"Let me tell you something about Lindsay Lohan..." ~Regina George destroys lives! (still)
@ the beach ~bathing beauties, shirtless hunks and time capsules. The beach is the only thing I love about the summer time (I'm more of a Fall/Winter guy) so I thought we'd indulge.
Ray's Remorse ~Colin Farrell is so expressive In Bruges. Rented it yet?
Top 100 Actresses T'was only a rough draft list but fun to make. God I wish I had the time for a whole moving images edit. Imagine the goddess bliss
Cast This! The first edition of the film experience book club. I liked the book, a historical fantasy called The Curse of Chalion. We discovered that casting is very difficult... even when you have no budgets, no scheduling conflicts, and no agents hounding you. Join in next month for And Then We Came to the End. It's on the bestseller lists and getting great reviews. Let's cast it on August 21st.
Two Million Acres Baby on Million Dollar Baby & Cimarron.
Dark Knight for Best Picture Will a nomination happen? Are they any precedents? And what of the once bright hopes for WALL•E?
Cry Babies My god... had no idea how much y'all liked the hanky-fests. Your response: blubbery and immediate.
Great Moments in Cinematic Adultery Laura Linney LOL.
Penélope Erotique who's with me? This post was paid for by "The Committee to Elect Tom Cruise As Official Hollywood Service Stud/Dumpee"
Coming in August
Olympians, Joan Allen, Traitor, More episodes of "Best Pictures From the Outside In" (with Gladiator, American Beauty, Shakespeare in Love, Mutiny on the Bounty, It Happened One Night and The Great Ziegfeld), Scarlett & Woody (again), The Car for Final Girl's film club, Calamity Jane (first edition of "Musical of the Month Club"), the Fringe Festival and updated Oscar predictions. More? Maybe. Probably. Definitely. You know how it goes.

Dark Knight for Best Picture Will a nomination happen? Are they any precedents? And what of the once bright hopes for WALL•E?
Cry Babies My god... had no idea how much y'all liked the hanky-fests. Your response: blubbery and immediate.
Great Moments in Cinematic Adultery Laura Linney LOL.
Penélope Erotique who's with me? This post was paid for by "The Committee to Elect Tom Cruise As Official Hollywood Service Stud/Dumpee"
Coming in August

How about a best actress psychic contest update in August?
that too.
I see you've given up on the MR tribute. Probably a good thing - best not to build up false hopes.
Otherwise, it's been a fun month here at TFE - some great posts (and not TOTALLY dominated by that damn bat-whatever-the-heck-you-call-it movie.)
I love the "BP from the inside out series" even if I've never seen most of the films you guys talk about (at least I know I can skip Cimarron, but westerns and war movies are my least fave genres anyway.)
What is that pic of Juli and Kate from? (talk about actress bliss!)
Aww man. My internet's been off/on throughout July and I've missed so much!
*catches up*
Yeah, that picture is great. I love seeing actresses like Moore looking relaxed and happy. I was rewatching I'm Not There on dvd yesterday, listening to Todd Haynes' commentary and he was talking about how much fun she had on set. He said the two of them kept making each other laugh so hard when Julianne had her Joan Baez gear on, that he had to leave the set. Awesome.
Another great month at The Film Experience! This is seriously my favourite place on the internet.
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