Twin screengrabs from the 20th minute and 7th second of related movies

[singing] Give me a career as a buccaneer It's the life of a pirate for me Oh, the life of a pirate for me!

"Michael. John. There's a boy here who is to teach us to fly!"
Two stills from films about the boy who never grew up. One is the widely seen Disney musical from '53. Fifty years later PJ Hogan directed a faithful book-to-screen version, which as you'll see here, takes just a wee bit longer to get us to Neverland. If you're just joining us (in which case --where ya been?) Wendy & Tink' got a write up last week. Even if you've read it you might want to click over. There were a few late entries to the "Action Heroine" celebration (including a Gallery of the Absurd painting) bringing the end total to a whopping 53 articles.
Please Note: Thanks for your enthusiasm and frequent commenting on the "20:07" project. This particular series is going on hiatus for at least a couple of weeks. But there's always something to see and read here at the experience. Stay tuned.
PJ Hogan was the director of "Muriel's Wedding" , no? Did we ever establish the actual identify of PJ Hogan (when MW came out there were rumors that it was actually Paul Hogan.)
Say it ain't so Nathaniel.
Love Peter Pan. It is the essential Walt Disney movie. I love it so much, I even like Hook.
i just need a little break. 20:07 will be back. it's just hard to keep up every day. would prefer to regroup -- i don't want it to get too routine / mundane
You could have guest 20:07ers, doing the capture and writing the rest and sending it to you, and all you do is copy+paste+done. But I can understand. A short hiatus, and let's hope your ratings don't fall off a building like "Heroes".
I love it when you takes stills from two films of similar subject matter, Nate. Now you've got me curious as to what the 20 minute and 7th second would look like in Hook as well.
Am I the only one who thinks there's nothing wrong with liking Hook? I loved that movie when I was a kid...
adam hopefully you are all alone
Hey, I like Hook too, Adam... or at least, I like parts of it. In case you're interested, I'll be writing a piece about it in August for a little project I'm doing. Feel free to check it out.
hiatus?! damn! look forward to these each day! :o(
well, enjoy your break Nat! it's well-deserved
and I'm jumping in with the "liking Hook" group! That movie was a lot of fun!!! ;o)
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