The glamour is a bit toned down this time of year but here's a handful of actresses that were lit by flashbulbs in the past couple of weeks.

Pedro Almodóvar and Penélope Cruz hold hands for the world premiere of Broken Embraces in Madrid. They won't have to smile for stateside paparazzi for awhile yet. It's a rule of distribution that everyone in Europe has to have a chance to see each new Pedro movie three times before it opens in the US. There are several reviews of his Volver follow up floating round the web but I'm avoiding them. Spoilers, ya know. Almodóvar movies always hold surprises of plot, theme and/or character and it's best to see them unfold organically.
Emily Mortimer seems stunned to be photographed in her sparkly maroon cocoon... maybe she's just stunned that the flashes don't go off more often. She and hubby Allesandro Nivola should both be much bigger stars than they are. But then, as I've said before, Hollywood is no meritocracy. Scarlett Johansson continues to be absurdly beautiful. That is all. Gemma Arterton wants to know why I included her. Consider it a thank you gift, Gemma. You're the only one that got Daniel Craig out of his clothes in Quantum of Solace.

How many of you are watching Damages? but I love her confidence and sensuality as "Claire Maddox". Marcia's roles usually leave her fighting for scraps on the sidelines. But there she is on Damages completely unafraid to play in Glenn Close's sandbox. More to the point, she acts like said sandbox is hers. While a handsome woman, she's not a typical screen beauty and she's pushing 50. But there she is on Damages languorously scrunching up her curls, seducing younger men and pulling up her stockings like some Attorney for the Defense of Mrs. Robinson. More to the point, she acts like those men are already hers.
She makes a strong case. Marcia Gay Harden can strut on my screen (big or small) any time she likes.
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First time I ever saw Marcia Gay Harden was in "First Wives Club"; I've always liked her interesting sensuality. Those legs in "First Wives Club", that dress she wore on her Oscar win. "Damages" sounds like it's getting better by the season.
I was about to say the second season of "Damages" has been a little dissapointing so far (nothing to do with Marcia, she's great as usual).
Re: great actresses currently on TV, how come you haven't posted anything about Toni Collette in "United States of Tara", Nat? Did I miss your post on the subject? Do you hate the series?
I am loving season two of Damages myself. But Nat, who are the young guys MGH is seducing? Certainly not William Hurt and Mark LaMura...
btw. that pic of julia on the front page under "blog" is why people hate julia roberts.
pony... i haven't seen Tara cuz i don't get Showtime :(
Paul... it was some waiter a few episodes back. It was a great punchline to a dinner scene.
I saw God of Carnage in London with Ralph Fiennes and it was very good indeed. Unfortunately, my seat was terrible, and so was the view. I mostly just watched the top of people's heads as they argued vociferously. I don't remember the details well enough to be able to picture who is in whose role or what that entails, but the general casting of the foursome on Broadway sounds promising. Wish I could see it again on this side of the pond.
And my is Marcia Gay sexy in that picture. She looks so... toned.
Oh yeah, that's right, Nat...after they tried to saddle her with Mark LaMura. ;-)
hey, you probably know but the oscars will take place on march (7th) next year . bye!
Marcia Gay Harden is such an under-rated actress.
you should see united states of tara!!!
download it, go to your friends house, whatever.. but check it out!
toni is great, but the surprise is his already out of the closet, film geek, teenage son
Can you be underrated if you're an Oscar winner, and Tony and Emmy nominee?
Mortimer is an underrated talent.
Scarlett Johansson is overrated in terms of both beauty and talent. Not vastly, but most definitely. She also seems kind of dense in interviews.
Yes, Marcia is absolutely fantastic in 'Damages'. It takes a strong woman to stand up to Glenn Close. Personally I think this season is turning out as good as the first- I did wonder about the flashforward thing at first but they've made it as intriguing as the first. I lurve that show.
I almost saw 'God in Carnage' in London (with an equally fantastic cast) but it was so bleedin' expensive.
Could Marcia win the Emmy (Damages) and the Tony (God of Carnage) this year? That would be amazing!
I think the first season of Damages will be so hard to top, but I think second season is getting so much more interesting the last few episodes. And Marcia and william Hurt is such a great addition to the cast! And also the guys from the Wire. Why doesn't people watch that show? I wish magazine covers (EW for example) not just put the same shows over and over again on the cover (Lost?). Nat, you HAVE to watch United STates of Tara, it is one of my favourite shows of the season, but somehow no one watches it:(
Toni Colette+John Corbet, with Diablo Cody and Spielberg as produce (?). I predict Emmy and Golden Globe love for Colette at least.
I think back to Damages, this season is less about intrigue than exploring the characters' motivations, emotions etc etc.
Marcia Gay Harden is lumionius in "Damages." When is not in an episode, something is missing. She has that "it" quality.
She came on my radar when she won her Oscar for "Pollock." I got into her fiercely since then.
She is boobilcious and I love it.
I first noticed MGH in Miller's Crossing. Blew my mind.
How come she and Penelope Cruz are the only ones who know how to wear a dress that fits?
Why isn't everyone watching this show?
I'm loving "Damages" this season. It's an imperfect show for sure, but it's rife with intrigue, more-so than most Hollywood-prescribed thrillers these days. And yes, Glenn Close is fantastic. Even when the material borders on pandering or even silly, she completely and faithfully throws herself into her performance. Sub-par plot contrivances are no match for Patty Hewes!
You can tell that Marcia Gay Harden and William Hurt are trying much too hard, like they're making a conscious effort to embody the "intellectual" TV drama. And then I wish that Rose Byrne would try a little bit harder. I will admit there is something uniquely alluring about Ms. Byrne's appearance, but I'm too distracted silently wishing that she'd eat a sandwich to notice most of the time.
Plus there's the obvious eye candy of Tim Olyphant and ZACHARY EFFING BOOTH who is clearly part angel. Overall, I'm having fun this season. I can't wait for the (90 minute!) finale next week, but I do feel like a lot of time was wasted this season on irrelevant tangents and falsified intrigue that has thus far ultimately led to a few too many "well, duh!"s.
PONY & MARSHALL1 - just saw the second episode of "United States of Tara" on MC and I have to agree! Emmy, Golden Globe and SAG nominations for Toni Collette, as long as they campaign the show as a comedy. I absolutely loved her as Alice; her meeting with Mr. Gurshnov had me laughing so hard. Two actresses who I noticed for the first time were Rosemarie DeWitt as Tara's sister Charmaine and Hayley McFarland as Petula (don't get me started on her outfit).
DeWitt, besides Collette, should get some award recognition; she had me hooked after her two short scenes. I love the little details in her work: the way she uses her voice and eyes during her mall conversation with Tara. If you haven't seen the show, I'd recommend it. If you can't see it, should make a great DVD rental.
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