First line "Gangland enforcers broke the arms of an elderly newsdealer this afternoon..."
Last image

I know this one is incredibly easy, but it's one of my all time favourites and when trying to pick a film to choose I just loved the closing image. But what's not to love about [insert title here]?
Highlight for the answer: This is DICK TRACY (1990) starring Warren Beatty. for all first and last puzzles, click the label below
"Dick Tracy."
What a gorgeous, and sadly neglected, film. Surely due for a reappraisal at some point.
Really? Heck, I thought it was "who Framed Roger Rabbit"!
Either answer is yes (in terms of 'love it) but it is Dick Tracy yes?
FYC Rachel Weisz in AGORA
I loved sharing this movie with fourteen-year-olds last year after they'd finished the state tests and needed a couple hours of distraction. They were IN to it.
FYC Rachel Weisz in AGORA
Who Framed Roger Rabbit was my first guess, but now I"m remembering that it ended with that big group shot of cartoon characters. right?
Guy and Nathaniel have it right, it is Dick Tracy. I absolutely loooove this movie. I'd rank it right up there in some form of top 20 list. Amazing movie. Such a trip and an antidote to the comic book movies of today.
I hadn't actually thought of Roger Rabbit, but I can definitely see it now. Duh to me.
I love that movie so much, and thought I was the only one! In particular, the cinematography is amazing. I think it's one of the only comic book/strip movies that LOOKs like a comic book/strip. There's a bunch of shots that look like a panel from the strip, just gorgeous the way they're framed.
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