Sunday, October 25, 2009

What have you been watching this weekend?

If it's Amelia or Antichrist, those comment discussions are still going on here and here. If it's something else, do tell. I've been desperately craving Mean Girls all day but can't find it anywhere. I can't help it if I've got heavy clutter and a wide set apartment!


Anonymous said...

I went and saw the Chris Rock documentary 'Good Hair'. and it was really good.

ThaDropDownBear said...

Saw wtwta finally. Cried like a little girl through half of it but damn was that narrative slim ha ha

brandz said...

A Serious Man, which was good but not for everyone. Lead actor was very good, perfect for the role.

Robert Hamer said...

Yesterday was the beginning of a sort of Halloween week marathon for me and my friends, so we started with one of my personal (soon-to-be-manhandled) favorites, A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Ryan said...

Managed to squeeze in some Simpsons season 5 episodes late last night.

NoNo said...

The Letter with "Bette Davis". Such a brilliant performance and the film was nice and short. The ending left me dissatisfied though.

dvjs said...

watched 'big fish' last night.

Morgan Leigh Davies said...

Roomie and I watched Candy last night, which we thought was amazing.

Michael said...

I was lucky enough to check out Chloe at the London Film Fest.

A solid film until the unfortunate twist. Although 'twist' seems too kind a word for the disjointed alteration in characters, themes and genre.

Still Julianne Moore was as wonderful as ever...although I'm rather smitten as also was lucky enough to catch A Single Man - stunning piece of work! - and Moore's screen talk this week. How the rest of my life will summon any meaning I do not know!


Danny King said...

I saw A Serious Man and An Education. Both solid films, but A Serious Man had more life to it in my opinion.

Michael Parsons said...

Well I watched Glee, 'X-Men: Last Stand', 'Jaws' and today 'Precious'.

I am now curled up on the sofa with comfort food. Every emotion rung out.

Univarn said...

Saw Moon this weekend with Rockwell and directed by Duncan Jones - great movie. More hype needs to be sent its direction.

Victor S said...

Public Enemies and liking it. All you could expect from a Michael Mann film - amazing cinematography, production design, the best sound work in the business (why the gunshots in his movies are so much better than the other gunshots??) and a great Johnny Depp performance. An if Marion Cotillard is going Lead for Nine so she can have 2 nominations, that is a really dumb move. I think she has a better shot at supporting actress, even with a posible vote spliting, if she stays in supporting with both films that combined, push her into a nomination.

The Film Doctor said...

I watched Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in the midst of reading the enjoyable new Elizabeth Taylor biography How to Be a Movie Star.

Amir said...

watched west side story last night and wizard of oz today.
so no complaints!

filmfan_2009 said...

@ticklepickleme: Wow, great write-up about Julianne Moore's screentalk at your blog yo know if it is possible to watch a video of the screentalk somewhere online? It would be fantastic to see it.
And can you say something more about her performances in Chloe and especially A Single Man? Thx.

Michael said...

@filmfan_2009: That post was actually written by a friend from uni who I gave my second ticket to! It is a collaborative blog.

My own blog is and both will feature my own post on Moore, the screen talk and Chloe/A Single Man.

(I will pass on your praise of the post btw)

Murtada said...

I saw Where the Wild Things Are. I found it gorgeous, original, inventive but also dull and slow. And were those beasts or neurotic urbanites?

adam k. said...

2001: A Space Odyssey in 35mm at my school's theater. First time ever getting all the way through it. Mad genius. I had no idea how trippy the last third was.

Jude said...

I watched Sabrina again yesterday! So good, as always.

Lucas S. said...

I finally got to see A Serious Man yesterday. It's my favorite of the year so far.

Beau said...

Seeing 'Antichrist' in three hours at the Nuart in Santa Monica. I'll let you know.

Walter L. Hollmann said...

I saw Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers two nights ago. Trashy and fun, but I've seen better. Still: some pretty creative deaths.

Liv. said...

watched Rocky Horror and West Side Story last night at a birthday party. oh, what a lovely paradox.

Rebecca said...

I watched A History of Violence. The first time I saw it, I proceeded to watch it 3-4 times in the next few days (once with the commentary). I thought this time I would watch it once and then send it right back, but I already want to watch it again!

I also put on Jurassic Park 2 to fall asleep. I know it's not a great movie, but I'm a sucker for anything with dinosaurs in it.

Liv. said...

....oh, and the original Frankenstein on friday night. it was a great movie weekend for me =)

Michy said...

A SERIOUS MAN, probably the best movie of 2009

Mike! said...

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and Psycho. I was in the mood for a throwback, and enjoyed both films immensely (although I preferred the former...I love when movies make you think for a long time.)

Ceri said...

I re-watched Cabin Fever. I never know how to feel about that - sometimes I feel as though the story's really well thought out and the acting's weak but then other times I think it's vice versa. :P

FrenchGirl said...

i saw Haneke movie this week (thursday)and i saw Jennifer's body this afternoon. It was very different movies and one of these movies is better(but really better)than the other movie so i can say i prefered to meet Haneke's children! LOL

adelutza said...

I saw A Serious Man. I still don't know what to make of it , but I doubt it will make the 10 BP nominations.

Rob said...

I've come around to thinking A SERIOUS MAN will, in fact, be one of the 10 Best Picture nominees, despite its odd/challenging nature. It seems audiences who generally like the Coens -- even those who don't "get it" -- are enjoying it, and I'll be the umpteenth person to say it's my #1 movie of the year at this point. Even a small amount of #1 and #2 votes could get it on the shortlist.

Kamila said...

I have seen two great films this weekend:

- "My Sister´s Keeper": I cried like a baby during this picture.

- "Lust, Caution": Ang Lee, Tony Leung e Wang Tei are a class act!

Ben said...

Watched "Away We Go." Mixed on it. Certainly had many flaws, but I also really enjoyed some of the scenes and liked Maya Rudolph. The condescension that many critics hated didn't bother me too much.... am I an elitist too?

Lorena F. Pimentel said...

Re-watched The Americanization of Emily, starring the delicious Julie Andrews; Down with Love, which I'm learning how to appreciate it a little; and Some Like it Hot.

Evan said...

I saw Bright Star this weekend, after noticing it on one of Nathaniel's recent posts. I thought it was beautifully filmed, relying on simple beauty, and that the acting performances were pretty good.

The little girl in the movie (Toots) is one of my favorite characters of the year.

Andrea said...

"Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" and "The Graduate", both for the first time. The first half of The Graduate was stunning, but I thought the second half was pretty messy and just...random. Still liked it. Though a young Dustin Hoffman was pretty disconcerting. Anne Bancroft was divine.

OOH! And "Paranormal Activity". Pretty good. I'm still gloating over how good ol' fashioned suspense is making a comeback over torture porn.


you know what's crazy. every time i do one of these posts i am totally humbled because i shoulda been watching some of these movies instead of eating pizza and watching Desperate HOusewives. I hate this show!

evan wasn't Toots great???

mike what a double feature. Two of my favorite movies of all time.

Anonymous said...

I watched Mars Attacks! for the first time in years yesterday. Hardly a great film but I just love it. It's impressive to see how the CGI stands up perfectly to modern equivalents- but makes me wistful for what Burton had originally intended, with stop-motion.

Anonymous said...

I saw "Capitalism" in the theater and "Nashville" at home. The former was much better, much less naive, that the reviews give credit for. And I think I should be kicked off this site for missing the latter until now. Excellent.


Marsha Nashville is one of the best movies of all time. Welcome to loving it!

Aaron said...

Watched pretty much the whole second season of 30 Rock (don't sigh, it really wasn't that long due to the writer's strike). Also went to the theatre and saw An Education, which I really loved. And I'm preaching to the choir, but Carey Mulligan really was as breathtaking as she's been hyped up to be. Also thought Rosamund Pike gave a hilariously sexy performance as well. There should be some more notice towards her.

ZiZo said...

Opened here District 9 and An Education, I watched the first one, will watch the second this week. LOVED D-9, Amazing.

OT: Love Carmen Maura in the blog logo Nat! Kudos for you

julianstark said...

I watched Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie... I know: kinda dorky, but I've loved them ever since one of my best friends dragged me to the live RiffTrax special back in August... it was nice to have a good laugh

I meant to check out Cheri this weekend. Doing that tonight after seeing Amelia (wish me luck) and another movie

Beau said...

Well, that was about one of the most disturbing pictures I've ever seen in a cinema.