So why can't I work up any enthusiasm for round two of the Ed & Viggo show? Why, why, why? I hope you're faring better working your way towards a ticket purchase. I want them both to have big opening weekends. Big opening weekends = continued casting for both.
Well, I can't blame ya. I love westerns but the trailer for Appaloosa was so dull that I couldn't even finish it.
It's the Zellweger factor. Instant buzz-kill innit?
But Jeremy Irons!
I love Westerns. Hats. Horses. Grizzled men. Love love love. I'm so there.
What cluster funk said. A History of Violence had Maria Bello in a brilliant performance. Appaloosa has Renee Zellweger.
I think it's a combo of the Zellweger factor and the fact that "Appaloosa" looks like a kinda dull, straightforward western. To be fair, I've heard from two people that while it IS straightforward, it's pretty good.
Don't be so mean....Zellweger kills buzz???
the trailer was boooring!
I like Appaloosa a whole lot, despite the Zellweger factor (which, admittedly, was a big hurdle to get over). Watching Viggo and Ed joke with each other and kill bad guys is just really, really fun.
"A History of Violence" was just so fresh and exciting - still in my top 5.
"Appaloosa" seems like the small western twon that we've all been to before. Plus, with Ed harris directing, there's that little bit of "eh." Think of "Pollack" - nothing to (really) complain about, but not that engrossing that you tell everyone you know to see it. Unlike "A History of Violence."
So there were British cowboys in the Old West? LOL.
Love Viggo to death (get that Oscar for "The Road"!), and the pairing with Ed Harris sounded great on paper, but that trailer didn't leave me wanting more like it should have. I'll see it if things go well for it, otherwise, it's a cable watch. And Renee wouldn't be a reason for me not to see this film.
Meh - I think I might have a physical reaction to the testosterone poisoning.
At least there's Jeremy Irons.
With all the westerns or "almost westerns" we had last year that really seemed out to explore and expand the genre (3:10 to Yuma, The Assassination of Jesse James, and even TWBB and No Country for Old Men) this feels like warmed-over leftovers, at least the trailer (I know, not fair to judge, but a trailer is supposed to create excitment, to make me want to see a film, so when it doesn't, then it's not doing its job.)
With all the talk of "nicole can't move her face" - what about Miss Zellweger (other than her famous squint)? She has the same expression in every clip in this trailer, what is up with that?
Oh, and I forgot to mention "Hildalgo" (probably because I'd rather forget it altogether.) So I don't trust that Viggo has good instincts when it comes to the western genre (although Hildalgo wasn't a true Western - more of an Indiana Jones on horseback deal.)
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