Putting this joke up here outs me as a frequent American Idol watcher. I hate it... and yet... and yet... and yet I watch. What is wrong with me?
P.S. Sanjaya is not that bad. At least he can stay in tune. Which is more than can be said for many AI participants.
First the chain and now this. What am I, Lazarus- a NUN?
"I'm trying to work with Barry Sonnenfeld again, but he just farted..."
Can I take off the scarf now? I'm sure people have forgotten about me in Monster by now.
"I never handle public phones if I can, I'm afraid of the syphilis."
"Honey....it's that breather again"
"Addams Family Values is playing at 5:45 and Casper at 8:00. Hmm....that might expain the stench".
Hello, Don Roos? Are you planning The Opposite of Sex 2 yet?... No?... Well, don't tell anyone I called...
(in a muffled voice) Now Sanjaya will be on American Idol for yet ANOTHER week. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
"Can't... escape... the... stench... of... Black Snake Moan..."
Zodiac killer, er, heavy breather revealed!
Hello, Meredith...It's Hannah Daives...yea the chic who pulled her hand off the bomb in that guy, sorry bout that...listen bring over Dr. McSteamy and Dr. McDreamy...I have an itch that needs to be scrahahahatched (ala BSM)...thanx gurl.
"Yeah, I'm here in Toronto. Are you SURE that the SARS scare is over?"
oh and jeanette's totally cracked me up.
''No,Billie Jean is not Lover and the kid is not my Son... And yes this is my Real Voice!...''
After Jeanette's, I don't know if I should. Oh well...
"Hm. This is an odd looking phone. Is that spit? Eww. Better put these gloves on. Eww, it smells like Charlize Theron's vajayjay!! Better put this scarf over my mouth. What's with all these weird buttons on my coat? I better do Cursed 2. Um, hello? Wes Craven? I'm in. Oh, you found someone else? Who? ROSE McGAWAN?!? Who the hell is that? She was on 'Charmed'? Nope, doesnt ring a bell. I'm bored. I miss Casper."
Don't go outside, Ann Coulter just opened her mouth.
"Clint? I don´t think they like the idea of doing an western version of Penelope..."
"Hello CASPER?... what a MONSTER? ...ANYTHING ELSE? i can't talk that long.. I'm CURSED... "
After the ordeal of filming Black Snake Moan, Ricci decides to phone in her performance in Penelope.
"Hello..is that IMAX? Just letting you know that if all your screenings of the 300 are sold out this weekend i'm happy to negotiate a deal to screen it on my forehead..."
"Hello, Julia? Damn it, why didn't you warn me about the side effects of those injections! My mouth looks like I bought it from a novelty shop! Get down here right now so I can beat the living Botox out of you!"
"Wynona, your tips were awsome! But I used a scarf not to be resognized."
"Let's not, shall we?"
For watching AI at all, there is something wrong with you. I personally think it's brainwashing by Rupert Murdoch.
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