereafter. Love the commentary, love the site, love you, love your friends. Glad that others are discovering the love as well.
Favorite Movie: The Awful Truth with Bringing up Baby a close second. (They don't make movie stars like they used to.)
The Awful Truth is indeed divine... and for sure they don't make comedic stars like they used to.
Irene Dunne *sigh*
I'm with tera, choosing one favourite movie is hard, and lists are fun. So with that in mind, some favourite movies of mine include:
Annie Hall
In the Mood for Love
The Apartment (with lemmon and mcclaine, not cassell and belucci)The Philadelphia Story
Morven Callar
The Remains of the Day
The Big Lebowski
Top Hat
Ghost World
Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion (I can't explain it. It just is)
lately, Punch-Drunk Love
the hours. always.
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