Newsweek brings Maurice Sendak, Dave Eggers and Spike Jonze together for an awesome conversation while Where The Wild Things Are heads to theaters. It's a must read. Here's a little bit about Sendak's issues with Disney
Do you think Disney is bad for children?More Clickables
Sendak: I think it's terrible.
But you have all the Disney characters on your mantel behind you.
Sendak: I adored Mickey Mouse when I was a child. He was the emblem of happiness and funniness. You went to the movies then, you saw two movies and a short. When Mickey Mouse came on the screen and there was his big head, my sister said she had to hold onto me. I went berserk. I stood on the chair screaming, "My hero! My hero!" He had a lot of guts when he was young. We're both about the same age; we're about a month apart. He was the little brother I always wanted.
Jonze: What was he like when he was young?
Sendak: He had teeth.
Jonze: Literally?
Sendak: He had literally teeth. I have toys in the other room.
Jonze: Was he more dangerous?
Sendak: Yes. He was more dangerous. He did things to Minnie that were not nice. I think what happened, was that he became so popular—this is my own theory—they gave his cruelty and his toughness to Donald Duck. And they made Mickey a fat nothing. He's too important for products. They want him to be placid and nice and adorable. He turned into a schmaltzer. I despised him after a point.
TOH As suspected Terence Malick's Tree of Life is delayed until 2010. Damn it's hard keeping those Oscar predictions up-to-date
Examiner on the top ten Woody Allen movies. Obvs Whatever Works (soon on DVD) isn't one of them
The Brown List who made the least liked Hollywood executives list? These people are supposedly hell to work for/with [thx]
Some Came Running if you're a fan of Crash (the David Cronenberg film, not th' other one) raise your hand. You can't see me but trust that my hand is high
Independent Eye Jennifer Aniston as rorschach blot
Galerie & Boutique art gallery highlights celebrating Where the Wild Things Are [thx]
Terrible Yellow Eyes and much more artwork inspired by that beloved story
Pop Hangover "Bell, Biv, Dafoe" teehee

Boing Boing "Logorama", a movie with repurposed corporate logos, looks so cool. Love that MGM Lion
In Contention on the AFI fest lineup
Cinematical has the premiere of the poster for Me and Orson Welles. They don't critique it but I personally think we have a candidate for worst poster of the year. My eyes are still bleeding so I refuse to show the photo here. It hurts me that someone was paid good money to make that
Salon the good thing about the resurrection of the decades-old Polanski crime is that fine film writers are writing about Polanski movies. This one is on Chinatown
I don't think I can appropriately put in words how much I love Chinatown.
The Orson Welles poster reminds me of the poster for Being Julia. It's far from the worst poster this year though. I reckon The Jonas Brothers Experience is far worse. At least the Orson Welles poster doesn't have pre-pubescent boys giving masturbation imagery with a guitar.
Love Cronenberg's Crash!
Well, the other good thing about the "resurrection of the decades-old Polanski crime" is that a rapist is behind bars. Just sayin'.
Glenn, the Jonas Brothers are pre-pubescent? I coulda sworn they were teenagers. Who knew?!
Robert it's not my fav Polanski but I see the appeal. That review has some great moments, doesn't it?
brianmaru 'one of us. one of us'
deborah point: deborah. i shoulda seen that one coming I suppose. the whole thing just makes me so sad. For multiple reasons.
Add me to the Real Crash fan list. The movie makes you feel dirty in a good way...
"All's fair in love and theater" is truly horrendous.
That Orson Welles poster... ugh. Just terrible.
Nathaniel, I'm sorry I'm asking this here but I just read your Whip It review and I was afraid you wouldn't respond there. I absolutely loved the movie, and I wanted to know if you thought the movie had any awards/nods potential? Unfortunately, it probably won't get any Oscar nods, but what about the Globes or the Spirits? Or the People's/Teen choice and the MTV's? Thanks!!
Ashley, sadly I'd say no shots at awardage. Mostly because of the dismal box office. And with mainstream films, no box office spells awards show doom. Only the "prestige" pics don't really have to prove they can make money.
Nathaniel, why couldn't Whip It have a chance at the Globes? There have been many movies that did not do well with box office but were still nominated for a Golden Globe. Whip It did have a Film Independent screening and Q&A.
i just think the precursor voters are too obsessed with Oscar predicting and with success in general. just my take.
i'd be thrilled if it got some attention somewhere though even i am not sure exactly where one would honor it. But i love it.
Can't wait for the Director's Cut DVD of "Where the Wild Things Are".
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