Twin screengrabs from the 20th minute and 7th second of related movies

Man: [Lying] Yes.
Joan: Thank you

Joan: I wrote this!
Man: Yes.
I miss Kathleen Turner. That is all I wanted to say. *sniffle*
But, happy day, right after I finished this post I read this tidbit on Towleroad -- the great lady herself & John Waters at a Serial Mom screening. I love it.
I miss Kathleen Turner too. Watching Body Heat again recently made me miss her even more. :(
Is the Romancing the Stone sequel (its name escapes me) any good? I imagine it's a load of tosh, but the first was so good.
I still get a kick out of Serial Mom though.
i didn't rewatch the whole thing but i think yes: not worth it. if memory serves. But romancing is still super fun.
Kathleen was so awesome. My best actress winner for 1984 (on the strength of her doubled duty: Romancing The Stone + Crimes of Passion. you can hardly believe it's the same person)
Kathleen is the only woman I could ever go straight for!
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