Tapley drinks a milkshake. He drinks it up
popbytes celebrates that Backwoods Barbie, Dolly Parton
Boy Culture strains his eyes to look at Madonna's new ones
Boing Boing Steve Martin on being funny
Bond, James Bond
<--- and the new teaser poster for Quantum of Solace. Funny how they announce the title, then release the poster without the title -- maybe they realize it's terrible? Time to rethink, rename but not rebrand obviously. Because I've gone anagram crazy how about Tofu Man's Co-Equal or Locust of Aquamen --they're nonsensical superhero titles but they make as much immediate sense as Quantum of Solace. And then there's ...
Aqua: Ton of Muscle
Clone of Aqua Smut

...but all three of those obviously bring Casino Royale's blue swimsuit scene to mind so those won't do. Some porn appropriate titles can be anagramed from Quantum of Solace, too. But this is not that kind of blog. The best you're going to get here is pics of Daniel Craig in a bathing suit.
other stuff
Flickhead has an interesting read on the DVD of Blind Dating --some racist marketing decisions made right there
Kristen Thompson on the animated short Oscar nominees
Rob Scheer thinks the McConaughey pecs give their best performance ever in Fool's Gold.
Gallery of the Absurd rejected Beckham condom ad. Hilarious
i09 on Christina Ricci's retro girlpower in Speed Racer
P.S. and I mean it, too

Film Experience "portrait of Kiki..." yes I'm linking back to myself. I think this post was just about 10 days too early (so ahead of the curve that I'm lost in the shuffle!) given the news this week that Dunst has checked herself into rehab. Other blogs may snark but I say "good for her" and "LEAVE KIKI ALONE!!!" do I have to make a YouTube video or something?
"Other blogs may snark but I say "good for her" "
Me too.
I would so pay top dollar to see Tofu Man's Co-Equal. But please don't get Tim Allen. Please don't.
Oooo, how very self-referential. Literally.
Here, Nath, since you're the only Xanadu fan I know who's old enough to start an argument: http://machinegunfunk.insidepulse.com/articles/
Ugh, cut, cut copy that long link.
I am so glad to say that I can now get "there will be blood" references like at the top of this post.
folks, she is not in rehab
I find it kind of perversely enjoyable that "I drink your milshake" is becoming the "show me the money" of this Oscar season. You'd think PTA would be too much of an artist for a catchphrase...
I say ... "LEAVE KIKI ALONE!!!" do I have to make a YouTube video or something?
Ooo, don't bait us. You know we wouldn't mind a video of cute guys trying their hand at crying jags.
never in my life have i had body envy over other guys. but then i lost 100 pounds and felt pretty good about myself, curves and all. but after looking at the new pic of daniel craig, i sorta feel like i should do some sit ups or something.
colin for my video I plan to cry as amber waves in boogie nights over Kiki. I'll get all maternal. Scrunch up my face, make a grimace and really let loose.
scott i'm convinced that craig is actually not human. so i wouldn't worry about having more curves than him. although reports are that he's going for a leaner Bond this time. I guess he wants to have a neck rather than just shoulders and head.
js gah. don't make me feel THAT old today
another lesson in linking... for commenters --it rarely works to try to copy and paste the link as just one thing (too long)
_ denotes a space. Leave a space there not an underline
* equals something you DON'T TYPE --no space or anything. make sure nothing is there--
CAPITALS are what you type out or paste in
<*a_href*=*"URL GOES HERE"*>*WHAT YOU'RE LINKING*<*/*a*>
get it? it'll help you everywhere on the net
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