This Woman's Link
fourfour has a thang for Kate Bush. So many memories are embedded in this post I felt like my heart was going to burst whilst my mind was blown. I l-o-v-e Kate Bush. That is all. Where's her biopic? And who on earth would be gorgeous enough but suitably bonkers to play her?

Blog Stage Jane Fonda and Angela Lansbury: "non-divas"
Gawker is Warren Beatty holding up the rights to the Dick Tracy franchise. Did you even remember that this could have been one? Speaking of Dick Tracy...
Boy Culture Madonna as Jeanne Moreau in Bay of Angels. Sorta...
Screengrab inaugurates a new series "Not on DVD" with the bio Patty Hearst (1988) starring Natasha Richardson.
/Film the strange case of the distributorless Jim Carrey/Ewan Macgregor prison love story I Love You Phillip Morris
Victim of the Time the best review of Duplicity ever?
World of Wonder says goodbye to Oscar nominee Betsy Blair (Marty). In the photo with this post she's pictured with Nathaniel's two all time favorite classic male movie stars. How about that?!
The Ninth Link
Nick's Flick Picks on the Best Actresses of 1941
And finally, have to leave you with this pointed bit from Jimmy Kimmel Live. Portia De Rossi apologizing to everyone she hurt by marrying Ellen DeGeneres.
That clip was brillint!
You'll probably hate this but I think Cate Blanchett has the looks and the goofiness Kate Bush requires.
I always thought and I know I could be off on this that Mary Steenbergen resembled Kate Bush
Of course I meant when Mary Steenburgen was younger she looked like Kate Bush
My love for Angela Lansbury is unhealthy. Maybe it's just because I grew up on Murder, She Wrote and Bedknobs & Broomsticks, or maybe it's because Manchurian Candidate is the film that made me go cine-crazy, but whatever the cause, I love her. LOVE.
Now, back to grading essays...
It is truly tragic that there is not a comprehensive collection of Kate's videos out on DVD. They're some of the greatest examples of what can be accomplished artistically in the music video format and are such an integral part of her mystique. The creativity, bizarreness, and utter creepiness of many of her videos is enhanced by their low budgets and minimal special effects- there's something very charming about the way they just filmed her on a field for the red dress version of the "Wuthering Heights" video or how "Sat In Your Lap" looks as though it was filmed in a hotel conference room. Kate will always be the best.
This has long been one of my favorite things on youtube: a video of Kate visiting a children's show in the 80's and showing them props for the utterly creepy "Sat in Your Lap" video. Isn't she the most adorable person EVER?
That Portia clip if FANTASTIC. She's such a gifted comedienne and she's from my home town so snaps to that.
Another Monty Clift that I hadn't seen yet! xoxoxo to you, Nat.
what movies are the photos from? and who are the actors
gangstaaaa -- That's the Boy Culture link about the Madonna photoshoot and Bay of Angels
Deary me I love Portia DeRossi, despite her love of women, and my love of men. Notonly for stuff like this, but as any Arrested Development fan will tell you, she has brilliant comic timing. Someone give this woman a script!
The only thing that would have made that clip better would be if Portia was wearing the red 'S L U T' t-shirt from Arrested Development.
Who's the naked guy in the second pic?
Angela Lansbury is my all time favorite actress. She is amazing, one of the greatest stage and screen actresses of the XX century! No need to tell you who is my win in Best Supporting Actress category in 1962. There is no doubt she going to be nominated for a Tony, but I don't know if she can win, with all that pretty tough competition, because on stage Madame Arcati is a lead role, not supporting (featured)
I have nothing, but respect and affection for great Jeanne Moreau. What a Lady! Who at least should've been nominated for Jules et Jim (1962) and Mademoiselle (1966)
Kate Bush is God. That is all.
In regards to who should play the magnificent Kate Bush if there ever was a biopic I think Angelina Jolie would be perfect. Gorgeous yet suitably bonkers? Who else can it be?
I'm honoured to be linked in a post that basically exists to hosanna Kate Bush. For she is, as someone said, God. It's weird that both my favourite singer and favourite actress are both called Kate. I have a friend called Kate, actually, maybe I should start kneeling before her whenever she enters the room...
Dave... if you do please report back on how Kate III reacts to your supplications.
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