UPDATE: I posted a link to a short clip from the upcoming
Where the Wild Things Are over @ buzznet. The clip is now down and they're now claiming it was "user generated" whatever that means... there's no way that was "fan made" what with the high budget feel very similar to the film stills we've seen. It looked beautiful (loved the sunlight) but the dialogue was
definitely not bookish. Max was doing "the robot" for the monster. This film is not in the ongoing "we can't wait" countdown on account of it probably arriving in 2009 (post-production being lengthy on this sort of beast)
Yeah, the light and the colours in the sky are just gorgeous here. I'm really obsessed with great sky shots in films and photographs (and real life) at the moment. Maybe that's why I so wanted Eric Gautier to take the Oscar this year...
It's already gone! :(
Catherine Keener. I'm in. Nuff said.
cool...too bad i missed it.
i can't wait to see how they did this...i hope it's not a disappointment like the grinch (can children's books be made feature length???)
You know... I'm so sick of movie studios pulling clips of movies off the internet. Do these studios not know what happens when a popular video hits the net? It is likely the best free marketing they could hope for, yet they persist in removing these things.
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