Monday, March 08, 2010

Oscar Night in Review: Julianne and Michelle = My Mind, Blown.

I've received so many tweets and emails and texts about the Best Actor presentation that I figured I should acknowledge it first here. Yes, Julianne Moore and Michelle Pfeiffer, my two favorite actresses... simultaneously. And introducing my gold and silver medalists for best actor no less!

Squeal: Realizing they were both there.
"I Don't Even Know Where To Look!": As they walked and stood side by side on my favorite stage for my favorite holiday of the year.

Okay okay, I was looking at Pfeiffer (she's less visible, you know. It's a rare sighting like the Yeti or the Lochness Monster or a satisfying Best Actress outcome*) but I couldn't have been happier. And much love to all of you who thought of me and sent notes when this happened. I'm so not worthy to be thought of when La Pfeiffer emerges but I appreciate the sentiment.

*sorry Sandra ...but I couldn't resist.

Oscars in Review: worst & weirdest moments, most wonderful moments and all 09/10 awards season posts


Middle-P said...

to gloat on something that is completely irrelevant... i totally called michelle/jeff in the random thoughts thread the other day! though i gotta admit when i saw julianne and la pfeiffer standing next to eachother i thought of you nathaniel.

NoNo said...

Oh, I TOTALLY thought of you when those two came out as well! Michelle, Stanley Tucci and Oprah (duh!) gave the best speeches of the whole presentation.

ShoNuff Lives said...

that whole collection of best actor intros were stellar. and i wish all of them had better workloads.

but, michelle and julianne up there...just magic.

Anonymous said...

Pfeiffer's speech to Jeff Bridges was one of the best last night. She looked gorgeous as well. Love her.

adelutza said...

That moment with La Moore and La Pfeiffer standing next to each other on stage at the Oscars made it all worth while for me. Even having to sit through a Bullock win!

Iggy said...

I was looking for a clip of that moment but found these instead:

It's Pfeiffer at the 1989 and 1990 Oscars. I had never seen them before.

Newbie said...

This is officially my favorite Oscar ever. Seeing those two together is just like heaven. They are both my favorite actresses as well. I wonder if anyone would dare to cast them together. I wish I could see La Pfeiffer on screen more often.

cinephile said...

Will . they . ever . win . ???


cinephile.... sadly no. But at least they're aging fabulously and still supremely talented.

oscar cares more about being surprised than rewarding consistency so these two can never really have that going for them. :(

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the entire readership of TFE had a minor religious experience when those two ladies emerged on stage together, if only because we felt some profound recognition that you could now die a complete and happy man.

Great work this season Nat :)

Paul Outlaw said...

With Jeff Bridges' co-stars in Baker Boys, Lebowski, Arlington Road and Crazy Heart standing there together, clearly a message was being sent...

Ceri said...

Ohh, Michelle. I don't even look that good at 23. :P

Anonymous said...

Yes, when I saw that I thought of you too. Both Kate and Meryl were there too. The only one missing was Nicole.

Yes, I know you're favorites.

Anonymous said...

Yes, when I saw that I thought of you too. Both Kate and Meryl were there too. The only one missing was Nicole.

Yes, I know your favorites.


@Paul -- wow. i hadn't even thought of that. Six... no ONE Degree of Jeff BRidges

@Anon -- you're right. that's definitely my goddess quintet (pfeiffer, moore, winslet, streep, kidman) ... though certain other people are now angling for promotions. we'll see.

Burning Reels said...

I say get them together for an indie drama - Jonathan Demme directing - any one think of a plot - do we need one?!

steve said...

that was great eh?

my 2 faves as well - stellar moment

Newbie said...

I was thinking maybe a remake of "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?" and put Kathryn Bigelow behind the camera and we can expect two lead nominations for both. Then again just a wishful thinking.

xixi said...

Speaking of Nat's goddess quintet, Julianne Moore is on the cover of Black Book Magazine

La Streep is quoted in the article.

"Of her friend, Streep says, “Julianne is a fearless actress, with a wild redhead bravado that’s countered by her delicacy and great beauty. But she has never allowed her beauty to subvert her eccentric, outsider sensibility. The possibility that she might do something crazy stalks even her calmest performance.”

Anonymous said...

That presentation coming from Michelle was amazing! Every one of my friends knows Im a huge pfeiffer fan, so throughout the night I was coninuesly getting texts "hey did you see pfeiffer?" or "Hey pfeiffers speech was amazing!" Im glad we got to see her! and who knows maybe sometime later in her career it will be visa versa with jeff giving michelle a speech! OMG would that make my year! lets have hope! remember she has been nominated 3 times and never won, and that was partly why kate winslet won last year because she had been nominated so many times and never won. well lets just pray she makes a film that will shock all of us.

ferdi said...

Oh Nat! To see Moore and Pfeiffer together on the same stage at the same time was really a mystic vision. They are my goddesses too. And made me thinking of you! I was so happy for me and for all the fans of these too amazing actresses.
Really don't you think they will never win? I still hope so. Don't loose your faith!
I do also love Streep and Winslet (Kidman a little less). And I still love Sarandon and Close, though they don't get much attention these days (at least on the big screeen).
When you will promote Tilda Swinton in your restricted pantheon of divas?
love yuo Nat