Precious Bleeds Over yes, it's fantastic. But how pure can our reactions be after 10 months of hype?
Tilda in the Flesh two pieces on Tilda Swinton at the New Yorker Festival
Directors of the Decade Robert kicked off an exciting retrospective column with Martin Scorsese. Who will he spotlight next?
First and Last: TV Glenn hosted the liveliest comment guessing game yet for this series. While I finally stumped y'all after fifty-plus tries.
Paris is Burning Matt's new series "Screen Queens" covered one of the best documentaries of past 20 years
Overheard at the Cinema lots of fun comments on Wild Things opening weekend
From London... Cross the Atlantic, Dave saw a ton of movies and kept reporting back. We thank him v. much
On Amelia You can rub wooden actors together but you're not going to spark a fire
Whip It Vodcast Katey and I had a ball watching this. Too bad there won't be a sequel given how much more one could do with that material
Mariel's (Muriel's) Lament JA wrote a fine piece on Muriel's Wedding. 15 years later the Aussie comedy still resonates

Who knows. But thinks will get starrier and crazier as Oscar campaigns heat up. November topics will include but are not limited to: Bogart, Broken Embraces, Colbert, Cruz, Curtis, DiCaprio, Eastwood, Fanning, Gyllenhaal, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, Holbrook, Hudson, Leigh, Mackie, McAvoy, McGregor, The Messenger, Nine, The Princess and the Frog, Red Cliff, The Road, Streep and Up.
why Leigh?
I definitely agree with you on Whip It. The film had a lot of interesting subplots and it ended with a lot of unanswered and intriguing questions, but overall it was still a terrific film.
Yes, Nathaniel, why Vivien Leigh?
Oh, she was born in November is all and I don't talk about her much (though she's one of my 10 favs... so it's weird that i never do)
That's funny, because I have her picture as a wallpaper in my cellphone screen so I see her every day! I thought that since it's GWTW 70th anniversary you'd have news about her.
I'm going to be getting a lot better about film anniversaries soon. Though I think i'll stick to the quarter century stuff rather than random things like 32nd! or 17th! maybe 25,50,75,100... i miss writing about older films.
I'm making my 2010 plans in bits and dabs already.
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