My only excuse for not mentioning this sooner is that I was offline in Salt Lake City when it happened. A hearty overdue congratulations to the one & only
Angela Bassett, who got her star on the Walk of Fame one week ago.

That's a deserving five pointer! She's still best known for her fierce Oscar nominated work as Tina Turner in the fine bio
What's Love Got to Do With It (1993) and lighting the screen (and a car) on fire in
Waiting To Exhale (1995)

I'll always have a soft spot for her ass kicking bodyguard Mace in the underrated sci-fi thriller
Strange Days (1995). My favorite non-Juliette Lewis' related part of that movie is when Angela gets all confrontational with Ralph Fiennes who can't quite let the past go. She pins him to the wall and in that inimitable enunciating Bassett fashion gives him this tough love truth
Memories are meant to fade.
They're designed that way for a reason
Memories may fade but movie stars are forever. Congratulations Angela.
Congratulations Angela!
I am ashamed to confess I haven't seen any of those films *hangs head*.
And I can spare you all the diatribe about how her career would be different and she'd be getting more offers if she were a white woman...we're on the same page with that, right? I thought so.
Oh, I forgot to say - I don't know how old that woman is, but she looks GREAT.
like so many of the greatest stars she's turning 50 this year.
seriously what is it with 1958???? --so many all time greats born that year!
my favorite bassett role would have to be as akasha, the mother of all vampires in queen of the damned. she would have been fantastic! if only neil jordan stayed on with the franchise(?)
well, if we're going that route than the best Bassett role ever is STORM in X-Men. grrrrrrrr
I've only seen Strange Days, and I thought she was a little stiff, but I love the film.
Do a Juliette Lewis blog post!
Brodie here's some Juliette-centric posts for you
every once in a while I express the love again.
i miss her ALL THE TIME
My favorite Bassett moment: Lighting a cigarette off her cheating husband's burning BMW in Waiting to Exhale.
Maybe some of the readers forgot but she was in Contact, she's playing the Secreatry of State I guess, small part but she is commanding.
I saw Juliette Lewis on stage with her band, she was really cool, and I also saw her in that Sam Sheppard play, Fool for love, and actually I thought she was more alive when singing and performing with her band, but she was still good in the play
1958 is a grrrrreat year. My mother was born in that year! ;)
I'm gonna rent "Malcolm X" this weekend.
I love Angela and Strange Days while flawed features her best "kick-ass" performance. I think What's Love Got to Do With It is probably her best overall performance.
It would be great to see her in more roles. Putting aside the great acting, I've always had a serious "Woman-Crush" on her.
Sunshine State all the way!!!!!
bassett probaby regrets turning down monsters ball imagine what she could've done with it.
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