Even Robert Downey Jr playing Tommy got bad reviews for his performance. He was gay brother to Holly Hunter's Claudia. Though his performance is pretty out there, that needling rapid fire joking -- he's consistently pushing things too far -- is exactly in line with the movie's own sense of humor. Bonus points: the sibling chemistry between Claudia and Tommy is pretty damn credible.

Holly's shower scene is fairly typical of the movies fast, funny and familial nature. Anne Bancroft, playing Adele the mother, is talking at Claudia but not really with her. Claudia is talking at Adele but not listening. They're on different pages and both of them don't shut up. The older woman exits the scene leaving her daughter showering in an open bathroom.
Mom, close the door behind you okay?I don't need to tell you that Holly Hunter is one of the funniest people in the movies and she was still in her incredible prime (roughly 1987-1998). She makes every pause and emphasis count in a line reading. So many laughs to be had in four sentences. After Claudia is done complaining about the unplanned exhibitionism, she gets down to business. She's vigorously shampooing, suds flying, until she freezes in place with a gasp. Her mischievous brother is lumbering towards the shower curtain like some comic monster.No? okay, no problem, I usually shower in public.
I have no pride.
I have no rights.
I'm only four years old.
I swear to god, Tommy, I'm naked in here and I am too old...

Holly's blind recoil from the flash is the split second punchline and Foster immediately cuts to the next scene, no time to waste... more rapid fire joking to follow.
I LOOOOVE Holly Hunter and I really want to see this now.
I caught the last 20 minutes of this or so on TV recently and I was struck by that scene between Holly and Cynthia Stevenson. It seemed so honest this relationship between sisters who are family but not friends. When Cynthia's character tells her about "if...phone number...lose" (trying not to give too much away, should be seen really) just the look on Holly's face... *sigh* that woman is genius. I need to see the rest of it.
Yes! This is a family holiday staple in my house. My kids can quote it.
I saw it in the theatre (twice) and didn't reget it one bit. That montage at the end of all the memories/quiet moments NOT caputred on film but relived through exposition over the course of the film is just divine!
i just love the scenes where tommy and claudia were ganging up on joanne. LOL
nat: in line with april showers the, you should also mention that the dad brought out the hose to break a fight between the boys in one scene
I absolutely love this movie. It was on HBO a bunch this summer and every time it was on I found myself drawn to it. It's one of those movies that's flawed, but feels better for having the flaws.
I Netflixed this last Thanksgiving for my friends and I to watch and it ended up sitting on my kitchen table for three weeks unopened before I decided to send it back without having watched it. Will have to give it another chance on your recommendation.
Just wondering, Nathaniel, do you recall why the critical consensus was negative? I mean was there one major sticking point?
I've always loved this film, too.
I'd rather have the Will & Grace episode called Homo for the Holidays.
Your love for this, and obviously the cast, has always made me really want to see it, but apparently we're not interested in your American holidays, because it's not on DVD and I've never seen it in any tv schedule.
Yes, it's required holiday viewing for me as well: Home for the Holidays on thanksgiving and Groundhog Day on, um, groundhog day.
I remember seeing this movie in theaters with my parents (at a paid 'Sneak Preview,' no less), and loving it, even though I only understood about half the jokes.
Truly a classic... but was critical reaction REALLY that bad? I remember my local pape (Newsday) gave it 3 and a half stars out of a 4...
i don't know Rob. Maybe I'm just remembering it that way.
Definitely a classic in our family. One of my biggest disappointments last year was the fact that no one was showing this moving on Thanksgiving and my sister's DVR deleted it. Of course we fixed that by all giving it to each other for Christmas.
One of my favorite comedic scenes is between Geraldine Page and Robert Downey, Jr. when they get Aunt Gladys in the car and she farts.
"How fast can you drive, Tommy?"
"Like the wind!"
I have seen this movie over 10 times and that still makes me bust into "lizzing".
(Anyone else in love with 30 Rock these days??)
Evan Rachel Wood said in an interview that she's starring in Jodie Foster's next effort as a director : Flora Plum
And no, it's not a joke ! I think she talked about it in GQ
elvis - that would be great but isn't she like the twelth actress who's signed on to the role?
A truly great film.
I like hunter films very much.
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