They're releasing an extended cut of Walk the Line on DVD on March 25th and I've got 4 copies to give away. The new DVD features 17 minutes of bonus footage (just in case you wanted it to be even longer... I kid, I kid) including director commentary and here's the big draw: extended musical sequences. The music was so great. I still listen to the soundtrack. And I gotta say again, I love that Joaquin and Reese did their own singing, don't you? Would that more musicals would hire actors with musical ability.

To enter, you should send an e-mail (you may only enter once) with the following.
- "REESE" in the subject line of the e-mail
- Your name and shipping address (info will be kept private)
- The name of a famous singer you love and which actor/actress you'd like to see play them in a biopic. (Don't feel like you have to write anything. Just the names will do. Don't stress! Just enter the contest if you want this special edition DVD)
Are the winners based on luck or creativity? I could always fall back on TONI as LIZA, but that would be too easy. I have a pretty good one for you, actually, that I'll Email you in a sec... lemme know what you think...
Not that I want to start anything, but....did Marion Cotillard do her own singing? And, er, did "La Vie En Rose" win an Oscar for Best Make-up? Uhmmmm.
i'm just asking for the singers so that i don't get contest spam.
i only want people who actually read to win things ;)
Maybe I'm the only, but I think Reese Witherspoon didn't deserves that Oscar (at least for me). She gaves a good performance but we have another better performances by others actresses that year:
*Felicity Huffman: Maybe you don't like her but i'ts a good performance too.
*Keira Knightley: I don't love her (Instead I hate her in Atonement) but I recognize I love her in Pride and Prejudice. She gaves an incredible performance (The best of her lifetime right now) like Elizabeth Bennett
*Charlize Theron: only because she won two years ago...
*joan Allen: bad film but great performance
*Judi Dench: i like her in mrs. henderson... but i love her in Notes on a scandal
*Connie Nielsen: She gaves her best performance of her lifetime in "Brothers" and for me one of the best of the year. I think she deserved the nomination against english language films. Now, we know if Natalie Portman could win the risk...
*Gwyneth Paltrow: I don't understand her Oscar in Shakespeare in love (against four outstanding performances) but she gaves a great performance in the underrated proof
*Toni Collette: The best thing in the film "in her shoes"
*Naomi watts: A remake about King Kong... But it's Watts and she play ann Darrow very well.
*Embeth Davidtz: The most underracted female performance of the year. All about Amy Adams but where's Embeth?
*Ziyi Zhang: The movie is meh but she's fine...
*Emmanuelle Devos "kings and queens": A intersting role with Mathieu "Munich" Almaric.
*Dina Korzun: Intersting role about a russian mom in an marriage by benefites.
i agree the more i rewatch reese the more i think her perf is forced and she in it like she isn't trying to be june but acting how she would be instead of becoming,i cannot put my finger on it she is ok inthe up scenes but strain shows in the perf when real acting chops are called for i do wonder what other actoresses would've done with it.
People from another country can participate? ;D
Crash - Best Picture
Reese Witherspoon - Best Actress
Hard Out There For A Pimp - Best Song
If I didn't slit my writs after that evening then I never will.
I was a fan to begin with, but I truly have had the opposite reaction...the more times I rewatch Walk the Line, the more beautiful her understated work as June becomes. It may not have been a very strong field, but hers is a performance that Oscar should be proud to have in a lineup. Sure, she was a big shiny young star when she won, but for once the performance wasn't about enormous theatrics and crying, it was about what suited the character. Reese simply nailed the role.
Its hard out there for a pimp deserved to win, even if you don't like rap, you gotta admit that the song was an important part of the film.
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