Sunday, March 08, 2009

Only 445 Days Until...

Gyllenhaalics see their Prince of Persia in motion.

But for now still photos will have to do.


Jack said...

Why the hell did he agree to do this film? I can only imagine he was tricked into it by the studio while still overcome with grief over Heath Ledger and didn't realise what he was doing.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he just wants to show he's sexy and not just sophisticatedly beautiful.

Isn't he wearing too many clothes in these stills? Has David Kross not influenced him at all?

Glendon said...

I can't wait to see the MTV Movie Awards skit using footage from this.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a frog not attractive at all.

Karen said...

Jake as the Prince of Persia, are you serious? I was excited for the movie adaptation until I heard this. Now if they had cast Taylor Kitsch or someone with a better tan I would have been totally stoked. But we'll see...

Ryan said...

First Kristin Scott Thomas. Now Jake Gyllenhaal!?!

Nathaniel, are you trying to drown your readers in smoldering thespian beauty? ☺

But no, seriously, Jake is a total fox. That pic with his hands on his hips… uh, YUM. And I’ve been worried about this whole “Persia” thing but at least these pics calm me in the eye-candy department— flesh and blood I mean. Still not really sold on those costumes and sets.

Regardless, I’ll be there opening night to support my Jakey. I’m really hoping this rakes in some $$$- even if reviews are cruel— since Jake’s last two features didn’t exactly thrive at the box office. At least ZODIAC managed “critics’ darling” status. Also, BROTHERS looks rather promising, no?

Anonymous said...

wait a minute! I'm half Persian and I truly believe we look a lot better.

Fox said...

Hey Nathaniel-

Knowing you, you knew about this last year, but I just wanted to drop you an FYI that their is a poster for Cheri up at IMPawards tonight:

Your Michelle

Kurtis O said...

Yummy. I can't remember the last time I so wanted to see such a terrible-looking movie simply for the skin factor. (Face it -- "300" had some serious promise.)

E Dot said...

Ooh, come to mama.

Runs Like A Gay said...

Film looks bad enough to miss at the cinema, but good enough for DVD and freeze frames.


Anonymous said...

He looks yummy but I can see Razzie nom coming. Not a good choice.

Alex Constantin said...

don't kill me, but I don't think Jake has that much of a beautiful face. He's cute, hot, but not beautiful. [not Heath, Brad, Beckham level]
But his body is killer indeed.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I know that the film is going to suck hard, but we have Jakey shirtless. A present for me!

Anonymous said...

Poor Jake. That film looks so awful. The sooner "Damn Yankees" starts, the better.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear - I love me some Jake but these pics don't look so hot. The body is great but he looks so baffled in them like he's saying "how the hell did I get here and who put these tight leather pants on me?"

Please tell me these aren't "official" photos - that they're not the best they've got so far!

Glenn said...

Why does anyone have any reason to watch this now? We've got the beefcake shot and wasn't that the only reason anyone would be watching this sure-to-be disaster? Yikes.


I dunno Glenn. Isn't this like the beefcake equivalent of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider's cheesecake... and that film had a bit of ludicrous fun in it.

maybe it'll be fun (he hopes)

Karen said...

Jake is no Lara Croft. Angelina brought a lot more anticipation to that role.

Anonymous said...

Amazing body but that face could stop traffic.


that's a double compliment so why the "but"

Anonymous said...

Brokeback would have been great if he wasn't in it.