The Edge of Heaven -Anyone who saw writer/director Fatih Akin's (pictured left) powerful Head-On [queue it] probably should have his feature follow up on their radar. This one also toggles between Turkey and Germany and deals with an estranged father and son and the attempt to free an imprisoned Turkish activist, the daughter of the father's girlfriend.
The Children of Huang Shi -Ostensibly this stars Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Radha Mitchell rescuing orphans in 1930s China but the most interesting note (at least sight unseen) is that it reunites Crouching Tiger's Chow Yun Fat and Michelle Yeoh.
A Jihad for Love -This controversial documentary on the gay Muslim experience was filmed right inside deadly countries for gay men and women. Reviews are largely glowing. Here's the trailer.
Postal -Uwe Boll (!I know!) directed this satirical comedy about religious nuts and terrorists. Inspired by the video game.
War Inc. -Another contemporary political comedy, this one starring several 80s/90s stars including Ben Kingsley, Dan Aykroyd, Marisa Tomei and John and Joan Cusack (where ya been girl?)

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull -Nothing dared open against it which is possibly wise given the expected gold it will dig up. I am probably the only person alive who isn't very interested. I've been burned too many times by Lucas, occassionally by Spielberg, and fairly regularly by wanting something to continue that already ended. Nostalgia should really mean just plopping a movie you love into the DVD player. Nobody has had to wait for re-releases of beloved films since the early 80s! If anything, nostalgia should make much less sense in terms of ticket buying than it once did. Strangely, it still does. Perhaps I shall see Indiana Jones 4 but I'm not in a rush. This week has been a little tough as previously noted. I maybe could use some old fashioned adventure.
...and you?
I must be getting older, I can't stand weekend crowds at the movies (cell phones, talking...), so I prefer any week day, especially because the one I really want to see is Indiana Jones. I have decided not to read anything before watching it to keep myself fresh for the experience. I think I'd see it even with Ben Affleck on it.
So right now, I have decided to embrace my gayest side watching Eurovision Song Contest on TV. Where else can you see singers from Azerbaijan in angel costumes, feathered wings included?
I had great expectations to "The Children of Huang Shi" but according the reviews it's sucked film, with a beautiful fotography and complex art direction
Have you seen Jellyfish? If not, please do so, because I think you'll adore it. It's the best film I've seen so far this year (I'll avoid giving reasons why because I believe the film should be enjoyed on a level of moderate ignorance) and it's just dangling on at Cinema Village. It will probably beg one after May 29th, so do yourself a favor and catch it.
I go gaga for Head-On. Can't wait for The Edge of Heaven to hit my town.
You're not alone. I couldn't care less about Indy 4 either. I'll probably never get around to seeing it. I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark when I was like 8 but it didn't interest me in the slightest.
I wasn't too fussed about seeing Indy, but the boyfriend wanted to see it. I still haven't seen Iron Man. I won't be seeing The Incredible Hulk, The Mummy 3, The Love Guru or many other summer flicks. I just don't care enough.
But, yes, it's all about Eurovision tonight! Go Iceland!!
no movies for me this weekend (well, not since Indy last Thursday).
instead it's been partying at a birthday bbq last night (and avoiding any mention of Eurovision, though finding out that Spain's scary ended up 17 was unavoidable)... and recuperating today! ;o)
i hate that it's a weekend holiday in the States... I'd love to be able to spend the rest of my Sunday afternoon vegging out on the sofa and catching this week's episodes of Lost and Battlestar... so instead I'll pop in a dvd and then grab a soak in the tub with a good book.
I blew off revising tonight to go see Caramel in a newly opened cinema that I've my eye on for a summer job. It was such a sweet film.
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