Rachel Weisz's fiery political activist has the lead for now but her character also has rough edges. Will Oscar go sweeter (Adams) or more Best Picturey (Williams) or will they feel like it's a "career honors" sorta year (Keener) ? Time will tell but for now enjoy the trivia, snub related whining, my successful campaign theories, and other useless info on the completed Supporting Actress page.
Yes, I do seem to be saving the Supporting Actor category for last. But every time I look at it I go all catatonic. The boredom sweeping over me, napping becoming the only option. I will eventually get there... Tomorrow the Supporting Actress Poll goes up on the main site and I am genuinely curious as to who is the readers choice for "SHOULD" win... The supporting categories being more divisive this year as to who AMPAS should be honoring.
So torn between Michelle and Catherine...still need to see Junebug and Adams (netflix never sends it...)
Perhaps you should see The Cooler now, huh, Nathaniel? I know I should.
The Cooler was pretty good. Maria and Alec were indeed the best things about it though. Still, my fave Vegas film is Hard Eight with John C Reilly, Gwyneth Paltrow and Phillip Baker Hall. I think it's called something else over your side of the globe though.
In the absense of Ziyi for 2046 I am hoping Michelle wins, but Rachel really wouldn't bother me AT ALL.
Over at Yahoo people can vote for who they want to win and Michelle and Rachel had 37% and 36% of the votes respectively. Odd. It's even close to the wire there.
Oh, and also I think you should put down Tom Cruise as a possible supporter of Michelle. Katie Holmes as you know was Michelle Dawson's Creek co-star.
Also, Catherine Keener starred in two movies this year with AMPAS members. The Interpreter had Nicole, Sean and Sydney and that Bobby Rose one or whatever it was called had Daniel Day Lewis.
And Frances would obviously have Charlize supporting her. Or... you'd at least assume she would, unless Charlize is a bitch and votes on merit (damn her if she does)
I can't help but agree that, had Bello been nominated in place of McDormand, this would have been a damn near perfect lineup (though I would have gone with Linney over Keener, but why be picky).
Personally, I think that Weisz is going to take this one-only three people have ever won the Globe and the SAG and went on to lose the Oscar.
As for my choice, it's between Adams, Weisz, and Williams for me-I still can't decide on who should be taking it-I'll be ecstatic with any of the three.
I think Rachel will get the Oscar as she has great momentum going for her at this time..
My personal choice would be Amy Adams.. without her performance, the picture would have been nothing.
which scene is the doorway scene?
the doorway scene is where she accidentally sees Ennis and Jack kissing.
Rachel will get even more momentum when she wins the BAFTA award for Best Actress this weekend.
Williams is just fading away, unfortunately.
I really feel like Williams will upset, but I don't know why. Maybe it's stupid. Maybe because I've seen her perf and not Rachel's? BUt Rachel Weisz just doesn't seem lockish the way most Globe/SAG winners do. Just a feeling.
I really feel like Williams will upset, but I don't know why. Maybe it's stupid. Maybe because I've seen her perf and not Rachel's? BUt Rachel Weisz just doesn't seem lockish the way most Globe/SAG winners do. Just a feeling.
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