ModFab briefly reminds us that the new Bond will be announced soon. While I'm not much of a 007 fan (I can take or leave them. In fact, I usually leave them) I am rooting for Daniel Craig who is a total 00"10" in my book. If I had to choose only one man from the current pool of ruggedly masculine non-prettyboy stars who light my fire it's an easy pick for me. It's Daniel Craig. My apologies to Clive Owen and the rest. But nobody does it for me in quite the same way as Mr. Craig.
Mr. Craig first managed to seduce these eyes, aided by Conrad Hall's cinematography no doubt, as the ever-smoking criminally creepy son of Paul Newman in Road to Perdition. Later he more than convinced as the sexual-magnet of a carpenter in The Mother. It was easy to see why Anne Reid, the film's title character, would chuck everything including her dignity to experience his woodwork. He also gave good loving (if not good love) as womanizer Ted Hughes in Sylvia opposite Gwyneth Paltrow. And of course he made for freeze-frame worthy viewing--hey I'm not proud, just honest -- as Francis Bacon's rough trade lover in Love is the Devil. Craig is a three-time nominee in the more [ahem] carnally minded section of the film-bitch awards (for The Mother and Sylvia)

Considering my
(Most photos from this exhaustive Daniel Craig tribute site)
I am hereby congratulating you on focusing your attention on Mr. Craig for his pre-Bond achievements.
Enduring Love for me was one of the hardest films to watch. It literaly wrenches your heart. The haunting Samantha Morton contributes to this effect (code 46 anyone?).
The Mother - that is the movie that made me pay attantion to Mr. Craig. So hot on the ouside and so incredibly tragic on the inside.
Anyway, great blog, I am also hereby proclaiming myself as a regular to your blog. see'ya
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