Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Which movie...

would you drop everything to see right now?
(It's on me brain since I'll finally be able to scratch Precious off my list in a few hours.)


Henry said...

Shutter Island.

One that's already been out? Gladiator is always a good candidate for me.

Flosh said...

Tree of Life. no idea if it's still scheduled for this December, but i want to go to there so bad.

Mimi said...

It's Complicated - Can't wait to see this, just saw the 2nd trailer. Soo funny!


Lucas S. said...

Since it hasn't expanded to my state yet,definitely A Serious Man.

Jason Adams said...

I would drop what I'm doing right now (that is, sitting in my office bored) for anything, let's say a godforsaken talking-dog-movie marathon, right now, so the answer to this specific question is pretty much anything goes.

But I would commit genocide to be watching Where the Wild Things Are right now, so I guess that wins.

Al said...


Anonymous said...

Why is The Film Experience constantly down service??? Rarely I can have access to the original website, why does this happen, Nat? I can't believe you have no money.

Million said...


Andrew K. said...

The Rabbit Hole. It's even above Scorsese in being my most anticipated of 2010.

BMoj said...

An Education or Mother.

Jempie said...

An Education.

Oprah put me off Precious, though I hope to love it. I just don't wanna hear her going PRECIOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS. And: "Girl, go get ur oscar. here's MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'NIIIIIIIIIQUE."

Agustin said...

Toy Story 3 with my little bro

Anonymous said...

NINE. At this point I'd drop everything to just see a second trailer.



anon 3:24 --- the website is not down right now. but it has gone down twice recently in late september and mid august.

and whether or not you believe i have money does not change the fact that i dont ;)

i wish it were different but it's not.

Anonymous said...

I have 3:

1. Precious
2. Nine

and don't crucify for the 3rd one:
3. New Moon



who is Jasper?

(i'm wilfully obtuse about Twilight, I know)


agustin. sweet answer.

i was horrified to go home this past month and discover that my nephews want to see things like inglourious basterds instead (anything bloody really)... the days of animated excursions are over. (sniffle)

Tory said...

Get Happy with Anne Hathaway as Judy Garland!

But for now, Nine and Precious. I super super excited about these two.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Nate, I understand. I was totally against Twilight, until I read the books. Jasper is one of the Cullens. In the third movie, their going to delve into each characters backgrounds. And Jasper's history, and how he came to be a vampire is quite interesting. *Note, also in the movie/book he is the vampire closely associated with the vampire that's goning to be played by Catalina Sandino Moreno*

City_Of_Lights said...


Second that emotion on a second trailer. I have yet to see the one released during previews.

Nathaniel, wouldn't Blogger.com be responsible for whether or not this site is down?

City_Of_Lights said...

Ahh never mind, I see they were referring to the website, not the blog. Carry on.


joshua Sussman said...

i would go with either Avatar or Shutter Island.

No Bad Movies said...

There are a few... since I read The Road several times, and have been on that movie since pre-production that's an obvious choice. I'm not a huge musical's fan, but I'd be straight out lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to Nine. Others... The Lovely Bones, Avatar, Leaves Of Grass and God willing, Within The Whirlwind. I was enthralled with that book !

dvjs said...

the next batman movie.

Jude said...

Nine! And Avatar, The Lovely Bones, and of course Where the Wild Things Are!

Aaron said...


Michael Parsons said...


Nat, I really hope you like it. Would love to hear your take on the performances especially.

MRRIPLEY said...


Magicub said...

Lovely Bones

Bernardo said...

500 Days of Summer and Where the Wild things are!!!!!!!!

RYAN M said...

At this point, probably Where the Wild Things Are or (as much as I hate to admit it...), Boondock Saints II: All Saint's Day. Just because I did quite enjoy the first movie...weeeeeeeeeee

John O'Neil said...

A Serious Man (finally get to see it Saturday!) and Up in the Air.

Jim T said...

The Lovely Bones. I hope it's not a disappointment!

Erik L. said...

I'm with Flosh. TREE OF LIFE.

Plus the two Clooneys: MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS and UP IN THE AIR.

Derreck said...

Nine and Precious.

Both look too good to resist. I would fly out of here in a heartbeat if i knew either of them were playing nearby.

and like someone said, where the hell is the second NINE trailer?

my enthusiasm for Shutter Island died down after they pushed it into next year. I'm thinking of not seeing it out of pure spite.

ZiZo said...

The Lovely Bones

Billy Held An Oscar said...

An Education
Mother and Child

Amir said...

i'm gonna watch antichrist in a few minutes!
but i can't wait for tree of life to come out.

Beau said...

Antichrist, Avatar, The Lovely Bones.

Lev Lewis said...

"Where the Wild Things Are" would be my pick if not for the fact that it's coming out this friday. So I'd probably have to say "The Tree of Life".

New Malick is a far bigger event for me than new Bay.

adelutza said...

Police, Adjective

Anonymous said...

I'd drop everything right now to see anything, because being at work right now sucks.

Popcorn and Cigarettes said...

For me, it would easily be Nine.

Seeking Amy said...

I'm trying to quell my anticipation for Nine, so right now it's A Single Man.

Julianne Moore as a British, faded party girl best friends with a gay Colin Firth?

Nothing else needs to be said/

Henry said...

Ooo, I'd probably drop everything to see (500) Days of Summer again. That'd better come out on DVD soon.

Cameron said...

Broken Embraces for some colorful flavor and The White Ribbon for some black and white fascism :D

adri said...

Bright Star, An Education, The Last Station.

And re the site being down - sometimes Google/Safari says it's unavailable when it's up. I just go to In Contention and use the link there, and it works.

Andrea said...

Where the Wild Things Are, but I agree, since it's coming out this Friday, I'm not sure.....

I guess An Education.

UncleVanya said...

Police, Adjective
or Tree of Life

Kamila said...


Arkaan said...

The Road

Toy Story 3 (and I really wasn't looking forward to this movie)

Unknown said...

an education or precious

Carl said...

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II"

I'm very big on closure...

Glendon said...

Breathless. As much as I preach the gospel of the public library, that one I've been 80th in line for forever.

Danny King said...

An Education.

M.L. said...

I'm really looking forward to Nine, An Education, Precious, Coco Before Chanel, A Single Man, The Lovely Bones, etc.

It's nice that this year's big Oscar contenders are an ecclectic bunch and with a seemingly more feminine slant (if that makes sense?).

Fox said...

Well... since I have my ticket already and it's only two days away, I feel kind of silly still saying Where The Wild Things Are, but that's honestly it right now.

Can you do this again after Friday??? :)

filmgeek said...

I have loads: (500) Days of Summer (finally opening in my town on Friday), Shutter Island, Nine, The Lovely Bones, It's Complicated, Bright Star, An Education, Fish Tank, Broken Embraces...

Kyle said...

Green Lantern

Ryan Reynolds as a REAL superhero? Sign me up please!

Unknown said...

and Rabbit Hole

Branden said...

I hard to decide.

Precious, An Education, The Road and A Single Man.

notanotherblog said...


Alexa said...


Paul Outlaw said...

A Single Man...or Precious...or Nine...or The Lovely Bones...

Anonymous said...

Ballast. Missed it in theaters and still waiting for the DVD release.

Anonymous said...

"Visages", "To die like a man" (Joao Pedro Rodrigues), "It came from Kuchar", "The White Ribbon", "Where the Wild Things Are", "The Road"... so many! In shitty parts of the world we have to wait for YEARS for the good movies of the year to be released.

Anonymous said...

The Last Station.
I am dying to see this! When is the soonest date it will be out?