Samuel from NY
The 400 Blows or In America or if it can count (because it's about the paternal bond) - Chaplin's The Kid. If I had to choose one, it's The 400 Blows.A classic. Good choice.
Agustin from Argentina
What a surprising answer. But it's totally true and a lovely observation.You Can Count On Me. It's not strictly about childhood, but it's nice that the only child in the movie is the most mature character. Laura and Mark are still acting like those kids they were when there parents were still alive.
Jonathan from NY
I was debating between Paper Moon, Oliver! and Thirteen, but I think I have to go with the less acclaimed/polished Goonies...
because the 10 year old in me can't help but smile from start to finish whenever I watch it!

<--- The Year My Parents Went on Vacation, which was Brazil's submission for the 2007 Oscars, debuts on DVD tomorrow. Check it out.
I love goonies, even though it's so bad and cheesy, and trying so hard to be the kid Indiana Jones troupe.
My favorite childhood film, that I didn't get a chance to add to the contest is the French film "Le Grande Chemin" Only in European films can you get away with a boy peeing off the roof of a church, and everyone thinks it's cute.
The older brother in that goonies reuinion shot is still doing it for me 25 years later!
Did you see this movie? So beautiful.
- cal roth
do you mean Josh Brolin? He's doing it for everyone
Yes! I did mean Josh Brolin!! I think I knew I was gay wehn the camera panned up on this hunky stud all those years ago!
I believe Cyndi's song is "Goonies R Good Enough", geez!
My answer was Paperhouse and Flight of the Navigator, bless 'em.
Thanks for the post. I just think Blogger is a good place to meet older or younger friends, isnt it? I'm Amber, wanna seek an older man for support, maybe to be my s d...I just uploaded my hot even PARTIALLY NAKED (LOL) photos at the famous younger/older community Agelessfriends.com under username AnAngel2000. Maybe you wanna check out. Let's chat if possible.
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