So, you're totally in the mood to watch a movie. That'd be very. But get this. Your television isn't functioning properly and you can only get sound, no picture (your laptop isn't working either -- don't cheat!).
Which movie are you going to watch listen to... and why?You know what to do. Do it in the comments.
Is 'The Fountain' too obvious?
A Hard Day's Night (1964)
or Help (1965)
Singin' In The Rain - I've seen it enough times to picture every scene, the taps are dubbed anyway, and the majority of the humor comes from the auditory aspect of the picture.
Dangerous Liaisons - Christopher Hampton's words can cut through the darkness of your screen.
Might as well choose my favorite musical, A Hard Day's Night. For the music, of course, but the dialogue is also musical (at least I've gotten accustomed to hearing John, Paul, George and Ringo that way, even when they're speaking). It helps that the scenes with the most visual pizazz are usually accompanied with good music (meaning Beatles music) as well.
Just sound? Then it must be a musical. And a very familiar one. The Sound of Music, so that I can have a joyous sing-along.
Across the Universe. I could just enjoy the covered Beatles songs and ignore the ridiculous attempts at story.
Dorothy Parker and the Vicious Circle?
Mean Girls. Since my friends and I have it practically memorized we could act it out.
A movie to just hear? Glengarry GlenRoss, In the Company of Men or something similar. Something that you could follow, even if you haven't seen the movie before, just by the dialogue.
And, by the way, The Fountain is a questionable choice. You'd be missing out on almost everything that makes an impact in that movie.
"The Piano"
sars -- ooh, surprise choice but a good one.
cory -- that score IS incredible.
peter -- i haven't seen that but from what i have heard of it, you are a very wise man.
dean -- can you do the slomo plastics walk?
POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE, definitely. With that dialogue, who needs a visual? Besides, I have every one of Meryl's shrugs and gestures imprinted in my mind and heart.
Kill Bill: Volume 1 because of music and dialogues.
Umbrellas of Cherbourg. My French is so bad I can't comprehend a word it, but you only have to be fluent in l'amour to truly understand. And I am and I do.
Mulholland Drive. Everything from that hypnotic music in the beginning to the monster behind Winkie's, the audition, Rebekah del Rio's haunting Llorando and then...silencio.
"Citizen Kane" to prove for myself Andre Bazin's theory that it works as a radio show just as much as a movie.
Actually, i'll invite a bunch of friends over, turn on "Showgirls" and act the whole thing out while lipsynching the entire movie.
I came in here to say Mean Girls as well- the dialogue is just too precious. Visuals are pretty unimportant, really.
Scott -- if so please do record and upload to YouTube.
Dead man walking, S.Sarandon & S.Penn's duet (duel?) it's music to my ears!
Basic Instinct (1992)
Jerry Goldsmith’s hypnotic score playing as the backdrop to over-directed line readings of classic grade A Joe Eszterhas dialogue is prime movie (radio) listening.
Derek Jarman's Blue. ;)
Or, if I don't feel like grieving, His Girl Friday.
Or, the audio commentary by the three stars of The Hours. Cuz sometimes I do that anyway.
Fantasia, probably. Very musical.
I gotta think 12 Angry Men or something similar. Maybe Sunset Boulevard.
Mamma Mia! Wait...you said, sound without picture (not the other way around).
I'd probably go with either something really fun and quotable (Wild at Heart...but oh to have to miss the lipstick-face...)
or something with a great score, like Birth.
I also have a sneaking suspicion that The Blair Witch Project is just as creepy without picture.
Know-it-all beat me to it. Mamma Mia for sure!
With a bottle of your favourite booze this would be fun. We could make a drink game and sing along, and I don't think any of us would sound much worse than Pierce Brosnan.
Mamma Mia!? That's insane. That means I don't get to look at Amanda Seyfried.
I could probably just listen to something like "Moulin Rouge!" or "All About Eve", but if it was just picture, sometimes I love to just stare at Coppola's "Marie Antoinette" anyways, so I'd totes pick that.
Pulp Fiction. Easy.
Or Shawshank.
@NicksFlickPicks I love the commentary on The Hours. And of course the movie itself. Great choice.
Moulin Rouge. I pretty much know the movie in my head and i'd still be able to hear and enjoy the music.
Or maybe Clue, where the dialogue is a highlight. Plus, it pretty much plays like a classic radio murder mystery anyways.
Easy: The Lion in Winter. Hearing Katharine Hepburn have her way with harsh consonants and elongated vowels just makes my day: "I wonder, do you ever wonder, if I slept with your father." Classic.
(Oddly, Funny Girl popped up in my mind too.)
Easy... Phantom of the Paradise! Best soundtrack ever!
Nick: This is probably the only context in which mention of Jarman's Blue would make me giggle.
Probably one I know by heart anyway: Love Actually, The Hours, Ratatouille, The Remains of the Day, Last Chance Harvey, It's Complicated or Belle Maman.
David Fincher's commentary for "benjamin Button" because his voice treats too well my insomnia
or just for fun "clash of titans":awful text and international accents
The Palm Beach Story, of course! Super-fast pacing, incredible dialogue, great performances/voices and a terrific score. And under 90 minutes.
The 1951 version of Show Boat, the music is perfect all on it's own.
Avatar.......can you imagine?
A silent film.
Seriously, though? Requiem for a Dream for the score. Goodfellas or Sunset Blvd because they use a narrator.
And if you want a musical, I say Wizard of Oz, just because it's the best. (Happy 71st Birthday, Wizard of Oz!)
"The Importance of Being Earnest" or "An Ideal Husband", both based on Oscar Wilde plays, because he is such a genius with words. And with Rupert Everett in both of them!
"you're television isn't working"? what do you mean, i'm television isn't working?
Steel Magnolias or Hedwig and the Angry Inch.
Instead of a movie, I'll go with a couple of eps of Glee.
Moulin Rouge (both the official and unofficial soundtracks or some variant thereof) is always in my stereo, so I'm always listening to the movie anyway. (Sans dialogue, which is nothing to write home about anyway.)
Andrew's suggestion of "Lion in Winter" got me thinking away from musicals, though. Perhaps "Becket"? One of my favorite actors showcases when I was a teenager, and the cinematography is awfully murky anyway.
Mean Girls (2004)
Kill Bill (2003)
I know it's weird to be listening to Kill Bill since it's meant to be a visceral experience, but the dialogue and the sound effects are so nice to listen to.
Mean Girls, on the other hand, is one of my favorite movies ever. I can listen to it all the time and still find it funny.
"Good, so you can shave your back now. Bye Jason."
Love it!
I know parts of its magic is the animation, but I could just listen to Finding Nemo for days. The voice talents of Ellen DeGeneres and Albert Brooks are to die for.
Bogart. Bacall. Do you know how to whistle?
Ok, To Have and Have Not is the best choice, but I could listen to hours of Bacall speaking. Best voice ever.
I like voices. Nobody has a good and intriguing voice today. Ok, Cate Blanchett, but doesn't play with it as well as she could.
Ok, I forgot. Scarlett Johansson was a wonderful voice.
Up. All I need is Michael Giacchino's beautiful score (especially "Married Life") and Ed Asner, and I'm set!
Chicago or Moulin Rouge!. Beautiful music and captivating performances that still radiate their brilliance with audio only? Yes please!
i guess a musical would be the obvious choice.
i could go with Disney but i'm gonna go with a horror film as it's friday the 13th
so i'm gonna go with nightmare on elm street (the original) those claws will be enough to scare me
Probably RESERVOIR DOGS or INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS. I'm actually really surprised to not see more people choosing Tarantino here, as he is quite the master of dialogue. Maybe JUNO if I was in a hipstery mood or THE MUSIC MAN if I needed a musical. I know that whole damned script by heart...
I almost forgot INTERSTELLA 5555. :D
I didn't mention him by name, but that is the type of thing I was taking about when I mentioned In the Company of Men.
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