Just Jared Claire Danes & Hugh Dancy. Celebrities are just like us: they wear an outfit more than once. Imagine it. (I should note that I was gonna feature Dancy as yesterday's HDH. I figured he deserved it since I barely noticed Patrick Wilson in Evening --I know! but blah blah blah... you don't need my excuses.)
<--- look. it's The Brave One poster
Focus Features a better quality preview reel than we saw before. The studio system is long gone --and with it those clear studio identities but there's something special about Focus for the most part, don't you think? [thx]

Flick Filosopher savors the worst dialogue of 2007.
Go Fug Yourself a shocking "well played" -Bai Ling?
look, the Margot @ poster --->
ModFab crazy ass price tag shock for those hoping to see Young Frankenstein on Broadway. This makes me sick. Mel Brooks is such a greedy problem for me.
MTV Sam Raimi is losing it. Wants yet more villains for Spidey 4. Remember when one was enough in Spider-Man 2 and it was the best superhero film. Those were the days...
There's something about Focus Features in the sense that they're the new Miramax, you mean?
WOOHOO! Jodie Foster!
By the by, were you planning on a belated collage of hot Hugh Dancy, because any reason to gawk at him is fine by me DESPITE the fact he touches little miss bag o' bones on a regular basis. Plus, Hugh Dancy online won't let people register for the gallery for a few weeks, leaving me pictureless.
OMG I'm dying to know what you think about Hairspray!!!!
I think it won't suck, but it won't be excellent or anything. Probably better than The Producers. Maybe.
Speaking of Focus..
Eastern Promises trailer:
Margot at the Wedding looks fantastic. Nicky Kidman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Jack Black work so well together just from the trailer, it's astonishing.
Speaking of Pride and closets and mixed messages (a la your Hairspray post), doesn't our Ms. Foster look so very, very butch in this poster?
Totally agree with you about Focus. They just have it at the moment - love seeing the logo at the beginning of a movie. Almost assures its quality/quirkiness.
Ah, yes, the new posters for two of my Actressexual 2007 Oscar guesses Kidman and Foster. All I can say is ... my plan is all coming together ... Muah-hah-hah-hah-hah.
What a boring poster for Margot. zzzzz....
It's probably not the final one by any means, but it is intriguing, no?
No, I really like the Margot poster. Like the shading - love the way the three heads are framed most of all.
Re: Margot poster - I've got to go with you on the boring factor, kamikaze. Pity.
I'm pretty sure it'll be the final poster. Movies like that don't generally have multiple posters.
I am still waging my war on movie posters that are 75% barren white space and plain ariel font.
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