Just to be a mite perverse here's some photos from the
Sex & The City premiere in NYC that don't include any of the stars ;) I've given up worrying about the quality of the movie. How could it compare to six years of the TV show? I shall just see it and enjoy it for a chance to spend another 100 minutes with old (imaginary) friends.
Comment Game Time! The real question is whether these famous moviegoers are
Charlottes or
Mirandas in real life.

Don't pretend you haven't pledged one of the four cosmopolitan swigging divas as your own possibly more fabulous counterpart. Which
Sex girl are you and which are they?
I'm Miranda Hobbs. Cynical when it comes to men and relationship, and the voice of reason to my closest confidantes.
I will not and cannot play this game, since I don't know the show beyond the few episodes I've seen (and disliked). I hope I'm Miranda, since Cynthia Nixon is the only thesp here who doesn't make me actually crazy.
So why am I writing? Just to say, Joan Allen is smmmmoking. Can I be her?
i'm gonna go out on a limb and call Todd Oldham a "Charlotte" and Bette Midler a "Carrie" but I'm honestly stumped on the others.
Mary J Blige wants No Mo' Drama but I can't really see her as a Miranda either. I'm stumped!
Eddie Flaco is Miranda and Emmy Rossum radiates Charlotte. I can see Mary J a Samantha Figure and secretly I think Joan Allan has a little Samantha in here as well. And Amy Sedaris is so Carrie in that outfit.
Amy Sedaris is most certainly none of the above. She is her own weird thing off in the corner, just the way I like her. Plus, she was actually on the show as a character - Carrie's book agent or something? - so she can be counted as being that. herself. Wonderful.
Joan Allen's a total Charlotte. And Emmy Rossum would have us believe that she is too, but I can smell the Samantha on her from here.
Amy Ryan is a Miranda and could play her sister? Did anyone see her funny turn on The Office finale?
JA --how did I know that you'd come rushing to Sedaris's defense. I loved her on the show.
Cenzig --agreed that Emmy radiates Charlotte but i'm intrigued by JA's notion that she's Samantha in there somewhere. She must have been frustrated spending all that time in musical theater if she is.
you realize of course that the film is 2 hours and 25 minutes... thats quite a runtime. I love Sex and the City, but dont see how on earth they found enough material to keep my interest for 2 and a half hours... I love long runtimes... but sex and the city???
Sean Knight
I'm a Carrie.
At least based on the opinions of my friends, several tests I've taken (lately the one that comes with the DVD boxset)and NASA.
Hmmm tough ones to call, I'm sure Bette is quite the Samantha Jones.
I am so completely and totally Charlotte York. We've actually done a poll of my friends at a birthday party, and it was unanimous on this. That said, I kind of wish that Joan Allen were Samantha. I could see her nabbing twentysomething guys.
I'm most probably a Miranda. I've gotten the "omigosh, you look like yer one from SATC" thing from loads of people. She was the funniest, so it's coo'.
Is it weird to think of Amy Sedaris as a Stanford, but obviously for gay men (which the women basically were anyways)?
I think Bette turned into a Carrie during the 90s but before that? Total Samantha.
My girlfriend and I joke that I'm Steve and she's Berger. What a fabulous couple those two would make!
Mary J. Blige has got to be Samantha.
Emmy Rossum is the closest thing Hollywood's got to a Charlotte right now.
I completely and 100% agree with JS about Bette. Today, Carrie. A decade ago, SAMANTHA!
None of the girls are devil fearing jesus freaks...me thinks everyone will be stumped by Mary J.
I'm a Carrie too. Wanted to be Miranda...thought I was Samantha, ended up Carrie.
I wonder which of the "Friends" I am (phoebe phoebe!)
Nat, let me correct you - 148 minutes. One-Hundred and Forty-Eight Minutes. As in nearly the entire length of season five.
Glenn and Grayfox beat me to my comment - I only discovered yesterday that the film is almost 2 and a half hours long! My jaw dropped... I don't think I can take SJP for that long. 30 minute doses are fine, but that's it.
Oh, and I think I'm a hybrid Miranda-Charlotte.
Oooh. a hybrid! Talk dirty to me.
nobody guessing on Edie Falco or Amy Ryan?
Falco would be a Samantha. She's a tough broad and wouldn't have a cutesy pink laptop.
@I can't play this game either, as I've never seen the show (can't afford cable, so no dirty looks, please) but I just have to say Edie looks like such a lesbian in that shot. And that is a complete compliment. Rowrrr.
What I wonder about opening nights is this - do all the famous (or semi-famous, or hoping to be famous) faces that show up for the premieres, are they invited, or do they just show up ("Hey, honey, there'll be cameras! We haven't had our faces out in the public in - at least three days! Maybe four!") I'm actually quite serious though, who decides who gets to show up for these events?
I saw it when it opened on May 28. One girl and three guys (surplus!). I'm not really sure I could call what I saw a "movie".....
But I definitely saw SJP trying to pass of a plate as a pendant!
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