top to bottom: Tahmoh Penikett as Captain Karl 'Helo' Agathon
James Callis as Dr. Gaius Baltar
Jamie Bamber as Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama
James Callis as Dr. Gaius Baltar
Jamie Bamber as Captain Lee 'Apollo' Adama
Michael Trucco as Ensign Samuel Anders
These are of course just four of the show's fellows... I coulda shoulda given some love to Chief or Hot Dog or Gaeta (I know a lot of people love Felix... I am not one of those people) or Tigh (poor grizzled hateful Tigh) or even Adama (he makes President Roslin's eyes light up), too... alas, the constraints of time and space and my own brittle patience were too great...
So, you see, besides all that intelligent junk about reflecting the world we live in now back at us through the prism of science fiction and what-not and what-have-you, BSG also succeeds as a veritable smorgasbord of hot asses. Hooray! Everybody wins. God I will miss this damn show!
ETA I forgot Callum Keith Rennie as Leoben,
and that cannot stand. Hot.
and that cannot stand. Hot.

But finally, I must dedicate this post
to my dear beloved boy Billy...

[sniffle] how can it be ending?!
I feel like my irrational love of Baltar has to explain something psychologically wrong with me. But how can you go for goody-two-shoes daddy's boy Apollo when there's a twisted Englishman lurking around??
(And I've only seen season one, so if my views on these guys are skewed, I apologize).
Also, I've not been watching this season, so I'm happy for no spoilers, but I have to come out and also declare myself as officially "gae" for Gaeta. He is my favorite, I'm sorry. I know it's kind of weird.
I hear ya, anonymous.
I know a lot of people who like Gaeta, BeRightBack, so it's not that weird. I think my hatred of him since Day 1 is the weird stance. I never liked him though (the character; I think Alessandro Juliani is a very good actor).
Katey, why can't we go for both the goody two-shoes AND the twisted Englishman? I want them all!!! ;-)
If I had to choose, I would go with Anders. I've always had a crush on him. I don't get the Gaeta love at all!
Whatever happened to Billy??
I'm very sad that BSG is ending :(
i'm totally pro Gaeta. Lurve him. He was even a sidebar crush of the week not too long ago on this blog..
but this season i've been all about Anders. I think it's the wounded puppy thing.
The love for Helo has been on like slow simmer for years but never bubbled over into full blown crush. Nice to look at though.
Fridays are crazy with sci-fi on tv. between Sarah Connors, Dollhouse and Battlestar it's like genre marathon every weekend.
I would not say no to any of them. But I'm more partial to Apollo. Love seeing him with his true accent on LAW & ORDER: UK.
But yeah how can this show be ending in a few days? I refused to believe it... until I'm surrounded by a pool of my tears come 11pm on Friday.
i am actually not watching it until Tuesday night. Which will take a herculean feat of strength but The Boyfriend is out of town and I promised to wait for him.
How...? What...? I... Huh? Just... how? You just blew my mind, Nat. I'd push my mother out a window if she got between me and the finale. ;-)
Baltar, Baltar, Baltar - all the rest pale in comparison.
I have to go with Billy on this one.
Or Apollo...
Or Anders...
Where is the hot cylon that they paired Starbuck with? He was the best. I know you love him, he had that German look going
the next thing you'd know is that they're ending madmen,30 rock and brothers and sisters....
the horror!
I can't believe I spaced on Callum Keith Rennie! Yes, I do love him.
Callum Keith Rennie. EVEN BETTER.
I just updated this post with Leoben because it was wrong, his absence. WRONG!
Ah, Apollo in a towel. Good times.
You always forget Leoben. You're insane.
I'm with Anna, Anders is the one who pushes my buttons!!! Although Helo also wins points as a solid guy you can count on... and Apollo is just fun to drool over! ;o)
But personally I'm crazier about the women! I can't believe there's this series that's been going on for over 4 years with all these amazingly talented women in such excellent roles! Riches in a drought of interesting female characters!!!!
damn! seems like the comment I wrote disappeared into the internet ether! :o(
Nate, I too will be postponing the immediate pleasure of watching this epic wrap up asap in exchange for the pleasure of watching it accompanied. In my case with my best friend who is the only person I here I've been able to get to watch (and so appreciate) this series. I just feel that I don't want to witness the end alone...
And they'd better give us some answers about Starbuck!!!
I'm going BSG crazy thins week! Have been writing a post or putting up a video each days as a sort of countdown to the end... feel free to check it out and share your thoughts! As I said, it's kind of lonely when you're one of the only you know with good enough taste to appreciate BSG for the masterpiece it is!
So glad someone finally did this. Well, I did something akin to this on my little blog a while back, but I'm glad the utter hotness on this show is finally getting the attention it deserves.
I always thought it was basically assumed that Apollo, Anders & Helo were the Trio of Ultimate Hotness (you know... muscles), with Billy and Gaeta hovering around the sidelines in the "speciality tastes" zone. So I'm surprised Baltar was included in this Final Four of sorts (though I've always found him sexy).
For me it's always been all about Samuel T. Anders... he just has that scorching, mischievous, muskrat face that drives me wild... and a tall, muscled body to die for. Plus, the character is such a sweetheart. Though you can't really argue with Apollo in the towel. Anders is just a personal thing.
But also for the record, I must point out that I **SPOILERS** called Gaeta as gay WAAAAAAY before the show ever revealed/decided that he was. It was so obvious. The isolation. The friendship with Dee (instead of the other men). The vaguely sketched crush on Baltar. Everything. And though he was never my personal favorite, I definitely see the appeal. The singing upped his sex appeal tenfold.
I've had a super crush on Callum Keith Rennie since his awkward kiss with his best friend in Last Night. My favorite BSG moment involving his character would be when he helps Roslin cut through Gaeta's jamming signal during the mutiny and he gives her the good boy smile <3
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