Thursday, March 18, 2010

What's the last movie...

...that you watched? On DVD, cable or in the movie theater? Did you like it?


Ramification said...

Valentine's Day (I was dragged by a girlfriend) and it was just awful. And Taylor Swift's 'acting' was cringe inducing


i dodged that bullet because my friends never go to the movies.

which is kind of sad for me.

but my friends are almost all 'i;ll watch it on dvd' or 'let's see this play instead' type people.

D said...

"Victor Victoria". Really fun. Although it was kind of a reversal from most musicals for me - usually I'm defending one because of the music, but here all the songs were pretty forgettable and it's more worth it for the story and characters/performances.

Unknown said...

I saw 2012 last night (my hubby's choice). We laughed throughout the whole movie (although, I don't think it's meant to be a comedy). Anyway, I give the movie a solid 5/10.

Kyle said...

DVD - Barton Fink....watched it for the first time with my girlfriend, was it was like 9.99 at Barnes and Noble. Very interesting piece from the Coen's...had a nice "The Shining" vibe, but a 1940's version, and John Turturro and John Goodman were quite good in it. I also got Miller's Crossing, which I haven't seen yet.

Theater - I see a movie almost every week just about, but I think the last movie we saw at the theater was The Crazies...which had a few good things going for it (Tim Olyphant mainly) but otherwise was pretty dreary.
I'm finding that my attention span for movies in the theater that I don't just really dig is getting worse over the course of the year.

J.D. said...

Kurosawa's The Bad Sleep Well, which was absolutely brilliant. I can't believe I hadn't heard anyone say so beforehand?


uh... i haven't even HEARD of that one. my bad. must see more Kurosawa since i've liked all the ones i've seen.

Kym said...

Remember Me, which was kind of a powerful yet pleasant surprise. Very underrated. Its a polarising movie without a doubt but no way does it deserve the pan that its been getting from critics.

I'd realy recommend people to see it and make up their own minds about it.

JP said...

I just watched "The Promotion". Good premise, promising stars (Seann William Scott and John C. Reilly), it just didn't work. The tone was similar to Election, but something just didn't feel "right". I can't put my finger on it - maybe someone else who saw it and feels the same way can explain it better than I can.

CrazyCris said...

La Mome! (a.k.a. La Vie en Rose)

Sat my parents down in front of the TV the other night to watch the dvd, they loved it! Makes me proud ;o)

Haven't been to the movies in 3 weeks since I seriously twisted my ankle coming out of "An Education". Crutches make going to the movies a hassle so... waiting! Very frustrating... so many good-looking movies are calling to me! :p


OUCH. Get well soon Crazy

Anonymous said...

Up In The Air. Anna Kendrick impressed, but I didn't think the film as a whole was best picture material, although it was well done. (Same with Precious, which I saw just before that.) Maybe I'm overloading on the dramedy genre and its whimsical on-cue score.

Jess K. said...

on TCM "The Gold Diggers of 1933" (1933), it made me laugh out loud more than once, I loved it! Showgirls & Millionares from the '30s, what's not to like?

Christine said...

While eating breakfast this morning, I watched a Lifetime movie about a woman in witness protection whose daughter is kidnapped so she won't testify. (Spoiler: they catch the bad guy and the women gets to say "it was that man! and point her finger at him in court)

The last real movie I was La Jette, which we got from Netflix yesterday. It was okay. I wish I liked sci-fi more, I seem to have some sort of block about it.

Catherine said...

I rewatched Pennny Serenade the other night with my sister and mother, neither of whom had seen it before. I was so torn up the first time I watched that film, because it hit me that now I'd seen all three of the Grant/Dunne collaborations and I was ridiculously sad that I no longer had any of their pairings to watch afresh. It's a good thing that all of their films together hold up to multiple viewings (I don't even know how many times I've watched The Awful Truth, it must be dozens). I suppose PS is slightly different because it's not a screwball, but they bring a similar energy to this melodrama and it's such more better than the script allows me. God, I love the two of them so much! The only reason Irene Dunne isn't up there with Davis and Stanwyck for me is that her movies are so much harder to track down!

Zach said...

"The King of Kong," a documentary about the arcade game Donkey Kong. Just fascinating.

Chad said...

Mysterious Skin. Loved it.

John T said...

I watched Let the Right One In on Sunday night for the first time-absolutely amazing and terrifying at the same time. Why they're remaking it when there's a terrific film out there right now is beyond me.


yeah. it's sad about LET THE RIGHT ONE IN. because the things the current production team is saying about the new version are horrifying. Like they are either entirely cynical or too stupid to even understand the original.

they're calling it a "redemptive love story"


my new plaid pants has kept me up to date on all of it.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid to click on My New Plaid Pants. I feel like I don't really want to know much more than I already do about this pending disaster.

Morgan Leigh Davies said...

Trainspotting, and I Heart Huckabees the night before. Goddamn satisfying pair, I've got to say.

Anonymous said...

Finally saw AN EDUCATION this past weekend. Loved, loved, loved it! That Paris sequence, le sigh. A really nice take on the standard "coming of age" story. Carey Mulligan is a star no doubt, but man did I love Rosemund Pike in this. She gets just how truly glib and sad that character is. Loved it!


Sean said...

I rented 9 via Netflix. I kind of enjoyed the visuals, but wasn't overly sold on the plot. Oh well...

BAM said...

The Hurt Locker on DVD (second viewing). This may be blasphemous, but it wasn't as powerful the second time. Not sure if that was because of the atmosphere (home vs theater) or the lack of suspense (lose some of the shock the 2nd time)... makes me wonder if maybe it didn't deserve Best Picture. (yikes!)

Robert said...

The last movie I watched was "Departures" on DVD. It was my second time watching it, I saw it in theaters over the summer, and I have to say that I did not really like it as much the second time around. The first time I loved it, this time it seemed...slow, a bit long winded, and extraneous. Still a beautiful film though.

hepwa said...

Big fan of your site, just saw "Cheri" (love almost all of Stephen Frears work). Loved Pfeiffer and Bates but overall not enthralled with the movie. Maybe its because I was ironing my dress shirts while I watched...

Marsha Mason said...

I finally just saw An Education as well. Can't say I liked it too much, but I actually really thought Sarsgaard was the best part of it, which I don't gather was the consensus. His cool charm almost lept through the TV screen for me.

OtherRobert said...

I've been busy, so the last film I watched all the way through was Burton's Alice in Wonderland. I appreciated it and enjoyed certain aspects (hello, costumes and make-up), but I'm not sure if I particularly liked it.

Right now I'm watching A Mighty Wind to relax and I can tell you I love that film.

Anonymous said...

The informers. Cause I'm obsessed with Brent Easton Ellis

Burning Reels said...

Bunuel's Tristana - not my favorite of his (so far) but as always, brilliant imagery and smartly created contradictory characters.

James T said...

I watched Thirst at a theater and Morvern Callar (Nick Davis had made me really curious) at home.

I really liked Thirst. The transformation of the girl was amazing. Ok-bin Kim was as good as you said she was.

Morvern Callar, I'm not sure. It was really weird and original in its approach but I wasn't so sure the main character was worth it. I really don't know what to think of the movie. It certainly had many interesting moments but overall, I'm not sure.

Chris said...

I'm at home sick and literally just finished watching the Friday the 13th remake. It's amazing how an entire cast of characters can be entirely unlikeable.

Rahm said...

The Constant Gardener and Iron Man. First time for both. Really excited to see Iron Man 2 in May.

Ryan T. said...

If I saw this post entry yesterday morning, I would've said Broken Embraces which was just absolutely wonderful. I'm still thinking about it.

But since I read it this morning, my official answer would be Princess & The Frog which was a very nice way of spending a sober St. Patrick's Day

Tonight, I will watch Paris. All of these are courtesy of Netflix BTW. Last movie I saw in theaters was Percy Jackson which was entertaining enough for a late winter movie.

Murtada said...

A Prophet and it was fantastic. So powerful it reminded me of The Godfather and Michael Corleone.

Deborah said...

Experiment in Terror, 1962, Lee Remick, Glenn Ford.


Kim said...

Saw "Alice in Wonderland" (in 2-D, as I have heard the 3-D is not all that). I give it a "meh"...didn't LOVE it, but didn't feel like I wasted my Sunday Afternoon...

Unknown said...

"Alice in Wonderland" in IMAX 3D...and I dozed off.

Anonymous said...

Away With Her....Gordon Pinsent should have received the Oscar nom way, way before Christie even got her name on the list.

Deus Ex Machina said...

The Spirit of the Beehive. Ever since I saw it a week ago it's been haunting me. Especially since I learned that the cinematographer was going blind while making this and you kinda get that feeling as you watch the movie.

Lev Lewis said...

Oh god, I wish I could say something cool, but I watched "New Moon". I don't think I can handle Taylor Lautner. Or that movie.

Volvagia said...

Shampoo. Beatty is, for me, a decent performer who can do simple parts like this. Lee Grant did a fair bit of leg work with the weakest character in the movie. However, on an acting contest, Jack Warden (Lead Actor), Julie Christie (Lead Actress) and Goldie Hawn (Supporting Actress) would be good trophies. However, Barry Lyndon is still my favourite film of 1975. Plodding, yes, but also lyrical, graceful and tense when it needs to be. Vastly underloved.

Kurtis O said...

"City Island," last night in the theater. Wildly uneven. A madcap melodramatic extended sitcom with a mood disorder, yet still oddly watchable. Some fine moments of sweet truth and a slightly redemptive climax. Go if you miss Andy Garcia, whose belief in the little film shows in his perf., and who gets one awesome audition scene that's easily the highlight.
Julianna Margulies co-stars as the not-so-Good-Wife, and she's convincing as an exaggerated Carmella Soprano type.

Lucas S. said...

Frozen River. I love that movie so much! Courtney Hunt needs to make another movie soon. Misty Upham doesn't get enough credit for her performance.

Anonymous said...

"Drop Dead Gorgeous" on cable... I didn't remember that Amy Adams was in that movie, she's fantastic in her small role.

jbaker475 said...

Theater: The Ghost Writer B/B-

DVD: Glengarry Glen Ross A-

TV: To Die For A+++++++ :)

Branden said...

I watched a film called "Boy A". It was a British TV movie from 2007 about a young man that is trying to run away from his past, but it comes back to haunt him.

I enjoyed it. It was recommendation for the hosts of Filmspotting.

scott said...

saw seraphine on dvd... i loved the movie and the performances were great... and the last movie i saw at the movie theaters was the last station... and i thought christopher plummer was fantastic :)

Lucas said...

The Proposal. I didn't like it. It isn't really funny nor convincing nor well acted. It had its very few moments, but I guess Ryan Reynolds eye candy isn't enough to give this more than a 4/10.

Jason Adams said...

Last movie I saw was A Prophet finally, earlier this week, and I've been trying to figure out something to write on it but have so far been defeated. I liked it a lot, more than I thought I would - I'm really kind of exhausted by prison movies at this point and it took me awhile to warm up to it. But by the end I was really impressed. Audiard definitely found a new angle on a very old story.

Kevin P Durkin said...

Just rewatched "Boys Don't Cry", Swank was better than I remembered, but Chloe still MAKES that movie for me.

Hide and Seek said...

Julie and Julia, loves Meryl Streep soooooo much! :)

Girodet said...

Remember Me. A movie that makes one think about life and death. It is intended as a small independent drama and it should be evaluated as such.

Paul Outlaw said...

Yeah, City Island is quite uneven, but Steven Strait is smokin' hot. That's what remains two weeks after seeing it.

My last one: Humpday, on my computer. Liked the three leads, but the film as a whole didn't do it for me.

Rebecca said...

I watched 'All the Real Girls' the other night, liked it alright - not crazy about it like some people are. I finally watched 'Bright Star', and liked it a lot (loved the performances).

Last weekend I watched 'Transformers 2', I think it's possibly the worst movie ever made.


Lev -- i've been debating watching it now that it wouldn't be feeding their coffers.

Volvagia -- i've still never seen Barry Lyndon. but '75 is a good year. Hello, NASHVILLE.

Christine -- i love that you don't include the title of that movie, because who cares, right? They're so interchangeable.

Blauriche said...

I watched Five Easy Pieces last night. I liked it.

The last movie I saw in the theater was on Monday. The new Tilda Swinton movie I Am Love. I really enjoyed it.

Flosh said...

in theater:

The Art of the Steal, fascinating pseudo-Errol Morris doc about thievery and deception in the art/charity world. You'll never look at the Pew Charitable Trust the same way(!!!).

on DVD:

The Indian Fighter, an old Kirk Douglas western. Sturdy story, gorgeous Oregon scenery, tight direction, fine acting. Not a great western but a worthy 88 minute diversion.

Newbie said...

"Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" It's good to see a feel-good animation which is not made by Pixar. The story was ok although the moral of the story was a bit cliche (I think it was saying: it's ok to be different). The usage of rainbow in the movie kinda made me think twice about the message though.

nothingiswritten said...

Down with Love, despite the fact that I really, really can't stand She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. But reading about it on this site made me willing to give it a try, and I actually enjoyed it a lot. Maybe I needed pure retro fluff that night. Nice riff on the Day-Hudson movies. And of course Ewan was super-fun and ultra-dreamy.

Anonymous said...

Theater: Alice in Wonderland. I thoroughly enjoyed it; it was full of nudges and winks to both the books and the many films that have been made over the years. Anne Hathaway's floatiness simultaneously made me laugh and drove me nuts.

Home: Brigadoon. Hokey, chintzy, TERRIBLE Scottish accents, but endearing and charming nonetheless. Also, Gene Kelly.

Unknown said...

Last movie I saw was at the theater. It was She's Out of My League. My grade: decent. It's nowhere near as good as The Hangover, but it works in the "good for what it is" realm

Anonymous said...

MINE VAGANTI by Ferzan Ozpetek, italian dramedy about two gay bros in southern italy who decide to come out at the same desperation (sort of) follows...

someone consider turkish born Ozpetek, the italian almodovar but I don't think it's the case, anyway he's very good with actors and actresses...many members of his casts scored acting awards here in Italy and I'm sure the same will happen to italian hearthrob Riccardo Scamarcio who gave his best perf in the movie as an aspiring writer


Marsha Mason said...

Stuff like New Moon I absolutely insist on downloading illegally, so as not to encourage them to make more. It's the ethical thing to do!

Anonymous said...

A Single Man

Loved it. So beautiful and so sad.

Marcelo - Brazil.

Janice said...

Just saw "Coco Avant Chanel" on DVD today. terribly dull. No wonder it came and went last year. I'm not sure that the HBO version last year was more factually accurate, but it was better dramatically, (except for the backing-and-forthing between past and present with Shirley MacClaine (?!) as the iconic and ultimate Frenchwoman. That I could have done without.)

MovieNut14 said...

The Hurt Locker

Anonymous said...

At a filmfestival today I saw:
LOL-Laughing out loud. French teenage movie, it was ok, a bit long but it´s always nice to see Sophie Marceau on the big screen and then the truly lovely Fantastic Mr. Fox. Very charming and fun, I wonder if kids like it though?

Lara said...

In theatre: Micmacs à tire-larigot. Enjoyed it, though they could have toned down the end a little bit.

On DVD: Shallow Hal, which I liked. Much, much better than for example The Proposal.

Latina.Girl said...

Theater: Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland 6/10 Loved the visuals, FXs, costumes, makeup, acting, but really really hated the screenplay.

DVD: Chicago 8/10 Just Loved it!

Cable: Elizabethtown 4/10 I blame Orlando Bloom for wasting such a meaty role, I kind of I liked Kristen Dunst, though *hee*


Tikabelle -- Gene Kelly is always enough!

Magicub said...

The Blind Side,White republicans are sooooooooooooooooo nice.

Sammy V said...

The Green Zone. It wasn't terrible...but wasn't very memorable either.

Walter L. Hollmann said...

Knowing on DVD. And I really liked it, despite its flaws (awful VFX being the most obvious). I didn't even mind Rose Byrne, which is strange because I usually only love her when she's in the same room with Glenn Close (which reminds me, I need to catch up on Damages...I'm only on Disc Two of Season One!)

Michiewah said...

I watched Four Weddings and a Funeral... enjoyed Hugh Grant immensley. Andie MacDowell annoyed me. The funeral speech by John Hannah moved me to tears...

Jude said...

I watched Love Me If You Dare- it's in French and has Marion Cotillard and current hubby-ish thing Guillaume Canet. I LOVED it! See it if you can, it's on Netflix on Demand.

Glendon said...

Waltz With Bashir. Interesting concept for a documentary (animating it), but thematically speaking most of its points have been covered before in better films. Still, when it finally switches to live action footage, it is as brutal as I imagine it's intended to be.

Unknown said...

Dogville, i watch it once a year!! i love it!!

Jeff said...

PRECIOUS - very, very good. Not quite great. I thought Paula Patton stole the show personally. I can't believe she didn't get any awards talk at all!

LoquaciousMuse said...

Tron, on DVD, for the first time! Fairly incomprehensible? Sure. But still full of 80s awesomeness. Excited for Tron: Legacy now!

Wait. Lies. That was the day before I rewatched the 1989 classic Honey I Shrunk The Kids, which is just as awesome now as it was then.

Jake D said...

I thought The Ghost Writer was great! It was kind of a clunky beginning (and the comparisons are a bit heavy handed), but it was a very tightly wound, clever film. And Olivia Williams is fantastic. (And Ewan doesn't do so bad either!)

City_Of_Lights said...

Alice In Wonderland, non 3-D.

Bored for two hours.

Cluster Funk said...

The Runaways. I liked it...sort of. Dakota Fanning [spoiler!] getting her period in the opening scene threw me for a loop but the rest was pretty good for a standard biopic. (Even Kristen Stewart didn't suck, which *shocked* me!)

Henry said...

The Hangover. Still liked it and desperately made me want to go to Vegas, even though I would have no idea what to do.

Anonymous said...

Did You Hear About The Morgans?

Alice in Wonderland

I liked both for different reasons. I have to say they were not as good as I was expecting. "Did You Hear About The Morgans?" was funny, cute..but of course it was corny.. I mean check the storyline, and the supporting actors. was entertaining, and good for a laugh. "Alice in Wonderland" just suffered from its own hype. It was good..but we were all expecting this masterpiece to end all masterpieces.

Caroline said...

DVD - Talk to Her.

The silent movie fantasy bit was slightly traumatizing but I still ended up loving this masterpiece. I really want to see Broken Embraces.

Anonymous said...

Mary Poppins last night/early morning. (love it, songs are ace).

Then half an hour ago finished watching What's Love Got To Do With It? Twas quite good.

Cody-B said...

I had a movie night by my lonesome

All About Eve
The Thin Red Line
Black Dynamite

All incredibly different films. It was a spectacular setup though. all of them were fresh to my eyes and I was definetly pleased. Black Dynamite is definetly being added to my collection in the future.


Michelle -- yeah, Hugh Grant is wonderful in that movie. I wish he'd been Oscar nom'ed.

nothing is written & rick the reader -- yay, people take recommendations!

magicub -- lol

Cluster Funk -- i know, right?

Unknown said...

Finally saw Bright Star last night. Can someone tell me how Abbie Cornish missed out on an oscar nom??