Below is the initial "they're getting married" post from Sunday...
Nathaniel here. Back for a moment from my break because I couldn't NOT mention this. My thanks to loyal TFE reader Tony for the heads up on this news.
Tony Leung Chiu-Wai, also known as "One of the Best Living Actors and World Great True Movie Stars" --or at least he would have those titles if the cinema were a meritocracy -- is marrying his longtime love/sometime co-star Carina Lau (2046, Days of Being Wild) tomorrow, Monday July 21st in Bhutan.

Here they are dressed in traditional Bhutanese garb (apparently provided by the royal family) in their first official wedding pic. Reports have it that Wong Kar Wai himself (Scorsese to Leung's DeNiro or von Sternberg to Leung's Dietrich if you need reference points) is going to film and edit the ceremonies for his muse.
That sound you hear is the confused crack of millions of movie fanatic hearts breaking, overlayed with their saner selves whispering congratulations to the dreamboat. (It's complicated when movie stars we ...erm... love are no longer available as it were)

Maggie Cheung has unfortunately retired from acting (I weep) but Leung & Lau's relationship continues. They've been a couple since the late 80s when they were both in their 20s (they're 45 and 42 now). One assumed she was totally OK with that whole 'paired with Maggie' thing but for new rumors that Cheung was not invited to the wedding. Like many internationally famous couples, Leung & Lau are old pros at weathering the storm of controversies and gossip. In 2007 there were reports linking Lau to billionaire Terry Gou as well as that entire Tang Wei, Lust Caution 'were they really doing it?' controversy (um, I think yes. Carina says no)

So... 恭喜恭喜, Gong He Gong He, Gong Xi Gong Xi, Congratulations! to this gorgeous and talented longtime couple. For further reading on the wedding check out International Herald Tribune or The Star Online.
And because it's fun to gawk at movie stars, one more round of Leung & Lau goodness through the years....

Gosh, can you even believe that he is past 40? He looks 20! especially beside Carina, who always had this "older-woman" look. she carries it well, but damn that Tony. So freaking youthful...
He's a truly ageless performer, because he brings something to every performance I've seen him in that is completely believable. Plus he never over-acts. Ever.
As far as I know, Carina Lau (劉嘉玲) is a normal hussy, and Terry Gou (郭台銘) is tacky philistine. (Taiwanese equivalent of Donald Trump if you need a reference point)
That is one good looking couple.
Apparently we're going to be seeing more of Maggie soon. It's good to see Carina get a good guy though.
- The Opinionated Maggie-Loving Australian
Great news, and one of those exciting couplings because of their cinematic connection.
I'd love to see Wong Kar Wai's video of the event. Clocks will be whirling, planes and trains will be whizzing by, Carina will walk the isle to some Latin beat, and Tony will be taking slow drags from a cigarette while reading his vows.
Yaaaay. A celebrity couple I can care about.
Carina Lau is such an underrated talent. Her cameo in 2046 is too good for words.
And Tony Leung. Enough said right there.
Tony Leung IS the most important actor and star right now in Asia. Like you said: "One of the best living actors in the Earth and one of the truly performers". Not only he has a true talent, he's sexy and handsome even in his 40s. I hope we will seen soon a movie with Maggie Cheung. They're both one of the most iconic couples in the history of cinema
Carina Lau is onme of the most underrated actresses, and she's a great partner. They look awesome and very happy!!!
Congrats to Tony & Carina! Let's go Bhutan now! :)
Carina is known throughout Asia, and especially in Hong Kong, as a classless and cheap whore (sorry, I can't think of a less harsh word). Her exploits are well-documented (nude S & M photos, numerous men). But she's a decent actress, so I guess all is forgiven! Woot! ...
Let's hope marriage makes her faithful.
I'm not a big Tony Leung fan. He's a little too smug for my taste (and overrated). I prefer Takeshi Kaneshiro or Andy Lau.
Yes, because everything you read in the tabloids have to be true. If she isn't faithful, would their relationship really last that long?
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