Shhhhhhhhhh. Penélope requires beauty sleep. Her beauty has escalated to such extremes that she now requires 22.3 hours of sleep a day. We're joining her. See you in the bloggin' morning. *
cal roth
Ben Kingsley should have won the Oscar for this role. Astonishing performance.
I fucking LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie. Beside her amazing performance in Vicky this also, in my opinion, sealed her Oscar win. And can I say that Kingsley has never been sexier to me. And Clarkson's last monologue-simply heartbreaking. She's such an amazing actress because she only needs 2 to 3 scenes to mezmorize you. And Kingsley was robbed for consideration...HELL!! They all were. Beautiful story. And that kiss at the end with Dennis and Ben broke my heart in ways I didn't know. One of my favorite movies of the decade: Elegy.
...Though I will say Saarsgard's character was a little whiney. I didn't really feel for him, I just wanted him to shutup.
Ben Kingsley should have won the Oscar for this role. Astonishing performance.
three fantastic performances in this movie, yes. plus; penelope and patty all sexy and naked!
it's so weird that nobody cared when it came out.
... it seems as you're back in your love for Penny...
when did i fall out of it?
I fucking LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie. Beside her amazing performance in Vicky this also, in my opinion, sealed her Oscar win. And can I say that Kingsley has never been sexier to me. And Clarkson's last monologue-simply heartbreaking. She's such an amazing actress because she only needs 2 to 3 scenes to mezmorize you. And Kingsley was robbed for consideration...HELL!! They all were. Beautiful story. And that kiss at the end with Dennis and Ben broke my heart in ways I didn't know. One of my favorite movies of the decade: Elegy.
...Though I will say Saarsgard's character was a little whiney. I didn't really feel for him, I just wanted him to shutup.
Ok I'm done :-)
Nat, off topic: have you seen Mélanie Laurent is pushed as lead by Weinstein Co.?
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