You can see more images from the set of Milk at Towleroad including Emile Hirsch with big ass 70s hair. And if you missed the last post about this biopic (the first one I'm actually looking forward to in some time) it's right here.
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I'm really excited about this film, and I'm really hoping it's a contender. A big, smart, sophisticated, tour-de-force, in-your-face, post-Brokeback, gay Oscar contender. But, I don't wanna dream too big.
Yeah, it is nice to see another strong GLBT-themed film aiming for mainstream status.
Plus, any excuse to see James Franco running around sans clothes...
Is this for 08 or 09?
Gus Van Sant can do no wrong.
how incredibly gay
This is good. It looks like an actual snapshot from the seventies rather than a couple of actors playing dress-up, though I must say the Hirsch hairdo is more questionable... did he watch too much Anne Hathaway in Brokeback Mountain or is that just an unflattering picture?
Zee, unless something goes wrong, I'm fairly sure this is an '08 release.
Can't say that I'm looking forward to this. Last time Sean did a politician - Huey Long - the resulting film was abysmal.
And to RBurton regarding GVS:
"Can do no wrong"? Did you ever see his remake of "Psycho." What a godawful concept. And don't even get me started about his travesty of "Even Cowgirls Get The Blues"!!! Probably the most unwatchable movie I ever watched, or started to watch, since it was so bad I bailed on it, something I rarely, rarely ever do.
Haha, I knew somebody would say Psycho or Cowgirls. Even the best miss from time to time. He can't do any wrong these days, at least not by me.
jesus, sean penn.
Thanks Kamikazee.
He is very great man and how so lovely guy and this is my first comments .
This is what I think: James Franco
So cute, but ... Insomniac James Franco
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