Thursday, March 25, 2010

Isn't She Lovely?

Jose here.

When one thinks of Sarah Jessica Parker the first thing that comes to mind of course is sex.

For years we've enjoyed her iconic performance as the most fabulous journalist in TV (and later movies!). Through most of the last decade she made a name for herself as a great comedic actress, bold producer and fashion icon.

Today she turns 45 and what better way to celebrate her than to indulge in the sheer joy of her style?

Therefore, if an image is worth a thousand words, I give you 45,000 words that express why we love SJP.


How will you celebrate what should ideally be International Fashion Day?
How excited are you about the Sex and the City sequel?



what is it they say... oh, yes...

'that's a lot of look'

Cal said...

Sarah Jessica Parker is not attractive at all...and I think that is what honestly made Sex and the City work as well as it did.

As a straight male, she makes me penis shrivel.

City_Of_Lights said...

Not excited about the SATC sequel but I wish I was. I realize they don't want to give anything away about the plot but the trailer is dreadful.

I think I'll watch "Flight Of The Navigator" this weekend to celebrate her birthday.


Cal... your shriveled penis must really hate style and fashion ;) cuz SJP rocks it (almost) every time.

I think she's so sexy but then, I am the sort who finds personal style more attractive than generic good looks whether we're talking men or women. (not that i don't appreciate perfect looking people. obviously this blog indicates that i do!)

but i think i get your point as to SEX & THE CITY. the self-made New Yorker is such a great and perma-fantasy about the city and she lands that so well, becoming such an icon of style and femininity despite the fact that she is not "traditional"

Deus Ex Machina said...

I adore SJP, and I wish she'd take on more daring work instead of going thru the Jennifer Aniston path. I remember when S&TC was this secret, this show only few people knew about, sort of indie and the clothes didn't really intrude with the story as much. Now it's turned into a cash cow and it's integrity has vanished. Whereas at the beggining of the show we had independent women, confident and insecure but nonetheless survivors of love, now it's just a bunch of older capitalist women who can't live without a man and that splurge in Loboutins while the rest of the world is in dire straits.

Deus Ex Machina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pal Joey said...

Counting the days until "SATC 2"!

Robert Hamer said...

"By the way, Mr. Broderick, who is that transvestite donkey witch standing next to you and why is it wearing a dress?"

R-Co said...

I've always been in the 'I don't think SJP is attractive' camp, but damn she's stylish, and that makes her a lot sexier than beautiful.

I'm trying not to be excited about SATC2 because... well, I'm afraid it will be terrible. I was afraid the first would be terrible, and it wasn't, and I just don't think my luck is that strong.

Because, yes, it is all about me.

John T said...

I was wondering how long it would take someone to bring up this week's South Park.

Sam said...

I'll celebrate SJP day by chasing after a string of boyfriends who are wrong for me. Oh wait, I've already done that.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD last night's South Park!! ROFLMAO xD

"Transvestite donkey witch!"

Unknown said...

South Park last night was an instant classic.

Cal. said...

No just her looks make my penis shrivel.

Anonymous said...

What a pity. Cal, you should really have a doctor look into that.

James T said...

I think she is good-looking and times she looked gorgeous in SatC. I don't have high expectations for the sequel but it might be at least fun.

Cluster Funk said...

I'm torn about SATC 2 -- but not about SJP!

On one hand, why do we need a sequel? (Hell, why did we need the first movie?!) On the other hand, the first one ended on such a perfect note. (Of course Carrie Bradshaw should marry Big in a label-less dress at City Hall.) But what will they do for an encore? Break up Carrie & Big AGAIN?! Moreover, Ab Fab already went to Africa, so I don't see how the Fab Four can top them.

Anyway...back to SJP, the divisive reaction she elicits is interesting to me. Most females, as well as gay men, natch, if not love her, at least respect her, true beauty or no. Straight men, meanwhile, not only don't fancy her, they're vitriolic in their distaste. I'm in the minority who thinks she is pretty and has a *fantastic* figure, one of the most proportionally lovely in Hollywood. Oh well, to each their own!