Summer Glau looks like a wispy girly girl. But she's actually a super strong, super fast perfectly programmed killing machine. If you think I'm talking about the television series
Firefly which spawned 2005's feature film
Serenity you're right. Unfortunately I'm also talking about
The Sarah Connor Chronicles , the forthcoming television series birthed from the
Terminator feature film franchise.
I heard
the news days ago but I couldn't even imagine that it was true. It's got to be the most weirdly narrow typecasting niche of all time. Either Ms. Glau is not getting any offers or her agent and the casting directors responsible have virtually no imagination. It's even a smaller niche than
Julianne Moore and her dead children! Who knew
that was possible?
I was just happy to hear she's got a job. I thought we'd never hear from her again.
Now we just need something in which Dr. Simon is naked. Often.
that would be ideal casting, wouldn't it?
If nothing else, we should get a decent pilot episode. Biggest budget since Lost's fantastic pilot. I know bigger budget doesn't automatically=better quality but optimism is getting the better of me...
Is this guy telling us to donate World of Warcraft gold to your March fundraiser? Or is he just being a spamming douche of the highest order..?
a spamming douche. thus: deleted
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