I normally don't bring up the EMMYs unless I am rabidly frothing at the mouth with some new or, more frequently, repeated injustice. But today a less angry more blindly optimistic approach.
Top Ten Things I Hope To See Happen at the EMMYs on Sunday

09 Carrie On. Sex & the City's divas Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Catrall, Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis host the entire show together (drunk on cosmos) when Howie Mandel mysteriously falls ill.
08 Mary Louise Parker wins Best Actress in a Comedy for Weeds. There's never enough MLP to go round, if you ask me.
07 Abundant Michelle Pfeiffer Cameos. Even though her hubby David E Kelley won't be picking up trophies the camera-man inexplicably cuts to La Pfeiff's reaction to every single win. Wheeee.
06 Undead retroactive EMMY tribute to Buffy the Vampire Slayer with special statues for both Joss Whedon & Sarah Michelle Gellar.
05 Mad Men wins Best Drama in a landslide. Because... duh.

04 Freak Accident Falling debris shockingly kills all Academy members who continue to think Two and a Half Men is funnier than Pushing Daisies, Weeds, How I Met Your Mother and more. Charlie Sheen swallowed up by freak earthquake.
03 Write In Vote Coup! Mary McDonnell wins Best Actress in a Drama for Battlestar Galactica even though she's not on the ballot. And President Roslyn didn't even have to fix the voting this time!
02 Mea Culpa. The Academy President walks solemnly out on stage to declare that all of their rule changes still haven't fixed their collective bad taste. One more rule change for next year: All people playing law enforcement officials, doctors or lawyers will be deemed ineligible for acting prizes. Just to, you know, shake things up a bit. OK, a lot.

Will any of my wishes come true? Dream with me in the comments.
A little off-topic (but not too much, since it's both related to awards), but did you hear that Morgan Freeman and Barbra Streisand will both be Kennedy Center Honorees this year?
We know I only care about Mad Men, right?
At Saturday's Creative Arts Emmys, they won 4 of the 10 they were up for, including, most gratifyingly, a win for the exquisitely perfect Title Design.
That leaves six for Sunday night: Best Drama, Jon Hamm, John Slattery...uhhh, was I supposed to memorize it? Anyway, Jon Hamm must must MUST appear on stage in his tussled hair and sexy sexy tux. I swoon just typing this.
I think Chenowith is a solid contender for the win, Nat. I'll also add that her performance in Pushing Daisies converted this Chenowith hater into a mild fan (I think she's outacted by Pace, Friel, McBride and Greene, but she's still quite strong). Now, singing her acceptance speech, on the other hand....
please please please give it to Kristin Chenoweth. if thou art a kind and loving G-d, thou wilt grant me this one request.
One can only dream. I think the only sure bet is Mad Men for Best Drama (well-deserved given the outstanding first season and pretty solid second). Chenowith maybe. Who knows about Best Comedy but one can hope (and dream) for Pushing Daisies.
PUSHING DAISIES wasn't nominated for Outstanding Comedy Series. That category is (deservedly) owned by 30 ROCK. I really hope MAD MEN takes it, but the Emmys can be really weird with first year shows, especially dramas.
I fully support #s 6, 4, 3, and 1.
Sigh. Kristin Chenoweth FTW!
my wish #1 - that either joan or peggy (mad men)win best supporting actress in a drama series, even though they are not nominated. btw - joan's 1960's padding this season looks a little off-kilter.
wish number 2 - sorry kristin, love you / mean it, but i would love to see michael's boob-enhanced psycho girlfriend from "The Office" win, even though she's not nominated.
wish number 3 - heidi klum wins best host. i would love to have her 2x kiss me goodbye and say al-veed-uh-say....my little fantasy.
wish #4 - tim gunn hosts the entire emmys. how fab is he???
If Mary-Louise Parker submitted better tapes, she'd have an Emmy for "Weeds" by now.
If "Boston Legal" wins drama series, then you will see David E. Kelley accept an Emmy. Blech.
"Mad Men" should win every award it's up for, but sadly, it won't.
My heart's with Vanessa Williams in supporting actress in a comedy series. She's the only reason to watch "Ugly Betty" now, and she's incredible in it. She should have won last year.
Anyone but Tony Shalhoub (or Charlie Sheen) winning Lead Actor - Comedy Series. Carell's my favorite, but Baldwin's fantastic too.
I love 30 Rock, but Tina Fey shouldn't win.
30 Rock all the way.
And I long the day that Buffy will be properly remembered...
I hate the Emmys for constantly snubbing one of the best written shows in history, BUFFY!!
Mad Men MUST continue it's sweep. It's definitely one of the best shows I've ever seen. And 30 Rock. And Pushing Daisies. I WANT THEM ALL TO WIN EVERYTHING EVER.
In JD-World, Two and a Half Men was canceled after three episodes because it caused wild seizures, and Monk isn't quirky so no one cares about. *sigh*
I am really pulling for a win by Michael C. Hall as Dexter.
He is terrific in a very demanding role!
Nat, before you enforce the doctor rule, can we make sure Hugh Laurie has an Emmy first? Thanks.
And I really hope this is the year he triumphs over Spader.
but kin that would prevent Jon Hamm from winning and i think we all agree that that would be very very bad ;) ok maybe not "all"
Ah, that was funny.
Yes, the Emmys truly do suck (aside from handing Edie Falco 3 richly deserved trophies).
I doubt I’ll even watch but Emmy will score some much needed points if…
- Neil Patrick Harris wins Best Supp. Actor (yeah gay visibility)
- Rachel Griffiths wins Best Supp. Actress (so robbed for “Six Feet Under”)
- “Entourage” wins Best Comedy
- Amy Poehler wins Best Comedy Supp. Actress (remember how hysterical she was in “Wet Hot American Summer”)
There, those are my 4 Emmy wishes. And while I do love me some S&TC, Kathy Griffin should SO host. Can you imagine…
see i love rachel griffiths as a rule (and she was indeed robbed for six feet under --season 2 shoulda been her prize) but i don't think she's all that deserving for Brothers & Sisters. She's fine but she gets the dullest storylines I think.
I'm a big fan of Lost and this season was its best, so I'm all for it winning. However, I haven't seen the other shows nominated and I've never sat through an entire Emmy awards show, so I won't be crushed if it doesn't.
I don't think Joan is padded. . .
jimmy i meant to say "tim gunn hosting the emmys" BRILLIANT
I would love it if Dame Judi Dench won for Best Leading Actress in a Mini-Series or TV Movie. Suck it, Lovely Laura Linney lovers (well, only for a second-- I do heart her as well) but Dench owns that category and that trophy should be hers. I was surprised to find out that she was playing a nice and unimposing character in Cranford since we are all so used to seeing her play horribly intimidating and divariffic characters (i.e. Notes on a Scandal, Mrs. Henderson Presents and Her Majesty, Mrs. Brown). But I was more surprised that she was able to pull it off as convincingly. This woman truly is a treasure.
j. ro. - look at joan last season vs. this season. her bottom was enormous this past sunday night. she's gone from sexy / zoftig / curvey...to heaffa-momma. She had a great mini-story line sunday night (reading scripts).....she was so good.
Tim Gunn: "Talk to me." I love it when he says that.
Jimmy's new TV sked:
Sunday - Mad Men.
Monday - double "Intervention"
Tuesday - 90210
Wednesday - Top Model / Project Runway.
This has to be the year that "Project Runway" finally wins the Emmy! Now watch "The Amazing Race" win its sixth consecutive Emmy. UGH.
I have been a devout 30 Rock fan since day one.
I prayed and prayed that Carrie Fisher would win the Emmy for Outstanding Guest Actress in Comedy Series but alas she did not. So sad.
My favorite Carrie Fisher line from the episode, "Rosemary's Baby" is ....
"I sat around while my junk went bad ... all for you!"
I'm a more recent 30 Rock devotee. I'm hoping to see it win as well.
Best Comedy Actress is a bit of a race this year, no? I don't think they'll feel the need to give Betty another trophy. Looks like it will be Fey (and it would be sweet especially now that she has new layers of fame/respect with that Sarah Palin sketch), but it could also easily be Parker.
What do you guys think are the chances of a 30 Rock sweep with Best Comedy, Actor, Actress?
as much as i love 30rock ---and boy i do. Literally no show has ever made me laugh as much as that show (i usually end up with the giggles that last during commercials) -- i really don't need TINA FEY to win Best Actress. Give her the prize for the show instead and give a real actress the prize for acting.
Not that she's not very good on the show. But this needs to go to MLP I think.
wgc i love the carrie fisher episode too
Tina Fey is a real actress, and a great one at that. She deserves to win the Emmy for best actress in a comedy series. She submitted the best tape too.
I certainly wouldn't mind all ten of those wishes. Seriously, I always feel like I'm an idiot when I read the nominations list every year. Really, you guys think THAT show is better than [any show you mentioned in your post]? People on the nominating committee, were we really watching the same shows?
I'm personally rooting for NPH for Supporting Actor in a Comedy. And of course I'd love it if Kristin Chenoweth won as well. Anyone but Amy Poeler, really, who is seriously in the wrong category big time.
I don't watch Mad Men, Pushing Daisies and 30 Rock (I only have access to 30 Rock, yet it airs so freakin' late here that I forget it for weeks on end and then gave up) so I'm hoping Dexter wins everything it's up for, especially Michael C Hall for Best Actor.
glenn don't you have tivo or dvr or any of those neato systems that change one's television life 4ever?
Tivo is in the very early stages of being rolled out here.
I have a DVR, but I still need to program it to record programs and when something like 30 Rock is on at 11.30pm on whatever day of the week the network decides to program it this month it gets hard to even bother. Same happened to shows like Battlestar Galactica.
Shows like Mad Men air on Australia's version of "cable" called Foxtel, and not that many people actually have it. It's not like America where everyone seemingly has cable and people who don't are seen as lesser beings (perhaps I exaggerate there, but from my reasons that does sorta seem like the case). In fact a lot of shows like Sex and the City and other cable shows from America air on regular free-to-air tv down here.
I only saw Dexter because it was released on DVD actually, which is where I'll catch Mad Men and maybe 30 Rock if I can be bothered.
I have no idea how/when Pushing Daisies will be airing though.
I had this debate with someone the other day. The only point I'm making is that the actress, the lovely Christina Hendricks, is naturally curvaceous, deliciously bodacious and few women can pull them curves off, but she does. I agree her bum was looking rather large on Sunday...and I ADORED her storyline.
I will be ecstatic, effusive, ebullient, elated if MLP WINS. Please, God...
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