I had that bum all figured out. He had a good left hand you know what I mean. All right so I let him tag me with the left hand for a couple a rounds. So just when he starts... he thinks he's getting cute, I step inside and Jab with the left. With the right. With the left. I had him in my arms and from there on in we were just dancing.
And that's a fact
The second sexiest performance in all film history...after Stanley Kowalski. Oh Brando, you will always be my one true cinematic love not named Heath.
This film and performance really do provide the goosebump effect.
Oh, Brando. He was so... just... utterly breathtaking. The only actor who makes me feel the same way is Peter O'Toole. Who could dare to reprise the roles either actor has played when we still have the films of the originals?
I wonder if there are any Brando films on Netflix instant fix - err. watch.
Tikabelle - breathtaking IS the word!
Weird! I just watched this for the first time this morning!
This film is so awesome. Just like its lead... *sigh*.
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