Already E!, the place to go for endless arrival footage, is pissing me off. They're referring to Ms. Swank as a "scene stealer". I know that none of them know anything about the movies -- Montage and mise en scene are furrin' words! But scene stealing is really easy to understand. You can't do it if you're the lead. The scene is already yours. People will try to steal it from you.

6:28 Amy Ryan looks nothing like her character in Gone Baby Gone (she was only acting. Excuse me, ACTING! She's asked me to clarify the size of it). She's wearing an extremely safe fashion choice... navy blue assymetrical sheen dress but it's pretty.
6:30 Whatshername just introduced Ben Lyons as a "movie expert". If I get sick, I'll try not to heave on Pfeiffer's gown... I'll aim for Swanks.

I'm so disappointed in how little Armani I'm seeing!
6:46 Wasn't it Deborah Harry who had the bomb in her--oh never mind. I love you. Even when you're wrong. Which you aren't, kiss kiss.
6:59 You were just name checked in a Clooney discussion, babe
7:01 Yes yes. He will be a groom soon. I shall win the bet.
7:07 Ryan Seacrest can't resist flirting with every male celebrity. As a gay man I should probably find that hot but instead it makes me ...[>gulp<] where's Swank?
7:13 I absolutely approve of all of the basic black and fire engine red and solids. Everyone has chosen form fitting one color dresses. Classic. Basic. If it can't be Armani at least it's Armani like!
7:14 Zzzzzzz. zzzz. Huh what...? Oh, um...
correction: apparently Seacrest foisted the doll upon her!
7:19 Gary Busey just totally jumped on a clearly alarmed Jennifer Garner with his hands and lips. I'm not making this up. Also: Jennifer didn't know who he was. Oh, Jen. Where is Gary's parole officer when you need him? Where is Ben Affleck come to think of it? Trust the Lovely Laura Linney to pull Jennifer away. The boyfriend and I are laughing because Laura Linney was obviously explaining All About Busey as they moved away.
The Lovely Laura Linney will explain it all.
7:21 Helen Mirren in da houze! Woot

Although... shouldn't they keep her away from poles? That babe gets frisky. She is really funny when Seacrest interviews her. Keri Russell and Jessica Alba were not. They couldn't form an interesting sentence between them. I mean sentences were formed. But what was said? He even gave Keri a great opportunity to adlib and she just went blank.
7: 36 I don't know where the last few minutes went at all... It's all one mass of black tuxes and black dresses. TILDA SAVE US ALL. WHERE ARE U?
7:37 Hilary Swank has arrived. Also in black. It's so irrational but I look at her and I just hate. It comes so naturally. The flames. Breathing. On the side of my face. I just... she just...
7:38 Is she your Jessica Tandy? Because that old bi --

7: 42 I am very sad to report that Tilda Swinton has arrived and she is wearing...

woe is me. No fashions to truly engage with tonight. Unless you count Marion Cotillard's mermaid dress. Which I'd rather not. At least on first impression. Although Marion did say she was having a very "eunuch" experience. Which made us laugh our asses off. What exactly would a eunuch experience at the Oscars be?
Maybe she was planning a biopic of Ryan Seacrest as he interviewed her?
7:47 Now they're discussing fashion and not interviewing people which means it's time to change the channel. And start a new post.
Part 2 More Arrivals and 1st Third of Show
Part 3 -I run out of steam channeling all my energies into the good fight against default biopic wins --I'm bested again ARGH
Part 4 -prediction stats
What just happened with Gary Busey and Jennifer Garner? That was interesting...
Looks like Bardem is con mujer and not Penelope, damn it.
Ryan Seacrest just asked Jessica Alba if she will be breastfeeding her baby. She didn't seem pleased about that one. (The answer was Yes, by the way.)
I am a liiiiiiiiiiiiiittle disappointed that Tilda's dress isn't insane. Or architectural. Or at least a color. But I love her, and as long as she wins, I'll take it back.
The Busey/Garner/Linney situation was bizarre.
And the Church of the Holy Linney gains another convert. Yay!
Wasn't Gary Busey in The Bodyguard ?
Any TRUE cinephiles out there ?
Oh gosh I LOOOVE Tilda's dress. It's both classy/understated and arty/edgy. It's all about shape and texture with her. Great choice.
Okay, Tilda is hilarious. All is well.
Wow Faye Dunaway's son is so hot! And she's so articulate. And she pulled Cameron Diaz over when they were having a conversation about Best Actress with Kate Thornton (British Ryan Seacrest). They both went for Julie Christie, Nathaniel, thought you'd be pleased to know! Cameron hasn't even seen La vie en rose yet. Not missing much, Cameron.
Ok I must stop monopolising this comments thread.
Marion Cotillard looks amazing.
One has to assume that Harrison Ford is going to get an Honorary Oscar at some point-the 90th Academy Awards predix, anyone?
agree with you on hilary... its absolutely hideous...
You are so hard on Keri Russell!--residual Felicity hate? (Justified) Waitress hate?
Marion's dress is COUTURE!!! It angers me that people don't see her and immediately go, "Gaultier couture!" Philistines. Anyway, she makes haute couture look effortless and young, and that is a task that any American actress could never pull off.
PS: Is it sad that I think Miley Cyrus is the best dressed so far? I was so hoping Tilda would wear another Dior couture creation...sad. And no offense, but all I see is rolls on Jennifer Hudson. Come on girl.
WHERE IS NICOLE KIDMAN??? Stop showing me Martina Navratilova...I mean Renee Zelwegger!
I laugh out loud at Jessica Alba...who, why is she there anyway, has said she doesn't trade on her looks, but wears a dress to the Oscars that barely covers her nipples.
Please clock, tick faster!
I love Jennifer Garner and Tilda Swinton!
I agree, George Clooney looks like he brought his daughter. How old is that girl?
I don't know what exactly a eunuch experience means in terms of Oscar night, but I'm almost sure it involves Jamie Lee Curtis
I don't know what exactly a eunuch experience means in terms of Oscar night, but I'm almost sure it involves Jamie Lee Curtis
@ billy d.
Nic is the biggest star of them all.. she will be LATE ! Duh !
Renée looks so scary. Eat something, please!
I miss Bridget Jones.
Also, Jennifer Garner looks plastic.
Tilda is wearing a Glad black plastic garbage bag? Well, I'm sure only she could pull it off...
I'm still pulling for her for BSA, though.
What's with the penis pump set design?
tilda swinton looked like ass.
maybe she's doing conan o'brien.
Nicole showed up late, I believe.
Best dressed (for me) was Saiorse Ronan. Weird. She knows how to dress better than all of Hollywood.
marion cotillard said "unique" i believe.
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