Showgirls 2?

WHAT ?!? What!?
I'm speechless. Even if Gina Gershon, Paul Verhoeven, Elizabeth Berkeley and Joe Eszterhas aren't involved it's still so... WHAT? Showgirls may be a masterpiece (see previous posts) but it's not the kind of masterpiece that can't use a random 15 years-later bastard sequel from entirely different people.
Except... Penny!

How great is it that Rena Riffel misspells "forward" while preparing to reprise the role of her life. I am filled with joy. Seriously. I'm about to burst from it.

I hope it's the worst movie of all time. And therefore the best.
The prospect of a Showgirls sequel makes me all happy inside - i loved the original for all it's great badness. Sadly though, the production level on this sequel looks to be on par with a porno flick... possibly lower :o(
This has just replaced Iron Man 2 as my most anticipated sequel of 2010.
Wow, this really is "old news" isn't it if you can only get two replies to a piece about Showgirls!
glenn. well the comments are down overall :( but yeah. only 2 for showgirls. DISTURBING.
it's funny though how things spread on the web. There were a few posts about it 4 days before this and then nothing and then a ton of posts about it everwhere the day i posted this.
weird news items spread in hiccups i guess
i feel really hopeful now that i see Rena Riffel has given her blessing
this should be great
They don't wanna fuck a Penny, dum-dum!
They really should be making the story of Nomi's ascent to the top of the Hollywood heap, a sequel clearly sign-posted by the end of the movie.
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