Daniel Craig helped me to a huge satisfying round of 'told ya sos' in regard to his James Bond performance. (It was clear to anyone familiar with his work that he's a great actor. All the naysaying was from people who hadn't seen him in action...so to speak) For his next pleasing trick, he has not one but two movies coming out in which he co-stars with that ethereal object of my intermittent obsession:
Nicole Kidman. And now, he's in talks to co-star with
'god' herself,
Julianne Moore. The film in question is
Blindness from Fernando Meirelles based on the
Nobel Prize winning book by José Saramago (hmmm, maybe Juli noticed that
Children of Men didn't suck like most of her recent filmography and remembered she ought to work with great directors?) This book is sitting on my desk right now but I have to finish the other one I'm reading first)

If you hear that Craig is going to work with Michelle Pfeiffer after Julianne, you'll know with great confidence that he's sending me secret love messages. I'm not going to tell you what they say. It's private... it's between Daniel and me.
Blindness is without question one of the greatest books I have ever read. All involved in the film have their work cut out for them
i'm excited to read it. but i have to finish Octavia Butler's "fledgling" first... which is boring me to tears. I really liked the other book of hers that i read but this one is making me crazed.
Dear Nathaniel,
Please stop stalking me about Michelle Pfeiffer.
fearfully yours,
Daniel Craig
I was wrong, wrong, wrong about Craig as Bond, but in my own defense, it wasn't that I'd never seen him act. It was that I'd only seen him in Road to Perdition and he was too good as the weasely-bastard villain. So good that I thought he was weasely.
Anyway, the next edition of my book (The Ultimate James Bond Fan Book will have me eating much humble pie about the awesomeness that is Craig. So feel free to gloat.
Oh yes, I think Julie DID notice... her next films include direction by her maestro Todd Haynes ("I'm Not There"), academy award winner Barry Levinson ("Boone's Lick") and academy award winner Tom Schulman ("Morgan's Summit). And now Meirelles...
She noticed that she couldn't manage a movie by a bad director (e.g. Joe Roth, Freedomland; Jane Anderson, Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio) by herself - although she was good the films didn't work.
Blindness will be a GREAT role for Julianne. This will be her Oscar comeback!
Dear Daniel Craig,
I can't. I really can't. I need help. Save me from myself. Distract me. You know how to do it.... ;)
yours, Nathaniel
If you hear that Craig is going to work with Michelle Pfeiffer after Julianne, you'll know with great confidence that he's sending me secret love messages. I'm not going to tell you what they say. It's private... it's between Daniel and I.
Don't jinx it. He may decide to work with Hilary Swank. ;)
Thank god Juli is slowly but surely making her way back to the world of the talented.
Blindness?? A movie?? REALLY??!!
Yeah, it's an amazing book -- I just can't see it (ha! a pun!) as a film anyone could bear watching as yet. I'll be fascinated by the sheer attempt.
Does this mean we'll get to see Daniel Craig attempt to wipe his bottom? Hm.
looks great.
Dear Nathaniel,
If you don't stop stalking me, I will make a movie with Cate Blanchett and Hilary Swank.
Dreadfully yours,
Daniel Craig
It's 'Daniel and me' not 'Daniel and I' Nat...Ugh..and I had such high hopes for you!
And to James of a Thousand Days/Daniel Craig:
You forgot to mention that you will make a movie with who must not be named!
Ah you mean Zellpiggy?
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