Too late! Speaking of crashing this party, if you wanna win tickets to the NYC premiere (May 27th) and an after party (SJP and her galpals probably not included... or under heavy protective posse surveillance), click on over to Modern Tonic where you can enter a contest to do just that. Just thought I'd let you know even though that means more competition for yours truly. I'm self-sacrificing like that.
SJP and Cynthia Nixon look old as fuck in that picture. Charlotte York is fabulous, though.
Did anyone feel that Oprah was a bit rude regarding Nixon's relationship ?
I mean, it was like she was waiting for Nixon to apologize because she's dating a woman.
It's not that shocking. One show, 4 women : if there wasn't at least one bisexual woman, now that would be shocking !
Maybe Oprah was upset Nixon didn't ask her out
Sex and the City : Battle of the unflattering dresses
Kim Cattrall looks a bit matronly in that dress. Still she's pretty attractive for what the French would describe as "a woman of a certain age".
By the way, Mr. R, I would not be surprised if your review is waay more entertaining than the film.
This film is opening on the night of my school graduation. It's taking every inch of my (and my friends') being not to skip the ceremony and head straight to the cinema, haha.
The Number of Times I've Heard About How Old these Women are: 2,395,472,023,832,939. Squared.
Seriously. Get over it.
Glenn thanks. I didn't want to sound like a broken record so i was hoping someone else would fight the good fight without me ;)
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