When was the last time you received or made one?
<-- Greer Garson demonstrates
Tell us about it. Lie if you have to on the details because you should always be lit like a movie star when having dramatic conversations.
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The last phone call I recieved wasn't dramatic, just pleasant. It was a call from the dvd shop in town, telling me that my ordered dvd copy of Sunday in the Park with George had come in. Yippie!
but how were you lit when the DVD came in? I'm guessing you pulled open the curtain and the sunlight blossomed just as the DVD title was mentioned.
Y'know, that's exactly how it happened! And I peered out from under my parasol, before my pink dress opened up and I jumped out in my slip and did a dance. It was fabulous.
Well I received a phone call from my on-again off-again, who was off making his fortune in plastics in the big city, but it happened to be right when I was receiving a visit from this other boy in town who took me to the dance the night the pool opened up below us while we were dancing the Charleston. Anyway, while I was on the phone, that other boy was listening in too, and between the mood lighting and the close proximity and the talk of fortunes and all those untapped emotions, we fell in love!
How's that for dramatic :)
On the phone: a conversation with my grandmother, who lived in Europe during World War II.
She recounts how she saw a movie about Russian subs sinking a passenger ship bound to Germany from Poland. She then reveals how it was eerie, because she was supposed to be on that ship -- at fifteen, she was placed in charge of getting her family out of Poland and to their grandmother's house in Germany. They missed the boat (literally), only to learn that the Russians sunk it and two others -- ships carrying women and children, but no soldiers.
It was at this time that the sun was setting, and the shade of the screened-in porch fell over me. Dramatic indeed.
"lit like a movie star" haha that can be taken a couple of ways.
My last dramatic phone conversation was with Bluefly over a blazer they failed to ship me in the indicated time. I had to make the phone call under the cloak of darkness as the purchase was made without my parents' consent.
wait. Katey... you fell in love all three of you?
rosengje... "under the cloak of darkness"... i love it. Hopefully there was at least a glimmer of light reflected in your eyeballs
Last one made, drunkish on the toilet, pants down, singing at my friend to let me tag along to her friend's house just so i can talk to a really hot interesting guy.....he's out of my league and I'm as awkward as Woody Allen in Play it Again, Sam (and as neurotic!)but it's more fun to fantasise with them present :P
Oh my bathroom is lit to make a stick like me look like an adonis...well, not quite...
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